Legend of Blitzkid

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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:47 am

Yes he got the IRON CROSS from the Germans for his spying while all the time he was a double agent.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:25 am

I'm not sure if you know, but in1937-8 with war imminent, everyone in Britain had to register at 16 or over (town hall?) Here you had a questionnaire, which arm of the forces you prefer, which regt' or branch and in order of of which you preferred. The forces then tried to fit you in, if not the first the second and so on. By the time you were 18 they sent you to how they judged you, with the papers of your enlistment came a de-mobalisation number, first in first out, at the VE day, they had millions of people to bring home, including POWs.

To save time they set up a LIAP route, instead of all round the Med and Bay of Biscay, the boats went to Southern France, and then by train and ferry. about every every 60 miles they set up food places, the train would stop for half-hour, have meal, then continue on.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:48 pm

In 1945-46-7 I was in Palestine. March 1947 our camp moved to northern Palestine there was trouble, I and ten others were assigned to protect a building, this building comprised Five floors, the ground floor and second floor were a branch of Barclays bank, dealt with all bank transactions of British forces in the Middle East, third floor was allocated to us, fourth and fifth floors the shipping offices for the whole of the Mediterranean sea.

Our job was to protect it from any saboteurs, there had been a spate of suitcase bombing, Two men was posted outside the front door, to search articles, they would be relieved every four hours. I and another were about to relieve the two, when passing from the second floor to the bank floor I spotted a suitcase, I screamed for everyone to take cover, blew my whistle, a great white light light, an explosion and no more. I heard a voice in my ear,-- stay still don't open your mouth or eyes, don't move a muscle, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand, I squeezed his hand, then do not move and I will get you to hospital, now does any where hurt you, I will mention parts of your body, if you have pain squeeze, but no where hurt only my ears, I felt some one lift me, the medic said sqeeze if you hurt, they got me to the hospital, cleaned me up, and found only cuts and bruises on my face and forehead, and my nose had bled, they looked for shock. Kept me in for two weeks (fearing shock), and I was sent back to my unit. My face had been peppered with small brick, plaster and glass, but everything healed. Today I have only two small dents in my forehead.

In Sept I was sent home on six weeks leave.

Turned out the two on duty were new to the game, just arrived from England, they had no experience of the policing job, the sergeant was demoted to Corporal, and we had a bout of training on police type of duty.

A single railway track led from Haifa to the Suez about 80 miles, this had been mined several times, this was an empty fruit train going back to the Suez and about a dozen of soldiers were in the rear coach, once again I was thrown by the force of Blast and we landed in a heap, the weight of the engine had set off a mine, no one was hurt and we continued our journey by lorry about ten miles to Port Said then by boat to Southampton.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:19 pm


Please keep these memories coming, Blitzkid.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:28 am

The explosion did kill three people, and injured many more. A lorry full of soldiers came to the camp, asked for food and shelter for awhile, but a bright eyed sentry noticed they there insignia badge on the wrong shoulder he sounded the alarm and a running gun-fight ensued, the lorry escaped leaving dead and wounded terrorist. But two of our sergeants were hung in an orange grove they were also booby trapped for anyone attempting to cut them down.

The terrorists also blew the shipping oil tanks, nearby were an area of waste so hundreds of Rats were disturbed the town declared it was now Bubonic, every one had to walk through trays of DDT laid out along the pavements.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:18 pm

Many of the men dropped behind enemy lines were caught and shot, the Germans were waiting for them, Zig-zag was thought to be responsible for selling the information to the Germans, but the irony of it was the men interrogating him was Kim Philby crew. who where responsible.
The nearest to my training was the film "The Day of the Jackal" all that taking over some ones life was not new to me, neither where the false papers and weapons people.
Back to the suitcase episode--Three people died and several injured badly and money blew out the window, and we were responsible. We were there to stop the very thing, but the sergeant had put two rookie soldiers straight from England together on the front door, a few frilly bits of Womens clothing and they had let it past, but an attractive Bristol nurse helped me dress in blue suit white shirt and red tie in Hospital and I was Happy.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:59 pm

Things you may not know. when the yanks came over 1942 they brought a ship load of 25 thousand crates of condoms, the Brits bombed the docks of the Holy city of Rome, could that led to the eruption in 1945 of Vesuvius after centuries of quiet, our mob used tear-gas to dispel unruly crowd at a Barricade. Soldiers lost rifles while in Palestine in Brothels, so a Brothel Patrol was set up to throw them out and put them in groups of four, to stop Rifles being looted, and so much more. (Dutchman, if not wanted delete),
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:31 pm

Blitzkid, again you've hit gold. These are the kind of things that many aren't aware of. Please keep these memories coming. :thumbsup:
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:51 pm

Blitzkid, are there any little known facts about our nuclear testing programme that you can share? Did you witness any of the testing?
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby dutchman » Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:01 am

A common theme I've noticed (with the British Army at least) is that whenever there was an 'emergency' somewhere in the world, be it in Greece, Palestine, Malaya, Korea, Cyprus, Kenya or wherever, they often sent new recruits to handle the situation rather than experienced troops. Someone queried this more than once and was told the experienced troops "were needed elsewhere and thus couldn't be spared."
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