All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Wed May 11, 2022 10:47 pm

Fully vaccinated gorilla dies of multiple organ failure. This is not a pleasant read...

Apparently, a previously healthy gorilla died suddenly and unexpectedly of “multiple organ failure”.


This was a very happy and healthy gorilla, who recently gave birth. Watch her recent video and you can see how happy was she and her offspring. A very touching video and very cute also.

What happened?

You know where it goes: the gorilla was recently vaccinated for COVID!

Mind you, gorillas live 50 years in zoos. So in human terms, Martha was about a 40-45 years old human.

How dangerous was Covid to animals in Gladys Porter zoo? Not very dangerous. No animal ever contracted COVID, according to the zoo.


So now we have a beautiful and thriving gorilla mommy dead for what exact reason? And her cubs are now orphans.

The zoo, of course, is not confessing. But everything is painfully obvious.

Same thing Happens to People

By the way, we should be sorry about dead and injured people as much as we are sorry about Martha.

Meet Martha’s human counterpart, Kassidi Kurill: she also died of multiple organ failure.

[video from The Sun newspaper not copied over]

Of course, the newspaper said, Kassidi “did not die from the jab”. Yeah, she died from organ failure. Not the jab. Just as gorilla Martha, who also “suddenly died from multiple organ failure”. Right. It was unrelated.

Loving moms Martha (a gorilla) and Kassidi Kurill (a human) did NOT have to die. Whose lives did they save, exactly? Everyone is having Covid so it is not like Martha and Kassidi stopped anything.

EDIT: a very upsetting comment to this article


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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 13, 2022 7:09 pm

Yet more of the 'it couldn't possibly happen' narrative debunked.

A new bombshell study that was just published by researchers in Sweden found that, within a Petri dish, the synthetic mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine is able to enter human liver cells, and then be reverse-transcribed into spike DNA.

The reason that this is such a big deal is because this scenario was something that both health experts as well as the fact-checkers have said—for over a year now—couldn’t possibly happen.

In fact, to this very day, the CDC’s official website claims the exact opposite is true.

In order to figure out what’s real, one of the best health reporters here at the Epoch Times reached out to multiple health agencies, as well as multiple vaccine manufacturers, in order to get their source documentation.

But no one was willing or able to hand it over.


If you want to read the research paper this is based on, it's here but it's a bit heavy going!
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Sat May 14, 2022 4:50 pm

Whistleblower Exposes 3 Big Issues in Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials

On Nov. 2, 2021 British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article that revealed three big issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial based on interview with a whistleblower.

The whistle blower, Brook Jackson, was a regional director of one of Pfizer’s vaccine trial companies, Ventavia Research Group in Texas.

Beginning the fall of 2020, there were 153 institutes, including Ventavia, that assisted Pfizer’s vaccine clinical trial. Per Ventavia’s website, the company is the largest private clinical research company in Texas. Jackson found out the management of the clinical trial in the company was not organized. She reported this to the administrative level of the company, but received no response from the company. Then she reported this to the FDA.

However, after she emailed the FDA, she was fired that same afternoon. Jackson said this was the first time she was fired from her job in her 20-year career.

Finally, she contacted the international well-known journal–BMJ. She exposed 3 major issues she observed in Ventavia for Pfizer’s vaccine clinical trial.

1. Falsifying the data
2. Early unblinding of the trial, affecting the accuracy of the results
3. Very slow to respond to adverse events, and not paying attention to the safety of participants

We spoke with Dr. Sean Lin, phD, former toxicology lab director of Walter Reed Military Medical Center to discuss these issues. The interview below has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Issue 1: During the Trials, There Was Data Falsified

Health 1+1: Per Jackson, in one document dated as August 2020, before Jackson’s hiring, a Ventavia executive revealed that three site staff members were requested to go over e-diary issues and falsifying data, etc. One of them was verbally questioned for changing data and not informing the late data entry.

