Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby Melisandre » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:01 am

I question the sainty of our council when not so long ago they published this in the news. ... ed-8055383

Yet they continue to persist in wanting to increase the population of Coventry this will increase car volume which recently has been discovered most cars are now not enviromently safe also will increase public transport producing more toxic fumes causing higher death rates and ill health when goverment is trying to cut the cost of our NHS. So do we sue Coventry City Council for causing so many deaths through polution related deaths.

If they continue to build on the green belt as purposed where will our fresh air come from. ?
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby dutchman » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:55 pm

Revealed: Swathes of green belt to be lost under new 25,000 homes plan


Huge swathes of green belt land in the city are set to be lost in Coventry.

Coventry’s draft ‘local plan’ has been published by the council today and reveals proposals for 25,000 homes by 2031.

It includes more than 3,100 homes on green belt land around Keresley, along with an additional 2,250 houses on the Windmill Village Hotel’s golf course and surrounding area next to the A45 in Eastern Green.

The plans mean an estimated 10 per cent of the city’s 3,000 hectares of protected green belt land would lose that status and become prime construction land, while a total of 17,000 homes are allocated to existing brown field sites.

Proposals also include 900 homes in Walsgrave, next to the M6; 1,400 across Foleshill and Holbrooks; 475 in Bablake; 285 in Longford; and about 250 around Tile Hill Railway Station.

The north west of the city is set to bear the brunt of planned development with roughly 30 hectares of green belt land in the area earmarked to be converted into employment land - on top of the major housing projects.

More specific proposals will be drawn up for the areas if the local plan is signed off, but initial suggestions are that a major new supermarket and a new primary school could be built in the Eastern Green area.

There are also discussions about opening up Pickford Brook, which runs through the area, and making it a feature which runs all the way to the city centre.

Keresley could expect to get more shops as well as new primary and secondary schools. Plans also include protecting existing ancient woodlands and hedgerows.

Predicted housing numbers in Keresley would more than quadruple the size of the area which had a population of just 713 according to the latest census.

But council officials insist major infrastructure improvements would be made to deal with additional traffic, and plans include linking Keresley to the M6.

Housing plans across Coventry and Warwickshire aim to accommodate 88,160 homes across the region.

Asked if the numbers seemed extreme, Coun Kevin Maton, the council’s cabinet member for business, said they were based primarily on data from the Office of National Statistics.

He added: “You can challenge the numbers, but history would seem to indicate that the city’s population of 330,000 is growing.

“People can say we shouldn’t let anyone else in, but the people we would be kicking out are their children, their friends and their relatives.

“It’s effectively saying ‘I don’t want what I have got to be available to others’.”

He added that if population growth did not increase as expected between now and 2031 the figures could be revised.

The council also wants to re-label thousands of acres of existing green belt land as ‘green space’ - something it says would grant the land the same level of protection from development as green belt status.

The council says it is a technical change because the effected land sits away from the boundary and doesn’t serve the purpose of green belt - to prevent urban sprawl.

Coun Maton insisted the erosion of green belt on the boundary wouldn’t have a significant impact.

He said: “There is no development that goes any further West towards Birmingham than is currently the case.

“We are building on the green belt, but the driver for that is this huge current housing need.”

The plans will be subject to public consultation between January 18 and February 29 for comments and feedback.

A series of public meetings and drop-in sessions have also been planned across the city.

The final plan will be submitted to government inspectors at the end of March and will then be subject to a full public inquiry which is likely to be held in the summer.

If adopted, the plan will come into force from late 2016.

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:44 pm

This council is beneath contempt. :fuming: :fuming: :fuming:
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:58 pm

Ooooh is nt Birmingham suburb getting bigger :stir: to day on free radio news it said by 20 years time there will be 45.000 homes built here I hope our dwindling fire services will cope with these new builds which are like tinder box s I know I live in one not plastered but plaster boarded. Our hospital which can not cope now and dwindling police covering a bigger area. Our infrastructure that can not cope now. The polution they can not clean.

Perhaps they have nt read the parliament file perhaps they are to ignorant to know about such rules. Not to build to close to boarders of other towns and cities on the green belt in case they poach over thier bondaries not to build on greenbelt to loose the town or cities history and to prevent urban sprawl . Then page 7 says not to build on green belts to protect the lungs ( the green belt )of the city or town . So why are they braking the rules of parliament and getting away with it what kind of message does this send out.

Where are the new one bed homes for the elderly or disabled who are being charged bedroom tax or are they to be cast aside into fire hazzard high flats a muggers paradise blocks it comes to mind social engineering like l Hitler.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby dutchman » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:51 pm

'It’s a joke' - greenbelt campaigner reacts to plans to build on Coventry green belt

A greenbelt campaigner has said lowering immigration to the UK should take priority over building more houses in the city.

