"Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby dutchman » Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:38 pm

Church of England could sell mansion after Syrian refugee centre plans scrapped


A rural 18th Century Warwickshire mansion which served as a religious retreat may be sold off after plans to become a centre for Syrian refugees fell through.

The Church of England is currently looking for partners to help redevelop Offa House, near Leamington, in an effort to reopen the property as a “place of spiritual renewal for the Diocese and beyond”.

However, it also admits it could be forced to lease or sell the unused Grade II listed building if it can’t find a partnership with an “aligned’ organisation.

Proposals were put forward to Warwick District Council in October last year to turn the Georgian building, in Village Street, Offchurch, into short-term accommodation for refugees.

But these plans - put forward by Diocese of Coventry - were scrapped after the a government decision that refugees should go straight into permanent housing.

The Rt Rev Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry, said: “I am sorry to say that the Home Office no longer has the need to use Offa House as short-term accommodation for Syrian refugees.

“For the past six months, discussions with the Home Office have been our only focus. From now it will be our primary focus, but we will also be actively pursuing three other options.”

The CofE is considering the re-opening of Offa House as a retreat, a partnership with an aligned organisation, or the sale ot long-term lease of the property.

Offa House has been a retreat and conference centree for the Diocese since 1962 and offers substantial car parking.

Interested organisations should call Tim Coleman on 07740 818337 or e-mail tim.coleman@covcofe.org by September 8.

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby dutchman » Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:21 pm

City council calls on Coventrians to help bring 300 refugee children to Britain

Coun John Mutton

Coventry council is inviting residents to sign a petition to help bring 300 refugee children trapped in Calais over to Britain.

A petition is being circulated online calling for the Government to bring over hundreds of children in time for the start of a new school year.

The city’s councillors are encouraging residents to offer their support to the refugees, 105 of whom already live in the city.

The campaign was started by Labour peer Lord Alfred Dubs who was a child refugee, rescued by the UK in 1938 from the Nazis.

At the time of writing, the campaign had nearly 58,000 signatories.

Coun John Mutton has offered his support to the campaign and is encouraging all those that feel moved by the campaign to add their names to the petition.

He said: “It has often been said that a sign of a civilised society is how they treat vulnerable people less fortunate than themselves.

“Some of the most vulnerable children in the world are stuck in the refugee camp in Calais, being exploited.

“We have the chance to live up to our reputation of being a compassionate and caring city by all signing the petition.”

Coventry is currently home to 105 Syrian refugees who have been placed here through a government scheme to settle those fleeing war and persecution.

Earlier this month, Coun Ed Ruane condemned other local authorities for not doing as much for refugees as Coventrians.

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby rebbonk » Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:08 pm

Let Mutton lead the way and take a couple in at his own expense. :stir:
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby Melisandre » Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:04 am

He said: “It has often been said that a sign of a civilised society is how they treat vulnerable people less fortunate than themselves.

Then they should begin with their own Coventry children first with sign boards adverts placed on roundabouts in Keresley Coundon Walsgrave for to be given a home to our children here for adoption . Then trying to cut the services of our own disabled where Councilor Kershaw was attacked. Then especially when our vunrable are having to live off food banks .

“We have the chance to live up to our reputation of being a compassionate and caring city by all signing the petition.”

Going by my comment above what compassionate reputation .
Also how long before these children ? from the French camps become home grown terrorists they can try and control by camera the whole of us but they can not control any ones thoughts and feelings.
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby rebbonk » Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:42 pm

Quite frankly, it makes me sick. These people are not refugees. Refugees do not travel through numerous countries until they get to one that they like the look of.

Why have they not claimed asylum in the first safe country that they have reached, or even in France? How are they possibly in danger in France?

It's time the good people of the UK woke up and realised that they are being taken for a ride.
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby Melisandre » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:57 pm

Thats correct Rebbonk asylum is claimed at the first safe country yes France is a safe country for them .

The answer is simple Rebbonk France do not gag their people nor pay social for the children only the parents France houses and puts its own people first and their own religion they do nt get offered new build houses or large homes before their own they are placed into flats. In some other countries who take them in they make these people pay back what it has cost their country to keep them as soon as they are allowed to work it is taken straight out of their wages when I looked it all up .

Just incase I am asked to prove the facts of making them pay for tgeir costs
This is also in the Guardian news to. Some countries are even doing age test of so called children .
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... years.html

My question is out of all the countries that have taken some of these why has nt Saudi Arabia taken any after all they are a rich country also of the same religion which I am sure these people would feel more comfortable with. Are these children or young aldults like who has been taken in before and how long will it be before their whole family will follow because their children are here our services can nt cope now especially our hospital.
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby rebbonk » Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:26 pm

Saudi won't take them because they know what they are.

To quote a source of mine in the ME, "They're the wrong type of Muslim!"
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby Melisandre » Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:32 pm

rebbonk wrote:Saudi won't take them because they know what they are.


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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby dutchman » Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:10 pm

rebbonk wrote:Saudi won't take them because they know what they are.

To quote a source of mine in the ME, "They're the wrong type of Muslim!"

Yes "poor"! :lol:
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby dutchman » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:30 am

Coventry Council says other towns and cities should be forced to take in refugees

Coventry City Council have demanded that other local authorities in the country are forced to take in Syrian refugees.

Councillors almost unanimously called on the Prime Minister Theresa May to make it impossible for other councils to shy away from taking in those fleeing the conflict in Syria.

Members voted on the issue during a full council meeting on Tuesday when Labour Coun Abdul Khan, deputy leader, put forward a motion which insisted other local authorities should be made to follow Coventry’s lead and that there should be a timetable for when refugees should be taken in.

Coun Khan said: “This country is failing in its moral duty to help Syrian refugees and help them to raise their families free from terror.

“Coventry has lived up to its title as a city of sanctuary by re-homing 105 refugees, the largest number in the country.

“We believe it is right to help those in need and we are very proud for the way our residents have made them feel at home and part of our communities.”

Coun Khan said only one in six local authorities had re-homed refugees and that insisted this was “simply not good enough”.

He added: “There’s no excuse for councils, wherever they are in the UK, to not take Syrian refugees.

“If councils don’t enjoy diverse communities, it’s about time they did so.”

Conservative leader John Blundell put forward a motion asking for the call for compulsory quotas and time tables to be removed, insisting that the fact councils were re-homing refugees voluntarily was the best approach.

The numbers given by Coun Khan were also disputed by Coun Blundell who said 118 out of 160 local authorities had actually agreed to take Syrian refugees and a government target of 20,000 had already been met.

He said: “I’m very proud that Coventry is a pioneer of taking Syrian refugees, that’s something I would commend.

“The government is fulfilling its duty and there’s no need for the demand to the prime minister.

“By and large the British people have fulfilled the promise that the government made.”

Labour Coun Ann Lucas said that councillors had received hate mail as a result of the city’s policy to re-home Syrian refugees.

She said: “There were words that even I didn’t know existed, but what struck me was that the messages were filled with misinformation.

“Refugees are “some of the most damaged people you will ever find. While they’re here, let’s make them welcome.”

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