Jackson and Ventavia executives discussed multiple times the possibilities of an FDA inspection of their company. Another former Ventavia employee also stated that the company worried the FDA would audit the process of their company’s Pfizer’s vaccine clinical trials.

Dr. Lin: When any new vaccine or new medication goes through clinical trials, the accuracy of the data is very important.

For example, in clinical trials, to inject vaccine to a volunteer, there must be 2 people in addition to the volunteer on site. One person does the injection; the second person takes notes and watches the injection. The reason for having two people is if only one person does it, if there is any mistake in recording the procedure, or if the person changes data, the accuracy of the database will be affected significantly.

In cases where any data needs to be modified, these drug companies usually have strict procedures. First, upper management and an executive of the drug company need to be notified and approve, then the person is authorized to enter the database and modify the data. The person must record the time of modification and the reason. They need to explain that an error occurred while entering the data, or if there are other reasons. Only with strict rules can these companies guarantee that what is in the database won’t be falsified.

So by contrast, it is unbelievable that an employee at Ventavia can have the right to modify the database without permission. This can cause big problems.

Pfizer published their clinical trial report on NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine). In the report, there were 8 people infected COVID after vaccination, but there were 162 people infected COVID after placebo. So, it is easily to change the protection rate from 90% to 60% if there are wrong data on dozens of people.

Ventavia’s trial site had 1,000 volunteers participate in the COVID vaccine trials. If there are mistakes in just 50 of them, the results will be significantly different.

Issue 2: Early Unblinding of Trial Participants

Health 1+1: Based on the photos and information provided by Jackson, documents related to the clinical trials were randomly displayed, including vaccine packaging materials with clinical trial participants’ information and drug assignment confirmation labels, all these were accessible to blinded personnel. The above errors can lead the participants and the staff members to know ahead of time who would get vaccine, before the procedures were done. The errors were corrected two months after the trial started. It may have been a large range of unblinding.

Dr. Lin: Generally, people who participate in clinical trials are divided into two groups. One group would receive vaccine and the other group would receive placebo, like normal saline. None of the participants will know which they were given, otherwise it would affect the objectivity of the trial. This is called blinding.

Vaccine trials routinely use blind trials. This is because in medical field, it is well known that the mental effect plays a key role. For example, if someone knew he or she was given real medicine, they may have very positive mood which improves their immune system, and the results would not truly reflect the effect of medicine only. On the other hand, if people knew they were given placebo, they may not feel any hope, and that may also affect the results.

Besides the volunteer participants, other people who involved in the trials like physicians, nurses, and people who man database are also not allowed to know the true information regarding the distribution of the vaccine injection. This is to avoid bias. For example, if the nurse knew the participants receiving vaccine, the nurse may pay more attention to the person. This will affect the end results.

So the clinical trials are randomly assigned by computer for who receives the vaccine and who receives the placebo, and the information will be encrypted.

For early unblinding, it was not only a lapse in responsibility on Ventavia’s part, but showed problems related to Pfizer’s design and management of these COVID vaccine clinical trials. This made it so that the testing groups learned who was getting the vaccine too early. If lower level staff have authority or opportunity to unblind trials, it affects the objectivity of the data.

Issue 3: Slow Response to Adverse Events, Not Prioritizing Participant Safety

Health 1+1: Jackson pointed out that Ventavia did not pay attention to the safety of the participants during the vaccine trials. They did not contact or take care the participants who developed side effects. One email sent by the contract research organization to Ventavia mentioned that over 100 cases with issues where participants were not contacted for more than three days, including including two participants who had developed severe symptoms. The expectation for vaccine trials is that that all issues need to be addressed within 24 hours. Jackson also mentioned that participants were placed in a hallway after injection with no clinical staff observation.

