Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

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Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:40 pm

You must wear a face covering when travelling on public transport from Monday 15 June

In line with the latest Government guidance, face coverings must be worn for the full duration of journeys on public transport from Monday 15 June.

Yours protects them and theirs protects you - Scientific advice says that face coverings can help reduce the chance of infecting others while out in public.

However, it is important to remember that face coverings are not a replacement for social distancing and you should still do this wherever possible alongside regular hand washing.

Why do I need to wear a face covering on public transport?

When using public transport people may be more likely to be in enclosed spaces for longer periods of time where. We know this means there is a greater risk of the virus spreading and social distancing is likely to be difficult to follow consistently. This differs from enclosed spaces like shops, for example, where people can more easily go outside if social distancing is not possible and where shop owners can place limits on the number of customers allowed inside at any one time. The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has set out that using face coverings in this setting can provide some small additional protection to fellow passengers and can help people to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus if they are suffering from coronavirus, but not showing symptoms.

What will happen if I don't wear a face covering?

You are not allowed to get on public transport if you are not wearing a face covering unless you have a legitimate reason for not wearing one, please find the list of people exempt from wearing a face covering https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-for-passengers#exemptions-face-coverings.

Transport staff may tell you not to board or ask you to get off.

If you refuse to wear a face covering, you can receive a fine from the police. The fixed penalty notice will require you to pay £100 (reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days).

What is a face covering?

Face coverings can be a simple cloth or scarf that covers the nose and mouth. They can be homemade from things you can find around the house or shop-bought.

Find out how you can make yours and tips while you wear it, by visiting our dedicated webpage https://www.networkwestmidlands.com/plan-your-journey/network-overview/advice-while-travelling-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/face-coverings/

Source: Personal email
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Re: Changes to where buses will stop in Coventry city centre from today

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:29 pm

Another grabbing money scandle for the public .
Eg You dont need to wear a mask if it causes distress . Wearing a mask causes stress depletes the oxygen in your blood and lowers the immune system making it easier for you to catch things and its been killing a lot of people wearing one .

I was told today by wheel chair services you should nt wear a mask for more than 20mins as you are breathing in carbon monoxide when wearing a mask. journeys on public transport can take a lot longer.
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Re: Changes to where buses will stop in Coventry city centre from today

Postby dutchman » Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:36 pm

I ordered some sugical masks just in case I need to use a bus.

They are currently five for £5 at Morrisons but TWENTY for £2.40 at Amazon (delivered!) :shock:
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Re: Changes to where buses will stop in Coventry city centre from today

Postby Melisandre » Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:40 pm

dutchman wrote:I ordered some sugical masks just in case I need to use a bus.

They are currently five for £5 at Morrisons but TWENTY for £2.40 at Amazon (delivered!) :shock:

Thats a bargain shows how much the others make on the masks.
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Re: Changes to where buses will stop in Coventry city centre from today

Postby dutchman » Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:03 am

These are the cloth variety which don't provide and protection for the actual wearer, just to those nearby.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:17 pm

According to doctors on you tube no mask fully protects you . Whats the point on wearing masks if your eyes are not protected as your nose and mouth have automatically naturally defences they have their own protection but the eyes have no protection what so ever.
Also air conditioning spreads it further .
Then the hotter the bus with a heater on increases germs hence why they tell you to have central heating on just take the chill off the air as heat increases germs .
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby dutchman » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:20 am

Four days ago I was the only customer in Morrisons NOT wearing a face mask and felt like a complete pillock.

Today I was the only one WEARING a face mask and felt like an even bigger pillock! :clown:
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Re: Changes to where buses will stop in Coventry city centre from today

Postby dutchman » Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:41 pm

dutchman wrote:I ordered some sugical masks just in case I need to use a bus.

They are currently five for £5 at Morrisons but TWENTY for £2.40 at Amazon (delivered!) :shock:

The price has shot up to £3.47 thanks to Big Mouth! :clown:

Will probably rise even higher as stocks are exhausted.


Also what about people with breathing difficulties who can't wear a mask, how are they supposed to shop for food, visit the bank, etc?
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby dutchman » Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:56 pm

Boris Johnson says face masks should be worn in shops in England


Boris Johnson has urged the public in England to wear masks in shops as “extra insurance” against the coronavirus, and hinted the government could be poised to make them mandatory.

Downing Street has also hinted that guidance encouraging employees to work from home where possible is under review, after Johnson suggested workers could return if effective protective measures were in place.

The prime minister said evidence “has been growing” on the effectiveness of wearing masks in public spaces, after coming under pressure to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory in England in line with the more stringent guidance in Scotland.

He told Sky News the government would be looking at the scientific evidence and “saying more in the next few days”.

“The scientific evidence of face coverings, and the importance of stopping aerosol droplets; that’s been growing,” Johnson said. “So I do think that in shops it is very important to wear a face covering.”

Asked specifically whether face coverings would be made mandatory in shops in England, as they already are on public transport, he said the government was considering what “tools of enforcement” would be used to increase compliance.

Johnson was photographed wearing a face covering for the first time on Friday, coinciding with an information campaign from the government to nudge people to wear masks in shops.

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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:32 pm

If the fop haired muppet thinks making people wear masks in shops is a good idea he needs to think again. All he will do is drive people away from the shops and back to online shopping.

As an aside, I notice that plenty of bus travellers are not wearing face coverings!
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