Sandra Camwell, vice chairman of Keresley Parish Council, was speaking after Coventry City Council revealed the area where she lives was earmarked to take 3,000 new homes as part of plans to build 25,000 in the city by 2031.

She said residents were furious about the plans and she didn’t believe the new homes were needed, despite the forecast housing need being based on figures from the Office of National Statistics.

She said: “It’s up to the government to stop the population explosion, they are the ones letting people in.

“Coventry is a league of nations. You don’t hear the English language being spoken. You stand on The Burges and it’s unbelievable the number of languages you will hear.

“It’s a conglomerate of people coming into the country and people wanting places to live.”

She added: “I don’t accept the houses are needed. I think the figures have been massaged. Are they counting the students in? I don’t think they are.

“There are thousands of homes sitting empty already. They were selling some up north for a pound.”

Mrs Camwell said she also worried about the effect of the additional housing on the city’s appearance and infrastructure and raised concerns over flooding.

She said: “Keresley is a wet, soggy, boggy area. We have already had a sink hole, what’s to say it won’t happen again? Watery Lane is always flooded.”

She added: “It’s a joke. What about the hospital and the doctors? What’s going to happen with more and more people? You will be dead before you see a doctor.

“I don’t think they’ve thought this through. What about the schools? Most councillors send their kids to private school, so it won’t affect them. It’s double standards in this city.”

Mrs Camwell said many residents had taken to writing to central government and suggested people would make their feelings clear about the council at the ballot box.

She added: “People are on about going down to the Council House and getting councillors out by the scruff of their necks.

“They say they are a useless entity. The council have shot their bolt because they don’t listen to the people.

“I think a lot of them are going to be looking for something else to do come May.”

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:19 pm

I'll be generous here and suggest that the council might just have a cohesive and viable plan, though I personally doubt it.

Whilst in many instances the council simply can't win, I believe there is a distinct undercurrent here to destroy Coventry from within. The council have for years encouraged immigrants to settle here (government finance was available I believe) slowly, but surely, diluting and fragmenting the Coventry spirit and the distinctive Coventry culture that we grew up with.

It strikes me that for their own political (and financial?) ends, they are riding roughshod over those that elected (and trusted) them to look after our city and put our interests first.

I pray that come the next elections it will not be too late and they will be give the big 'V' sign that they deserve.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:19 pm

flapdoodle wrote:What is this 'Coventry Spirit' you're lamenting?

You wouldn't know, you weren't here. Those that grew up here in the 50s 60s and early 70s know. Thatcher set out to destroy the city and succeeded.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:22 pm

flapdoodle wrote:Can I invoke Godwin's Law?

Of course you can, but the similarities are there for those that care to see them.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:52 pm

I guess those of us that grew up in those times benefited from what could only be called the war time spirit. The citizens of Coventry were warm and welcoming and would help each other come what may. Sadly, that has largely gone now due to the 'I'm alright Jack' mentality that I blame Thatcher for. Though if you know where to look for it, there are still small pockets of it in the city.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green be

Postby Melisandre » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:19 am

What is this 'Coventry Spirit' you're lamenting?

The Coventry spirit knitting, crocheting repairing and
clothes men s zips trousers for others free if they got the materials and cotton which my mum did for the streets around where we were born in our house not hospital we could nt afford hospitals to give birth also delivering babies when the mid wife did nt get there in time while bringing up 7 kids of her own and working a job giving baths free and caring for boys who mothers had ran off leaving them with their dads.

Dad fixing cars so the men could get to work all for free while he road a push bike to work.

When your gas got cut off because of poverty the neighbour would leave their door unlocked so you could nip round and boil a kettle for a cuppa tea if they had gone out or lending a cup of sugar to your neighbours if they ran out. Calling to neighbours if there washing was out and it stsrted raining. Do their washing if their machine brole down calling round for a cuppa tea with your neighbours for a chat.

Ripping out picture rails and plastering the walls after.
Digging gardens sharing your 2 allotment grown food, shortening curtains and restyling them for neighbours or people in your street for free also for teachers at Christ the King . Kinitting for neighbours children or giving your cast off childrens clothes for their kids . Taking kids in that have run away from home . Listening and having young lads and girls on drugs in your home to help them quit. Giving coal if your neighbour ran out . Cutting hair for the young teenage lads from another estate Everdon Rd estate perming or cutting neighbours hair , helping neighbours dismantle their kitchen all for free helping decorating laying carpets helping to get into their house because they locked them selves out while bringing up my own 3 kids on my own plus having part time jobs and looking after my mum for nearly 30 years for nothing doing her decorating gadens and shopping. So she would nt be placed in a home.

Uncles and aunts lived near so they could keep their eye on your kids playing in the streets or neighbours why you went to work but our council put a stop to most of families living close to one another in the late 60s when we took in immigrants housing us away from our families . Then the snonbery I am all right jack came in in the late 70s 80s like Rebbonk said Thatcher years.
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