Besides Jackson, a formal Ventavia employee also told the BMJ that the company doesn’t have enough staff to take samples from participants who developed COVID symptoms. FDA documents showed that across all clinical trials, there were 477 people who had symptoms but did not receive a PCR test for COVID. Jackson said in the 40-plus clinical trials she’s been involved with, including several large scale trials, she had never seen as much chaos as the environment she worked in under Ventavia.

In a recording of a meeting in September 2020 between Jackson and two Ventavia company directors, the company expressed they could not confirm how many types of issues had occurred because of the high volume of issues, nor could they confirm the number of errors that had occurred because there was something new everyday.

Dr. Lin: In clinical trials, the risk of the medication given to participants is unknown, and as such there needs to be enough staff to watch for side effects that could occur.

Usually, participants stay onsite, whether that is a hospital or nearby hotel, for the first 24 hours after the vaccine injection, and they are accompanied by clinical staff. If a severe side effect occurs, it needs to be addressed right away. It is dangerous if no one is observing the participants after injection. This suggests the trial was not properly staffed.

In the past, there were clinical trials for certain medications that took a very long time before they could even begin. First you need to have enough test sites, then the standard data criterion needs to be set up to ensure the data integrity and security, among other things. If you have contractors with the capacity to test 500 people, but you sign them for contracts to test 1000 people, obviously they will have staffing and staff training issues. There’s a standard protocol that accompanies each step of these clinical trials and no short cuts can be taken, even if a pharmaceutical company wants to speed up the testing period. In this case specifically, Pfizer would have needed to monitor these testing sites, in order to ensure all these trials are using their designed process.

Ventavia’s situation implies additional risks, like the possibility of other sites having similar issues, and whether Pfizer has been correcting these in a timely manner. If the vaccine data contains errors, then wouldn’t the vaccine’s protection rate need to be reevaluated?

During the pandemic, many large pharmaceutical companies received protection from government. The entire vaccine development bill was footed by the government, as was the production and promotion costs. And even if there were problems in the process, the media was not investigating these steps and exposing the details to the public.

Pfizer’s vaccine has been so important in the US market and stricter monitoring should have been in place, rather than blanket protections.

FDA’s Poor Oversight

Health 1+1: Jackson reported the issue to the administrative level of Ventavia and received no response. Then on Sept. 25, 2020, she contacted the FDA. After sending the email, she was fired from the company. A few days later, the FDA contacted Jackson to discuss her report. There was no further communication between Jackson and the FDA after this call. In August 2021, the FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and listed 9 of the 153 clinical trial sites, not including Ventavia.

Jackson raised several problems in her report:

1) Participants were not monitored after receiving injections
2) There was no timely follow-up of patients with adverse side effects
3) Errors occurred during testing, and people would not report the errors
4) The vaccines were not stored at proper temperatures
5) Mislabeled laboratory specimens
6) Staff who reported these types of problems received retaliation
7) FDA told her no further information could be provided to her and ceased communications, and only nine of 153 test sites were inspected by the FDA, not including Ventavia, despite Jackson’s report

This exposes the oversight issues on the FDA’s part. In Ventavia case, FDA should have communicated with Jackson, Pfizer, and Ventavia. It stands that the FDA should have inquired about Pfizer’s trial procedures, and whether these three parties were on the same page regarding those procedures. And the public should have been made aware, because this affects human lives.

Dr. Lin: It’s more than an issue of corporate liability, there’s a matter of individual responsibility here as well. This whistleblower’s report showed that it wasn’t just Ventavia in the wrong, but Pfizer and the FDA as well. But I think the key issue is still the individual, because you have to remember that these are individuals doing all the research.

Many people think that science is noble, and all the people who work in the scientific field are pursuing truth. But in reality, in modern society, science is an industry. Especially the medical field, it’s become a large industry that involves huge profits. So in the process, the issue of how to keep research and clinical trials reliable and trustworthy has become a big challenge.

