Chrissie Hynde under fire for rape comments

Chrissie Hynde under fire for rape comments

Postby ntscuser » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:00 am

Chrissie Hynde has faced criticism for suggesting that victims of rape should take some blame if they dress provocatively.


The musician then implied that women who dress provocatively should take some responsibility if they are sexually assaulted.

"If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk? Who else's fault can it be?" she argued.

"If I'm walking around and I'm very modestly dressed and I'm keeping to myself and someone attacks me, then I'd say that's his fault.

"But if I'm being very lairy and putting it about and being provocative, then you are enticing someone who's already unhinged - don't do that.

"Come on! That's just common sense. You know, if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him."

Hynde concluded: "If you're wearing something that says, 'Come and f**k me', you'd better be good on your feet... I don't think I'm saying anything controversial, am I?"
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