All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:28 pm

Vaccines hit more problems...

4th US Site Pauses COVID-19 Vaccinations After Adverse Reactions

A fourth vaccination site in the United States has paused giving shots after a batch of adverse reactions.

Injections at the Cumming Fairgrounds in Forsyth County have been halted after eight people experienced adverse reactions post-vaccination, the Georgia Department of Health said Friday.

One person was evaluated at the hospital and released while the others were monitored onsite and later sent home.

All eight received Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

“The reactions were consistent with common reactions in adults being vaccinated with any vaccine, but due to the number of individuals affected, the site stopped the J&J vaccinations to evaluate,” Georgia health officials said in a statement.

In total, 425 people received vaccines at the fairgrounds on the day the adverse reactions were seen.

“There is no reason to believe there is anything wrong with the vaccine itself, and other individuals who have received the J&J vaccine should not be concerned,” Kathleen Toomey, the state’s health commissioner, said in a statement. “We are looking into what happened and what may have caused the reactions, including the conditions at the fairgrounds such as heat and the ability to keep the site cool.”

A mass vaccination site in Colorado was shut down earlier this week, as was a site in North Carolina, after a spate of post-vaccination adverse reactions.

“We are confident in saying that there is no reason for concern,” Colorado’s top medical officer later said after a review of each patient’s symptoms and an analysis of other vaccinations from the same lot.

A site in Iowa also experienced post-vaccination adverse reactions, Georgia officials said Friday.

The Iowa Department of Health’s phone line went straight to a recorded message on Saturday and its director did not respond to an email.

In a statement to news outlets, a spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said officials are aware of “several incidents of vaccine recipients experiencing dizziness, light headedness, feeling faint, rapid breathing, and sweating (vasovagal or anxiety-related) symptoms following COVID-19 vaccines in Iowa, Colorado, Georgia, and North Carolina.”

“CDC is working closely with each of the state and local health departments to evaluate these incidents. CDC has performed vaccine lot analyses and has not found any reason for concern. Currently CDC and FDA are not recommending health departments stop administering any lots of COVID-19 vaccine,” the spokesperson added.

U.S. officials this week launched a study to investigate allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, but Johnson & Johnson’s shot is not being studied in that trial.

A small percentage of vaccine recipients have experienced adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis, or severe reactions, and a subset of those have died.

The current allergic reaction rate post-vaccination is approximately two to five cases per million, according to the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Europe’s top medical regulator said Friday it was probing reports of post-vaccination blood clots among a group that had received Johnson & Johnson’s shot. At least three of the post-vaccination clots developed in Americans.

Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is not yet being administered in Europe.

“We are aware that thromboembolic events including those with thrombocytopenia have been reported with all COVID-19 vaccines. Our close tracking of side effects has revealed a small number of very rare events following vaccination. At present, no clear causal relationship has been established between these rare events and the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine,” Johnson & Johnson told The Epoch Times via email.

Janssen is a subsidiary of the New Jersey-based company.

Anyone who experiences the following symptoms after getting a vaccine should immediately seek medical care, Johnson & Johnson said: shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling in the leg, persistent abdominal pain, neurological symptoms, tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the site of injection, and excessive or easy bruising.

According to the FDA, the agency was already aware of reports in the United States of post-vaccination blood clots, including some that were associated with low levels of platelets in the blood.

“Both conditions can have many different causes. At this time, we have not found a causal relationship with vaccination and we are continuing our investigation and assessment of these cases. Our analysis of the data will inform the potential need for regulatory action,” the agency told The Epoch Times in an email. “During the post-authorization period, there is continuous safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines by FDA and CDC. The goal of continuous monitoring is to quickly identify any specific safety concerns that may arise, and we will keep the public updated as we learn more.”

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:57 am

Vaccine regulators are deceiving us about the risks, say doctors

As vaccine passports are being proposed around the world, doctors and scientists from 25 countries have accused regulators of misleading the public with their claims that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and have demanded that approval for the use of the vaccines is suspended at once.

The group, Doctors for Covid Ethics, which has around 100 members including professors of immunology and microbiology, sent an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), following the regulator’s reply to their earlier warnings regarding Covid-19 vaccine dangers from clotting and bleeding.

Despite alerts (which continue to surface) about the risks of blood disorders from the vaccines, on March 23 the EMA dismissed the group’s concerns as relating to ‘minor’ and ‘rare’ events, concluding that ‘a positive benefit-risk balance has been established.’

The latest letter is a response to that dismissal. It is necessarily technical and lengthy but well worth reading in full here.