During the pandemic, the public had hope that pharmaceutical companies would develop medicine that could save lives. There’s a big profit opportunity here for the companies, especially because the government will help cover costs and also promote the products. With an upside this big, no company wants to miss out. With these conditions, it’s easy to risk the integrity of the company. Especially under the current PREP regulations, the company doesn’t take any responsibility. Pfizer and Moderna are free of responsibility involving this vaccine. People with adverse side effects from these injects can seek compensation through CICP, but it is not easy to do.

According to a Nov. 10, 2021 report from USA Today, 3,100 people developed side effects after vaccine injection during clinical trials. Following the CICP system, they filed for reimbursement, and none of them have thus far received compensation.

The government pays for production and protection, and the companies don’t need to pay out any losses from side effects. Big profits with small investments. Under these conditions how can one guarantee the integrity of the test? It in fact motivates the companies to rush their clinical trials. These are complicated procedures with many factors that can cause issues. Pharmaceutical companies should be following the basic principle of “do no harm.” Without this principle, the medical field is in peril.

Both the government and pharmaceutical companies have been focusing on the benefit rather than the drawbacks. This is a problem, because it means that something that could put someone’s life at risk can be ignored. This is irresponsible to the public.

On one hand, during a pandemic, ordinary people would of course wish that medical companies could develop medicine to save the world. Can pharmaceutical companies keep a high level of integrity through the process? I think this is a test for humanity arranged by God.

If humanity handles this test well, God creates miracles to help humanity.

If, under what is deemed an emergency condition, in the name of saving people at large a government decides to risk some people’s lives in trade, that is not right. Just like in China, the regime is behind the operation of organ harvesting ordinary citizens to make a profit. If a surgeon in China claims he saved a life through organ transplantation but had to kill another human being to do so, that is totally wrong.

Whether a physician or pharmaceutical expert, whether you can maintain morality and integrity during this pandemic is a test from God. As COVID spread across the entire world, it’s become a test not only to the medical field but all human beings.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Wed May 18, 2022 10:14 pm

Coventry University graduate died from blood clots two weeks after Covid jab


The heartbroken family of a former Coventry University student are taking legal action after he died from blood clots on his brain two weeks after receiving an AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. Jack Hurn, from Redditch, received his first dose of the vaccine at a Dudley centre on May 29 last year.

They had allegedly asked staff about alternative vaccines as they were "aware of concerns around the use of AstraZeneca" for younger people. Lawyers say medical advice at the time recommended that under-30s should get an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine after it was revealed that younger people were at greater risk of blood clots.

However, staff reassured the family that it was safe and they went ahead with the vaccination. Jack started suffering headaches within days and died 11 days later at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital where doctors allegedly described him as having "catastrophic" blood clots on his brain.

Lawyer Michael Portman-Hann, an associate with the firm’s clinical negligence team, said the family hoped an inquest being held later this month in Birmingham would answer some of the questions they have around Jack’s death. He said: "Jack, a first class honours graduate of Coventry University, had recently bought his first home with his partner, Alex Jones, who also received her vaccine at the same time. She only found out after his death that he was planning to propose that summer.

"Jack’s parents, Tracey and Peter, his sister, Abby, Alex and both their families are completely devastated and are still trying to come to terms with what happened. Jack and Alex asked staff at the vaccine clinic about the Pfizer alternative as they were aware of concerns around the use of Astra Zeneca for younger people.

"Alex and Jack were reassured by the staff at the centre that the vaccine was safe, and with no Pfizer doses available that day, they felt encouraged by vaccine staff to go ahead with what was on offer."

Mr Portman-Hann continued: "Jack began to suffer headaches which got progressively worse and he was admitted to the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch where a scan revealed a clot on his brain. Jack’s family, who live in Devon, found it very difficult to get up-to-date information from hospital staff over the course of a number of days.

