Legend of Blitzkid

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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:01 am

The glider pilot regt was also disbanded after VE day from Larkhill, Salisbury, also the airborne airfield in the New Forrest was made obsolete. I believe the first D-day landings at Pegusus bridge came from that camp, and yes, normal boots was the order of the day from that time. I became one of their make up party, but the 6th division dropped from 9 battalions to three batt after the start of demob and the jumping school moved from Manchester to Hereford I believe.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:13 pm

Woad was a plant under Saturn, with large leaves greenish /blueish colour 3/4 foot high, but yellow flowers sown in spring it was cut three tines a year for it's dye, the seed resembles a tongue but gives an azure colour, it was a cold and dry plant. the thing is it was only in the 15/16th centuries, thought to have been brought back from the Crusades it was lost to Coventry before 1581.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:45 am

So I was in hospital at the top of Mount Carmel as soon as they had wiped my lips, and eyes and bandaged me up, two intelligence Officers visited me wanted to know what I had witnessed. next morning morning after doctors rounds the fitted me with a blue suit, white shirt and red tie, said I could walk round the area. A very attractive female walked in the ward, there were wolf whistle and uproar, until she really stood, and we could see she was a captain, the whistle stopped a nurse pointed to where I was sitting at the side of the bed, a bit still dazed, right she come with me, as we left the hospital, she handed me a pair of sun glasses, O.k, tell me if you have pain or feel,unwell, she explained her job we need more info, she led me to a small park looking over the bay, it was out of this world, clear blue sky, an attractive English girl (I hadn't seen or talked to a girl for over a year) now she said tell me again what you saw, I groaned, she stared at me, Okay she said your interested in history, come with me, we waked a couple of streets, I liked to read about the past,we came to little doorway on the right of a very old church,to enter was another world, a mosaic floor, great ancient sketches, she glanced at her watch, you can see this another time, she dragged me away,a couple of streets and we came to a house that she shared with two other girls -------The next day I came back in search of the more recent past, one that was before B.C. to the door at the side of the church and spent two hours
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:50 am

Please excuse the mistakes I am over 95 but I have all this history
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:15 pm

Blitzkid, we are grateful that you share this with us. Please don't worry about a few mistakes. ;)
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Nov 11, 2022 3:43 pm


There were FREEMASONS long before the TEMPLARS Although it did not start in this Country till 1717 were they met in APPLE tree Tavern London. the ancient masons a 14th century monk did live in CHESTER, Their Legend states a master long before BC. he spoke a different language to his pupils so he taught them numbers and symbols, geometry, astronamy.

Now I knew nothing about this as a child, but I was taken to a house in Warwick road, when I was 7 my birth was 7-7-27 the walls were painted in red and gold bright colours and there was the letter 7 amongst several symbols and signs.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:14 pm

Thank you, Blitzkid. :thumbsup:

If you recall anything else, I'd be delighted to know.
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:29 pm

A woman sat me on a chair gave me a cup of tea and a cake, while my uncle disappeared into an inner room, it was the most beautiful house I had ever seen, it wasn't until I was about 16 that I understood they were called Masons. It wasn't until I was in the holy land that I started to get interested in the masons and the Templars, and real History, now I told you how I landed up in a hospital at the top of Mount Carmel. I sat on a bench overlooking the bay of the Mediterranean, I had just seen some amazing pictures dating back to 600 BC there was a fragment of a inscription from Pontius pilot procurator of Judea to honour Tiberius Caesar (dated114 ce.) and this small mountain I was sitting on had built an aqueduct that was fed by springs from Mount Carmel that fed the Roman legions as well as the people. with a little imagination I was living through the Bible, it was really amazing.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:12 am

the White friars of Coventry were Knight Templars, the order was the product of the Crusaders,1119. for two centuries it was active, holy soldiers, men of relgion the red cross symbolised the blood that christ had shed for mankind, all sects of that time were of christianity and Brotherhood.
To guard Plgrims from the old port of Jaffa,along the coast to mount Carmel, up and over to the valley of LATRUN then on to jerusalem. They lived in Carmelite monastery, the one I lived in in feb 1947.
The dissollution of the order in the early 14th century led to mass arrests--torture and burnings of the templars. In 1443 a group of thirteen of them landed in Cooventry, built a monastery and church in Cheylesmore park.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:27 pm

Dutchman, the city guild was in St Johns Church but they wanted to move so they built St Marys Hall, specially for them. Built in the beginning of Henry V, surrounded by a moat fed by springs in the hillside, the surplus water they built a stone culvert that went under Little Park St, Much Park St and to the river near Gosford Street. Inside the hall a noble room that held meetings, it’s entrance was a large gateway over which were figures of a King and Queen. Inside the room was a semi-circular window, divided into 9 parts with painted noble figures coats of arms, and armaments, and honoured guests of the brotherhood guild, represented here was William Beauchamp, Lord of Abergavenny, fourth son of the Earl of Warwick. Earl Leofric was also mentioned.
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