All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:29 pm

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:47 pm

US Supreme Court blocks Biden's workplace vaccine mandate


The US Supreme Court has blocked President Joe Biden's rule requiring workers at large companies to be vaccinated or masked and tested weekly.

The justices at the nation's highest court said the mandate exceeded the Biden administration's authority.

The administration's workplace vaccine mandate would have required workers to receive a Covid-19 shot, or be masked and tested weekly at their own expense.

It would have applied to workplaces with at least 100 employees and affected some 84 million workers. It was designed to be enforced by employers.

Opponents, including several Republican states and some business groups, said the administration was over-stepping its power with the requirements, which were introduced in November and immediately drew legal challenges.

In a 6-3 decision, the justices agreed with that argument, saying that the workplace safety rule for large employers was too broad to fall under the authority of the Department of Labor's Occupational Health and Safety Administration to regulate workplace safety.

"This is no 'everyday exercise of federal power,'" they wrote. "It is instead a significant encroachment on the lives - and health - of a vast number of employees."

The National Federation of Independent Businesses, a lobby group that was one of the lead plaintiffs challenging the government's workplace vaccine rule, had charged that it would burden small-business owners with new compliance costs, make it harder to fill positions and lead to lost profits and lost sales.

"Today's decision is welcome relief for America's small businesses, who are still trying to get their business back on track since the beginning of the pandemic," said Karen Harned, executive director of the group's legal arm.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:33 am

Clothing chain Next has reduced sick pay for unvaccinated staff who have to self-isolate because of Covid exposure.
The retailer follows a similar move by furniture giant Ikea, and said its new policy stemmed from having to balance staff and shareholder needs. It was, however, an “emotive topic”, it conceded. Unvaccinated staff will still get full sick pay if they test positive for the virus. Employers across the UK are facing mass absences because of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant and the government has extended the period for which employees do not need a note from their doctor to remain off work. The BBC said it was unclear when Next made the change but it is believed to have been recent. Unvaccinated workers at Next who are required to isolate having been identified as a close contact of someone with Covid could now receive as little as £96.35 a week - the statutory sick pay minimum - unless there are mitigating circumstances. People who have been vaccinated no longer need to isolate if they have been exposed to a positive case under official self-isolation guidance issued last month. If a fully vaccinated person tests positive themselves, however, they need to self isolate for five days (reduced from seven). But guidance for unvaccinated close contacts, who must still self-isolate for 10 full days after their date of exposure, has not been changed.


This will backfire spectacularly.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:52 am

Morrisons (and I presume some other employers) have always done that to employees off work with 'flu.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:10 am

If you look in the right places, the 'truth' such as it is, is available.

I pulled the table below from the latest UKHSA briefing notes...


These vaccines are so good, aren't they? :hysterical:
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:24 am

Oh dear, oh dear...

Large numbers of Britons were already protected from coronavirus before the pandemic began because of previous exposure to common colds, a groundbreaking new study suggests...

Source: (pay-walled)
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Sun Jan 16, 2022 5:06 am

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:14 pm

Fourth COVID vaccine still doesn’t stop Omicron, new Israeli study shows


Even a fourth shot of a COVID-19 vaccine is “not good enough” to prevent Omicron, according to a preliminary study in Israel.

Sheba Hospital last month tested a fourth shot given to more than 270 medical workers, with 154 getting the Pfizer jab and 120 receiving Moderna.

The researchers revealed Monday that both groups showed a “slightly higher” increase in antibodies than after the third shot — but still not enough to prevent Omicron, the latest variant responsible for the vast majority of infections around the world.

“Despite increased antibody levels, the fourth vaccine only offers a partial defense against the virus,” said Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, director of the hospital’s infection disease unit leading the study.

The study saw “many infected with Omicron who received the fourth dose,” she said. “Granted, a bit less than in the control group, but still a lot of infections.”

“The vaccines, which were more effective against previous variants, offer less protection versus Omicron,” Regev-Yochay said, adding that the vaccines are “not good enough” to prevent the less-severe new variant.

The study raised questions about Israel’s decision to be the first in the world to offer a second booster shot — and fourth overall — to its over-60 population.

The government says over 500,000 people have received the second booster in recent weeks. But the country has still seen record-high infections recently, even though 80 percent of Israel’s adult residents have received two shots and more than half have gotten boosted.

Hours after releasing the results, Sheba Hospital called for “continuing the vaccination drive … even though the vaccine doesn’t provide optimal protection against getting infected with the variant.”

Hebrew media reported that the hospital was pressured into issuing that statement after the Health Ministry didn’t like the study’s results, according to the Times of Israel.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:47 pm

There is now solid evidence emerging that these 'vaccines' are actually having a negative effect. ie, if you've had one, you are more likely to get covid. - Not to worry though, the survival rate is still well over 99%! ;)

There was a phone call with (I think) a neurologist recorded and posted on social media where the neurologist was advising the caller not to have a vaccine booster shot, and she was saying that it was looking increasingly likely (due to adverse reactions) that the 'vaccine' programme was likely to be brought to rather an abrupt end in the near future.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:24 am

According to Nigel Farage on GB News, the number of covid deaths with no underlying conditions is around 17,000. If this is correct, the push for these vaccines is laughable.

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