Legend of Blitzkid

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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:37 am

When SAINT BENEDICTINE Founded Europes great Monastery at MONTE CASSINO in 530 AD. Every thing needed by the Community needed had to be provided by the Monks themselves, they were vegetarians without depending on outsiders.Thorns were planted to Hedge their plots of vegetables, this they did at Coventry under LEOFRICS Guidance.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:43 am

rebbonk - Dutchman,

Allthough V.E day was a joyous day for most, the war had ended, and the forces altered their training, they disbanded the S.A.S and made a number of weapons obsolete, the 9lb rifle became the 7 lb Rifle [pictured below] and many more were replaced by modern weapons, but it took a few weeks to reach abroad stations and in those few weeks there where many accidents and part of my training was now obsolete.


They also made all forces that got demobbed on 25 years a further reserve, and under the services of the Secret Service. So no stories could be told of certain Mistakes and certain training methods until the Secret Service released them about 1970. onwards. I attended a funeral of one of those accidents. but being a forces funeral the graves dug close together the lead man with rope stepped back, into freshly made grave, disappearing, upset balance of weight, and the coffin nose-dived into grave.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:22 am

thank you, great picture.

Do you have one of parachute jumping boots?
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:43 pm


I remember my dad telling me years ago that the average squaddie only carried 3 rounds of ammunition. Is this correct, or was he having me on?
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby dutchman » Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:19 am

Blitzkid wrote:thank you, great picture.

You're welcome! :smile:

Blitzkid wrote:Do you have one of parachute jumping boots?

Was there a specific style of paratrooper boot back then Kaga? My understanding is that British paratroopers were issued with standard ammo-boots and gaiters?

British Paras in Palestine:

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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:29 am

Yes they were knee length, a scabbard was fitted just above the ankle that held a dirk, coloured brown. The boots were made obsolete just before I went to jump school. I had a pair after they had become obsolete. Some guys sewed pockets on the sleeves to carry extra grenades.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Wed Oct 12, 2022 10:24 am

I have no idea why anyone would have three bullets, unless short supply. I once fired at least fired 5/6 magazines of Bren Gun in practice, covered two lanes of a block from the corner while the boys in the building block searched the the building. I kept up constant fire in short bursts down the two lanes.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby dutchman » Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:50 pm

Blitzkid wrote:Yes they were knee length, a scabbard was fitted just above the ankle that held a dirk, coloured brown. The boots were made obsolete just before I went to jump school. I had a pair after they had become obsolete. Some guys sewed pockets on the sleeves to carry extra grenades.

Interesting, thanks! :thumbsup:

Rifle bullets were supplied in five-round clips weren't they so I don't see how anyone could be supplied with just three?
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:47 pm

dutchman wrote:Rifle bullets were supplied in five-round clips weren't they so I don't see how anyone could be supplied with just three?

I don't know, Dutchman. But the comment was made watching a war film with dad.
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:43 pm

Don't try to peg things down, different things required diff things our guys had choices,we had the choice of weapons, that stayed under your bed, if near an operation, mines grenades and what you wanted went under your bed, that way you could be called from your bed and in the air within minits, Kit bags with weapons, went on your leg full of weapons or explosives, an airdrop was about the force of the wind, your nerves could be wound up tight, but could be On and off, in a second.at one camp, a church alter was installed in a barrack room for last second prayers,if needed.
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