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Coronation Street confirms death storyline for a former character [Spoiler]

Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:22 pm

Poor Audrey and Rita

Coronation Street has confirmed the off-screen death of a former character in the run-up to Christmas.

In an episode that will be broadcast on Friday, December 14, Audrey Roberts will tell Rita Sullivan that Archie Shuttleworth has died.

'Archie who?', we hear you ask. Well, let us take you on a trip down memory lane street.

Archie was the local undertaker who first appeared on the soap in 2002, hanging around for a year before leaving and popping back briefly in both 2006 and 2010.

He was a mischievous friend of Rita and Audrey, having flirted with both of them and telling them both they should work with dead people. He last appeared at Blanche's funeral.

Audrey is going to have quite the dramatic Christmas this year, as she will receive a large surprise windfall. Unfortunately for her, devious Lewis Archer is still hanging around, and he's got his eyes on that money.

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 7:30pm and 8:30pm on ITV.

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