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No Hiding Place

Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:32 pm

The great irony of the title was in that the late 1950s and early 1960s, London was the one place gangsters could hide with total impunity provided thay paid Scotland Yard a 25% share of their earnings! :lol:

Re: No Hiding Place

Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:04 am

I bought a couple of dvds of No Hiding Place. Boy, were they dated!! It's hard to realise just how amateur policing was in those days; but also quite fascinating to watch and compare with today. Things like the Chief Super having a chauffeur!!! Of course, no e-mail, no computers, so much was done by virtue of the memory capacity of the policemen involved. But also, crimes were generally simpler - crooks were less sophisticated, as well as police methods, so you could say, "horses for courses". By and large, if criminals weren't caught in the act, they were damned hard to nail down, with very rudimentary forensic capability, and most police work done by simple plods!

I wonder if anyone remembers the earlier series Murder Bag? And Crime Sheet? And series like that of Edgar Lustgarten? Ten Just Men? We had a very different TV diet in those days!

Re: No Hiding Place

Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:00 pm

I vaguely remember The Tales of Edgar Lustgarten and I think it was The Four Just Men by Edgar Wallace?

Re: No Hiding Place

Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:01 pm

The TV programme had rather more as I remember! Various nationalities, and the story was located in a different country nearly every week.

Re: No Hiding Place

Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:06 pm

Reminds me of Eamonn Andrews and This is your Life with the recalls you guys are coming up with :lol:

Re: No Hiding Place

Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:53 pm

That's too modern, Stevie!!

Incidentally, another TV series that is now largely forgotten is "The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs", starring a very young David Jason. Hilarious! A real shame that the BBC didn't do an official DVD of the series. It had one of the funniest sequences I've ever seen, where Edgar (David Jason) gets his tie caught in a code locked metal drawer cabinet, and he can't quite reach the scissors on his desk to cut the tie - but of course, he could have undone it........ It's so daft, it's almost slapstick.

Re: No Hiding Place

Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:16 pm

I looked up the "X" Just men, and yes, it says four. That seems strange, because I remembered a programme with a lot more than 4. Must have been something else, of similar vein.
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