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Blue Peter dog Mabel dies after 14 years on TV

Wed May 04, 2011 5:23 pm

Blue Peter dog Mabel has died, after 14 years as a TV star.


Border collie cross Mabel retired last year from the show and was their second-longest serving dog.

Presenter Helen Skelton said: "I'm proud to have worked alongside such an iconic Blue Peter dog. She was dearly loved and that's a credit to her quirky character."

Mabel was the show's first rescue dog. Her age isn't known, but it's thought to have been 16.

She appeared on the programme in a feature about the animal charity RSPCA, but a month later joined the Blue Peter team.

Mabel's name came from the letters MAB1 which were written on her RSPCA kennel.

She was well known for her different coloured eyes - one brown, one blue - and a folded-over ear.

The sad news comes a month after the death Mabel's canine co-star, Lucy.

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