‘Batman’ franchise to be rebooted

Christian Bale as Batman

Warner Bros chief Jeff Robinov has admitted that Batman is going to be “reinvented”.

Robinov explained that after the third in the current Batman series, the franchise will be completely altered.

He further revealed that current director Christopher Nolan will produce the reboot alongside wife Emma Thomas.

Robinov said: “We have the third Batman, but then we’ll have to reinvent Batman.”

When asked if he meant a reboot, he replied: “I do. Chris Nolan and [producing partner and wife] Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is.”

In addition, superhero film Justice League is set to be released in 2013, a year after The Dark Knight Rises and Superman: Man of Steel come to the big screen.

However, the director and stars of the film are yet to be decided.

Also on Warner Bros’ agenda are movies The Flash and Wonder Woman, which are expected to spin off from the Justice League film. Greg Berlanti allegedly turned in a script for The Flash last December, yet no news has been heard since.

Robinov commented: “Wonder Woman could be a film as well, the same way that Superman Returns came out while Smallville was on.”