Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:16 pm

What about the 1972 Great Repeal Act which the public have been saying she should of acted on. ... 43256.html
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:30 am

David Davis and Steve Baker have RESIGNED following Brexit Chequers meeting


BREXIT Secretary David Davis has resigned from the Cabinet following the Brexit outcome reached at Chequers.

Sarah O’Grady, the wife of David Davis’ chief of staff Stewart Jackson, said: “Breaking. David Davis resigns.

“He decided he couldn’t sell out his own country. Resignation.”

Steve Baker, Conservative MP and Brexit minister, has also quit the Government following Mrs May’s proposal.

Before his resignation, it was understood a leadership challenge against Theresa May was imminent with letters calling for a no-confidence vote in the Prime Minister piling up.

Letters are said to be being lodged with Graham Brady, Chairman of the influential 1922 Committee.

Conservative MP Peter Bone supported Mr Davis’ decision, stating: “David Davis has done the right thing, a principled and brave decision.

"The PM's proposals for a Brexit in name only are not acceptable."

Two senior sources confirmed Mr Davis’ resignation from the Cabinet.

Mr Davies was appointed Brexit Secretary in 2016 following Mrs May’s election as Prime Minister.

There is growing speculation that Mrs May’s plans may spark a leadership challenge by pro-Brexit Conservative MPs.

A leadership contest could be triggered if 48 Conservative MPs formally submit letters to the 1922 Committee.

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:39 pm

Boris Johnson quits to add to pressure on May over Brexit


Boris Johnson has resigned as Foreign Secretary amid a growing political crisis over the UK's Brexit strategy.

He is the second senior cabinet minister to quit within hours following Brexit Secretary David Davis's exit.

His departure came shortly before Theresa May is due to address Parliament about her new Brexit plan, which has angered many Tory MPs.

In a statement, No 10 thanked Mr Johnson for his work and said a replacement would be announced shortly.

The BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg said Mr Johnson's exit had turned an "embarrassing and difficult situation for the PM into potentially a full-blown crisis".

She said he was not any ordinary cabinet minister but was the "face" of the Leave campaign during the 2016 referendum and his departure would fuel speculation about a leadership challenge.

Labour said his exit - on top of Mr Davis's departure - left Theresa May with "zero authority".

Mr Johnson, who has been foreign secretary since June 2016, had been due to attend a summit on the future of the Western Balkans in London but did not show up - fuelling rumours about his imminent departure.

Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson said the government was "in meltdown".

"This is complete and utter chaos," he said. "The country is at a standstill with a divided and shambolic government. The prime minister can't deliver Brexit and has zero authority left."

But Mr Johnson's move was welcomed by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who said the ex-mayor of London had the chance to "save Brexit".

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:04 pm

I am not surprised if there comes a vote of no confidence and another election as I said from the start they will let Labour in to blame them for remaining in the EU that's if either party get any votes from public the thrèe main party's have provern they are traitors to the British electorates and democracy already.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:49 pm

I listened to two MPs on BBC earlier. Both essentially said the same thing:- Tell the EU that negotiations are at an end. We'll leave on the appointed date on WTO terms, and only honour any legal obligations we have: There will be no 'exit' fee! If they wish to negotiate on this, they better get their skates on and talk to us. Doing this, everyone knows exactly where they stand.

Both also pointed out that the 'big' businesses griping at the moment (JLR, Siemens, Airbus.) have strong Germanic connections so are bound to be rooting for the EU, hence their bleating ought not be taken too seriously.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:09 pm

Thank you Rebbonk for the letting us know what was said most of the replies on news public replies want a clear out of Westminster now and MPs to be accountable for their manifestos . Most say they want fully out of the EU that is what they voted for and quoting Cameron's booklet he sent out .
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:40 pm

I always said that I thought we'd have the Devil's own game to be rid of the EU, my views haven't changed. Far too many of our politicians are not interested in representing their constituents or looking after the good of the country, but are interested in furthering their own monetary and material interests. :fuming:
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:13 pm

Britain turns against Theresa May on Brexit, Sky Data poll finds


The British public no longer has faith in Theresa May to negotiate Brexit, with two in three saying they do not trust her to get the best possible deal, a Sky Data poll reveals.

Some 64% of Britons do not trust her to run Brexit negotiations - up 31 percentage points from when we last asked the question in March 2017.

Just 22% now trust her to get the best possible deal, down 32 points from last year, with 14% unsure.

In March 2017, some 54% trusted her to get the best Brexit deal possible and just 33% did not trust her.

This comes following the resignations of David Davis as Brexit secretary and Steve Baker as a junior Brexit minister - with fieldwork for the poll finishing just prior to the further resignation of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary.

Just 30% of Britons think Theresa May is the best Conservative to lead Brexit negotiations, with 44% saying someone else within the party would be better suited, and 26% answered that they don't know.

Britons are uncertain what the likeliest outcome is of Brexit on a day of government chaos.

Those believing that there will be a deal of some sort agreed with the EU are effectively neck-and-neck with people who think there will be a Brexit with no deal agreed - 37% expect a deal, 34% expect Brexit to happen without a deal being agreed.

Just over one in five - 22% - think the likeliest outcome is that Britain remains in the EU, while 7% say they don't know.

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:18 pm

The problem is if she goes, who takes her place?

Do we get another Tory foisted on us or do we get a general election?

On balance, I think I'd prefer an election, but to my mind we have such a weak bunch on offer I'd be likely to spoil my paper.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:13 pm

Your not on your own Rebbonk in spoiling your vote I am sure the government said a while ago spoilt votes will be ignored now. The question should be are there any capable of running this country Imo there is nt as none have had the experience as they have just followed what the EU has instructed them to do.

The public want a broader representation in Westminster and Parliament for the ordanary people also the voting system altered that you vote just for one no seconds. . In the news yesterday Nigel Fararge say s he is coming back to lead Ukip and is going to push the Tory PMs out.
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