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Serial drink-driver avoids jail 'for being a woman'

Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:36 am

A judge gave a serial drink-driver a chance to avoid jail because she is a woman


Victoria Parry, 30, hit three other cars after downing a bottle of wine.

Prosecutor Tim Sapwell said Parry caught a van's rear bumper, a Vauxhall Insignia's wing mirror, then the side of a BMW "very heavily" in the crash.

He told Warwick Crown Court it caused her Fiat to spin off the A46 near Stratford-upon-Avon into a wooded area where it caught fire.

An off-duty police officer pulled her from the car, and Parry, who was banned from the road at the time, told him she had drunk a bottle of wine and "shouldn't be driving", Mr Sapwell said.

She was arrested, and registered a reading of almost three times the legal limit at a police station.

Lucy Tapper, defending, said Parry had a "considerable drink problem" after a 15-year abusive relationship, but had begun to tackle her alcohol intake.

The judge said: "If Miss Parry was a man, there is no question it would have been straight down the stairs, because this is a shocking case of dangerous driving against a background of two previous convictions for excess alcohol."

But, she said, the offence had been committed in May 2018, and Parry, who had admitted dangerous driving, had not been in trouble since.

"She has clearly got an alcohol problem. She is, whether she admits it or not, an alcoholic," the judge said.

Deferring sentencing for three months, judge Buckingham told Parry she "richly deserved" an immediate custodial term of 18 months.

"I want to see whether you can really address the issues rather than paying lip service," she said.

She ordered Parry to abstain from alcohol, attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and pay for private counselling.

If Parry complied, she said, the custody would not be made immediate.

"If you don't comply, I will conclude that you are not worthy of the chance," the judge added.

The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office confirmed it received a complaint about the remarks attributed to the judge.


Re: Serial drink-driver avoids jail 'for being a woman'

Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:35 am

This is plain wrong. Her sex is immaterial. The judge should be disciplined.

Re: Serial drink-driver avoids jail 'for being a woman'

Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:41 pm

Judge faces no action over drink-driver 'being a woman' remark


A judge who said a drink-driver deserved a chance to avoid jail because she is a woman will not face sanctions.

Victoria Parry, 31, collided with three vehicles which caused her Fiat to spin off the A46, near Stratford-upon-Avon.

In April, Judge Sarah Buckingham was investigated after she said Parry would have gone "straight down the stairs" to jail if she was a man.

But the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) said there was now no "outstanding complaint".

During sentencing, Judge Buckingham said the dangerous driving was "dreadful and appalling" and it was "merciful" no-one was injured.

She said: "Prison was richly deserved but the court wanted to see if any positive changes could be made and sustained."

Judge Buckingham said she would honour her previous indication not to send Parry to prison after it was "definitely clear to see what progress you would make".

Parry was also banned from driving for two years and will undertake a 12-month rehabilitation requirement.


She was already banned from driving before she committed the offence! :clown:

Re: Serial drink-driver avoids jail 'for being a woman'

Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:32 pm

The judiciary will always protect their own. This judge was completely out of order and should have been disciplined.
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