"They say there was confusion about whether Jack had actually suffered a stroke while at Redditch and could get no clear answers about his condition. Jack was transferred to the Queen Elizabeth (hospital) in Birmingham, where after scans a consultant informed them that there were numerous bleeds on Jack’s brain which were catastrophic. Given the family’s concerns over advice given during the vaccine clinic visit and what happened in the period between Jack being admitted to hospital and his death, we are supporting them to find answers which we’re hopeful an inquest will help provide."

An inquest into Jack's death is to be held on May 23.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Thu May 19, 2022 1:43 pm

An inquest into Jack's death is to be held on May 23.

I hope the family are well read and prepared for this.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Thu May 19, 2022 7:04 pm

The manipulating fools still continue to peddle their garbage, abetted by a compliant media.

Here's my tip... "When in a hole, best stop digging!"

I'll never take one of these vaccines as long as I have a hole in my backside, and any trust I had in the UK government or the NHS has long been eradicated.

UK vaccine advisers eye autumn COVID boosters for over-65s

Britain's vaccine advisers on Thursday said that an anticipated autumn COVID booster campaign would be aimed at people aged over 65, care home residents, frontline health and social care workers and all adults in a clinical risk group.

Britain is offering a spring booster to the over-75s, care home residents and immunosuppressed people, and ministers have spoken openly of plans for a further booster campaign in the autumn.

In interim advice, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) stopped short of recommending another shot for all adults, though said the advice would be reviewed and updated.

"The JCVI’s current view is that in autumn 2022, a COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to: Residents in a care home for older adults and staff; Frontline health and social care workers; All those 65 years of age and over; Adults aged 16 to 64 years who are in a clinical risk group," the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said in a statement.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, fiercely criticised for his handling of the early stages of the pandemic, lifted COVID restrictions in England in February, crediting Britain's quick initial vaccine rollout and the rollout of boosters with breaking the link between cases and deaths.

The booster programme helped to ensure that a wave of the highly transmissible Omicron variant and record case numbers did not overwhelm the National Health Service (NHS).

"We welcome the interim advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) for an Autumn Covid booster programme and will consider their final recommendations later this year," the health ministry said.

"We have asked the NHS in England to begin preparations to ensure they are ready to deploy Covid vaccines to those eligible."

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 20, 2022 4:02 pm

COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Issue ‘May Be in the Hundreds,’ but ‘Heart Issue Is in the Thousands’: Cardiologist

Heart specialist sees many more cases of heart inflammation since COVID vaccine roll out

Dr. Sanjay Verma, an adult cardiologist practicing in Coachella Valley, California, sees a few hundred patients a month, and since last summer, he has seen “possibly a dozen” patients whose heart conditions might be connected to the COVID vaccines.

“I can only say possibly—not definitively—because we do not yet have any diagnostic test that 100 percent says ‘this caused this.’ What we do is what’s called a process of exclusion. We look for common associations like coronavirus, influenza virus, other infections, atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease, alcohol, recreational drugs, and if everything keeps coming back negative or normal, then by default and process of exclusion, vaccine-associated heart injury is a probability.

“Usually we don’t even see that many [heart problems] in a year,” Verma said.

Adding that prior to the pandemic it would be “much less than that per year.”

Verma is puzzled as to why the media has given more attention to COVID vaccine blood clot issues when there have been many more cases of myocarditis, according to his observation.

“I cannot, with confidence, conclude why one is getting more attention. And by attention, it’s not just news reports, it’s to the extent that they’ve basically put a caution to only use the Johnson and Johnson if there’s no other choice. So that’s a pretty strong caution. Whereas for the mRNA vaccines and heart issues, the warning is there on the FDA factsheet. But the number of people affected is far greater,” Verma said.

“The blood clot issue with Johnson & Johnson may be in the hundreds, but the heart issue is in the thousands. It’s a different level of patient exposure.”

In June of last year, the FDA announced a revision to the fact sheets of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines, warning that there is a “low” risk of myocarditis—inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis—inflammation of the lining outside the heart.

