Anger at planned move of city landmark

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby rebbonk » Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:46 pm

People who commented on the previous Planning Application for the “Removal of the Coventry Cross Sculpture” will not be heard when the new planning application is considered by Planning Committee on 15th November, the Coventry Society has learned.

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby dutchman » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:27 am

Coventry Cross monument set to be relocated closer to cathedral quarter after 830-name petition


THE HISTORIC Coventry Cross monument is set to be relocated to a position closer to the cathedral quarter after an 830-name petition prompted a council rethink.

Cabinet member for jobs and regeneration Jim O’Boyle said he was compromising on the location due to concerns the cross would be ripped from its home in Trinity Square behind Holy Trinity Church in the cathedral quarter and placed in an inappropriate setting.

As we have reported, the original plans proposed moving the cross to a new position behind Primark, opposite Greggs, in Ironmonger Row.

Coun O’Boyle said today he is now proposing the 1976 replica of the 14th century landmark should be positioned opposite the road from Holy Trinity Church.

He also said the petition – put forward by conservation organisation the Coventry Society – would be considered at a planning committee meeting today at 2pm, amid accusations it would be ignored from a planning application being resubmitted.

The plan is to move the cross – at a cost of at least £150,000 to city taxpayers – to make way for expansion plans for Cathedral Lanes and its new restaurants.

He said: “We wanted to have the Coventry Cross – as people know it – as close to its original location as possible.

“I accept that Ironmonger Row isn’t the best location.

“But we want to use the best of the old with the best of the new.

“It has never been our intention just to knock the damned thing down.

“The original planning application wasn’t adequate for what we wanted to do and clearly a council officer didn’t do their job very well, so that was withdrawn.”

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby dutchman » Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:58 am

This is what's happening to the Coventry Cross


The Coventry Cross - a replica of the medieval monument which sands proudly in the city centre - is starting to be dismantled in a move that will see it relocated.

It had been earmarked for a move since before Christmas, but the move is now starting to take place.

Scaffolding and sheeting has gone up around the landmark in preparation for the move.

Railings have also been put up around the cross while workmen get started on taking it down.

The scaffolding has gone up around it to the top while sheets cover the landmark itself.

It isn't known how long it will take to dismantle.

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby rebbonk » Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:46 am

Once the cross is down, I suspect it'll be many years before it sees the light of day again
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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby Melisandre » Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:06 pm

My thoughts exactly Rebbonk.
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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby dutchman » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:52 pm

Henry VI statue to stand by restored Coventry Cross


A 3D-printed statue of Henry VI will be erected in Coventry as part of an £800,000 project in the city centre.

The city council said it would be an exact replica of a statue made in the 1500s, which is now housed in the Herbert Art Gallery.

It will stand close to a 1976 replica of the Coventry Cross which is being returned to the city centre.

Work to rebuild the 57-foot cross in its new location is expected to be finished in the spring.

The cross was removed four years ago and the replacement will stand close to Primark and opposite the Holy Trinity Church, the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) said.

Labour Coventry City councillor Jim O'Boyle said he had the idea to install a statue of Henry VI when he was told about the original in the Herbert, but historians told him the original was too old and fragile.

So instead, Mr O'Boyle said he asked Coventry firm HPL to have a copy made.

"It's the best of the old and the best of the new, I am really proud of that," he said.

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby dutchman » Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:26 am

Modern Coventry replica of ancient landmark unveiled


A modern replica of an ancient landmark has been unveiled in Coventry.

The 57ft (17.42m) high Coventry Cross is the latest incarnation of a 16th Century sculpture previously located on Cuckoo Lane in the city centre.

Rebuilt in Broadgate, closer to its original location near Holy Trinity Church, it was officially revealed by councillors on Thursday.

Artist George Wagstaff said he thought the new location was "better than the original".

"It fits in beautifully with Holy Trinity, which is behind it, so I think people will really like that," he said.

"Obviously the footfall there is massive so thousands of people will see it there every day."

The monument, which has been replaced numerous times, originally functioned as a meeting point.

It was removed from a position on Cuckoo lane in 2021 as part of city centre regeneration plans and later dismantled.

"It was all in different boxes in barns in a farm in Shropshire. It's amazing that it's gone together as it is," Mr Wagstaff said.

The latest version has stained glass depicting modern scenes of Coventry, alongside statues of animals, angels and saints.

For the first time the public can look inside the cross, which is now features a 3D-printed statue of King Henry VI.

"I loved the idea of the stained glass," Mr Wagstaff added.

"It's subtle, it's nicely done. It opens up the base of the cross which was originally solid and I think that really is inspirational."

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Re: Anger at planned move of city landmark

Postby rebbonk » Fri Jul 14, 2023 10:37 am

That's going to make a wonderful climbing frame for the weekend revellers! :lol:
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