What happened to the old website?
Some time around 2002 AOL abandoned support for its so-called “members” home pages on which “NTSC User On Line” was hosted. It was still theoretically possible to update pages using a third-party editor and then saving them to hard drive but each text file and picture then had to be uploaded individually via FTP which was an incredibly tedious process. The direct WYSIWYG interface was lost so even tiny alterations to the way objects were displayed could not be predicted in advance. To complicate matters further, many of the images were in AOL’s proprietary “.art” format which is no longer supported by any browser. I soldiered-on for as long as I could but was eventually overwhelmed by the workload.
By this time chief-contributor Mark Rivera already had his own website where he could publish his reviews. In many ways Genre Online continued from where NTSC User On Line had left-off in 2002.