A study published in October of last year by the New England Journal of Medicine inferred that the risk of myocarditis was greater from COVID-19 than from the vaccines, but according to Verma’s research, the study was flawed.

“This analysis was imperfect because it combined all age groups in its analysis. It is well established that COVID-19 hospitalizations are predominantly comprised of those older than 65 years (this cohort outnumbers all other age groups combined for COVID hospitalizations). CDC’s own analysis reveals that 91% of all COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred in people with underlying medical conditions and most recently CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has stated that 75% of COVID deaths were in people with at least 4 underlying medical conditions. Therefore, the myocarditis cases after COVID infection likely occur in older people with underlying medical conditions,” Verma wrote.

“This was confirmed in a more recent study that demonstrated for those less than 40 years-old, the risk of myocarditis after COVID-vaccination is far greater than after COVID-19 infection. The study found that compared to background rate in general population there was a 3.4x increased risk for Pfizer COVID vaccine and 20.71x increased risk after Moderna vaccine whereas the risk after COVID infection was 4.06x the background rate in the general population. When this group is further risk stratified, the 16–29-year-old group had an even greater risk of myocarditis after vaccination, especially for Moderna mRNA vaccine (COVID infection yielded 2.83x increased risk, Moderna vaccine yielded 74.39x increased risk, and Pfizer vaccine yielded 2.88x increased risk compared to background rate in general population). The authors of this study recently performed an urgent updated analysis to include the effect of boosters. Their analysis found that the risk of myocarditis was further exacerbated after boosters, especially for the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. In another recent study on myocarditis after vaccination, the authors found only 17% of cases had any underlying medical conditions (in contrast to the 91% of COVID hospitalizations having underlying medical conditions). This group of young healthy people is at very low risk of severe COVID complications themselves.”

When asked if the reactions were caused by autoimmune responses from spike protein expressions originating from the vaccine, Verma said that it was one hypothesized mechanism that could cause blood clots, but there is no defined mechanism for cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.

“It could be autoantibodies to the spike protein. It could be spike protein direct damage. It could be a combination of both,” he said, “And obviously, being a cardiologist, I acknowledge it may appear that I’m biased [by] focusing on the heart issues, but because the heart issues are greater in numbers [it] has a bigger impact on ‘vaccine hesitancy.'”

The Epoch Times recently reported that a pediatric cardiologist had to stop working and was punished by his board for not wanting to recommend a vaccine to a young patient that had already contracted COVID previously.

Reports to VAERS of myocarditis and pericarditis jumped dramatically in 2021 to 24,084 cases, and 16,417 as of May 6, 2022.

Most of these reactions (31,501) are connected to Pfizer vaccines.

According to OpenVAERS, “VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% of vaccine injuries.”

The VAERS official disclaimer, however, states: “While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness.”

The FDA had asked a judge in December 2021 to give it 75 years to produce safety data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, but at the beginning of January of this year, the FDA was ordered to release its related documents in about 8 months.

It was revealed that 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.

Also worth noting is that the vaccines were not immediately injected into people from Dec. 1, 2020, but were slowly rolled out, so the adverse events occurred in less than the 3-month time period.


The original article contains a few relevant links which may be worth following.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Mon May 23, 2022 12:30 am

NHS trusts wrote to young children urging them to get Covid vaccine


NHS trusts have been writing letters to children urging them to get the coronavirus jab, The Telegraph can reveal.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) gave the green light for Covid vaccines to be offered to the age group in February. But ministers stressed at the time it was up to parents to decide if the risks outweigh the benefits.

Almost 400,000 five-to-11-year-olds have had at least one dose as of May 20, according to NHS England figures, representing around 8 per cent of the total cohort.

The Telegraph has seen a number of letters, which came in blank envelopes, addressed directly to children as young as six from one regional NHS team informing them about the vaccination.

