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"Well Done"

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:12 pm
I had some trouble sleeping last night and I had this idea of highlighting Henry Jones Sr. because he grows into a not only a hero on one level, but he bonds with his son more so that he is able to show him affection. So my first cut was eight minutes, so as I had with my experiments with Once Upon A Time In The West, I had to cut ruthlessly down to what I thought was most vital and then cut some more. Literally shaving seconds here and there and looking at how it was edited and experimenting with how the order of shots impacted the scene, did it the action and flow of thescene’s intent come across because a good action picture should be just as an emotional experience as a romance or a tragedy.

So I ultimately cropped certain shots while I took audio from one scene that I needed to delete and put it in another where unless you are examining on a big screen, you won’t notice the difference especially on a mobile screen aspect ratio on a cell phone and even then if I made no mention at all, some would not notice it because they would not be looking for it.

So that’s it. Like I did with the Leone shorts, I chose a name from the dialog to identify the clips. Since this is meant to be two minutes and I had to split it down to one minute each, I just named the shorts Well Done 1 & 2.

I really wish this kind of technology existed when I went to film school. The technology of film editing when I was an undergrad had not changed much since perhaps the 1920s or 30s. I am not exaggerating either. So look if you can learn something from this it is don’t copy what I do because I am not master filmmaker like Steven Spielberg. Learn from the best. Examine his films on your own and see what you would do if you were given a roll of footage in class and told make something out of it. That is literally what we did in Film Editing 1 back when I was there and now all you need is a few apps and a smart phone. I claim no copyright or ownership to anything. This is the property of Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney, Lucasfilm and Mr. Spielberg and all who actually labored on this classic. I claim nothing so please don’t ban these two shorts with a copyright strike or worse. Thank you.

Links to the two part short Version.

Well Done 1.

Well Done 2.

Click below to view it complete as one on YouTube.