A brightly-colored letter covered in flowers, rainbows and bumblebees said the recipient could now book their vaccination and provided a link where they could do so.

It also contained an unmarked packet of sunflower seeds, “to help bring some joy and sunshine into children’s lives,” the letter read.

One parent of two children who received the invitation said they found it uncomfortable that it was addressed to her young children directly and came in a blank envelope.

The parent, who did not wish to be named and lived in South East London, said she and her husband had decided not to get their children, aged six and eight, vaccinated for the time being.

The couple were yet to discuss the vaccination with their children and felt the letter could force some “difficult” conversations for households.

Another mother, whose two daughters also received the letter despite already having had their first dose, said she “did not appreciate” the letters being addressed directly to her children, or the inclusion of the unmarked seed packet.

South East London Integrated Care System, which sent the letters and seeds, also included instructions for a “best blooms” competition.

Molly Kingsley, from the campaign group UsForThem, questioned how the seeds were a “reasonable use of public funds”.

“It's incredible to think that they would address letters to the kids,” she told The Telegraph.

“It crosses an unspeakable Rubicon. The first thing is that they’ve addressed it to the child and these children are under any kind of recognised age of consent.”

A row erupted when vaccinations were announced for 12-to-15-year-olds last year, after it was suggested they could be deemed Gillick competent to provide their own consent to get the jab.

Guidance by the Care Quality Commission said there is no lower age limit to Gillick competence, but that it would “rarely be appropriate or safe for a child less than 13 years of age to consent to treatment without a parent’s involvement”.

Ms Kingsley said the letter was an “unbelievable breach of parental boundaries”.

“[Five] to 11 year olds literally don’t have the capacity to make this decision themselves so this letter should not be addressed to them,” she said.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Mon May 23, 2022 4:08 am

NHS trusts wrote to young children urging them to get Covid vaccine
:fuming: :fuming: :fuming:

Come the day of reckoning, I hope these 'people' face the courts.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Mon May 23, 2022 10:51 pm

Redditch couple 'not told' of AstraZeneca rare clot risk


The girlfriend of a man who died nearly two weeks after having the AstraZeneca jab told an inquest into his death they were not warned of its potential risks.

Jack Hurn, 26, of Redditch, died on 11 June 2021 after developing blood clots on his brain.

Alex Jones told Birmingham Coroner's Court he decided to have the vaccine as the Dudley clinic had run out of Pfizer.

She said the whole process at the clinic on 29 May was "very rushed".

At the time, people under 30 in the UK had begun being offered alternative Covid vaccines to AstraZeneca due to evidence linking it to rare blood clots.

The recommendation followed a review by the UK drugs regulator that found 79 people suffered the rare condition after the vaccination, 19 of whom died.

But it said this was not proof the jab had caused the clots.

The coroner was told Mr Hurn fell ill following his first Covid jab.

Ms Jones said when they heard there was no Pfizer available, they had at first mulled over going away and rebooking at another clinic that was offered to them.

They raised concerns about AstraZeneca but said the doctor only mentioned side effects adding "at no point did she tell us the blood clots could be life-threatening".

Ms Jones said they were also not told about the possible risk of blood clots on the brain.

She was questioned by a solicitor acting on behalf of the Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who said clinic staff had a different recollection of events and said they were told about the potential risks.

Jack's mother Tracey Hurn told the inquest she had worried when her son got headaches afterwards.

"I didn't think for one minute that he'd have the AstraZeneca jab," she said, adding: "When he said 'I've got a headache' alarm bells started to ring. I said call 111 if it gets worse, don't leave it".

Mr Hurn, originally from Devon, was an automotive design graduate who studied at Coventry University.

The family's law firm Manby Bowdler said he begun suffering headaches "within days" of the vaccine.

His family have raised concerns about the advice he was given and his hospital care and are taking legal action.

They hope the inquest will "answer some of the questions they have around Jack's death," the law firm added.

The inquest is expected to last three days.

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