The group warn that administering inadequately tested and inadequately monitored gene-based Covid-19 vaccines represents dangerous medical experimentation, which is banned by the Nuremberg Code.

They write: ‘Misleading populations into accepting investigational agents such as the gene-based Covid-19 “vaccines”, or coercing them through “vaccine passports”, constitutes clear and egregious violations of the Nuremberg Code. The Nuremberg Code mandates voluntary informed consent “without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit [or] duress”.

‘We remind the EMA that Nuremberg violations constitute crimes against humanity under the Geneva Convention. Crimes against humanity are deemed “the worst atrocities known to mankind”, and are prosecuted under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

‘Given the hundreds of millions and eventually billions of people who may be coerced into accepting these agents, the EMA, in persistently shrinking from open debate and the truth, will be seen by lawyers and historians as having actively assisted in crimes against humanity, with the full weight of the implications to all involved.’

A full list of signatories can be found here.


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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:31 am

The mainstream media is trying to convince us that the fall in infections is due to the vaccine rollout, ignoring the fact that everyone has been stuck at home for the past year and as soon as they leave home the infection rate will shoot back up to where it was before. :clown:
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:06 pm

Straight from the the horse's mouth...

Lockdown is main reason for drop in coronavirus cases and deaths - not vaccinations, says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has warned that the reduction in coronavirus infections, hospitalisations and deaths "has not been achieved" by the rollout of COVID vaccines.

The prime minister, speaking the day after the latest easing of lockdown restrictions, instead said it was the national shutdown that had been "overwhelmingly important" in driving down COVID rates.

Speaking in 10 Downing Street, Mr Johnson suggested the millions of vaccines given over the past few months was not key to the reduction in COVID levels.

He said: "The numbers are down - of infections and hospitalisations and deaths.

"But it is very, very important for everybody to understand that the reduction in these numbers - in hospitalisations and in deaths and infections - has not been achieved by the vaccination programme.

"People don't, I think, appreciate that it's the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic and in the figures that we're seeing.

"So, as we unlock, the result will inevitably be that we will see more infection, sadly we will see more hospitalisation and deaths, and people have just got to understand that."

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:14 pm

You beat me to it!

But it's not just covid that is going to be on the rise; plenty of other diseases will also be on the up due to our immune systems not being stimulated because of the house arrest we've all been under.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:56 am

Today's Daily Telegraph...

Quarter of COVID deaths not caused by virus new figures show

Calls to speed up roadmap as data records people dying 'with' disease rather than 'from' it

Almost a quarter of registered Covid deaths are people who are not dying from the disease, new official figures show, as the Government was urged to move faster with the roadmap in the light of increasingly positive data.

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 23 per cent of coronavirus deaths registered are now people who have died "with" the virus rather than "from" an infection.

This means that, while the person who died will have tested positive for Covid, that was not the primary cause of their death recorded on the death certificate.

Other data also shows an increasingly positive picture of the state of the pandemic in the UK.

Daily death figures by "date of death" reveal that Britain has had no more than 28 deaths a day since the beginning of April, even though the government-announced deaths have been as high as 60.

This is because the Government gives a daily update on deaths based on the number reported that day, which can include deaths from days or weeks previously and therefore may not reflect the true decline in deaths. On Tuesday, the Government announced that there had been 23 further deaths.

Likewise, Oxford University has calculated that the number of people in hospital with an active Covid infection is likely to be around half the current published daily figure. Tuesday's official figure showed there were 2,537 Covid patients in hospital, with 230 new admissions.

However, despite the positive statistics, Boris Johnson issued a warning over the lifting of lockdown as he said it was the restrictions, not the vaccine rollout, that had predominantly kept Covid numbers low.

"It is very, very important for everybody to understand that the reduction in these numbers – in hospitalisations and in deaths and in infections – has not been achieved by the vaccination programme," he said.

"People don't, I think, appreciate that it's the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic and in the figures that we’re seeing. So yes of course the vaccination programme has helped, but the bulk of the work in reducing the disease has been done by the lockdown."

The Prime Minister cautioned that case numbers will rise in the coming weeks as people gather in pub gardens and visit shops again, with Number 10 carefully watching changes in the data. But he added that "at the moment I can't see any reason for us to change the road map, to deviate from the targets that we have set ourselves".

Tory MPs privately noted that Mr Johnson's comments on the vaccine struck a more cautious note than those used by Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, in a letter issued on Tuesday to MP colleagues.

In that letter, parts of which The Telegraph has seen, Mr Hancock said "it is because of the success of the vaccination rollout", alongside falling infection cases and hospitalisations, that "we are able carefully to lift restrictions" across the UK.

Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish First Minister, brought forward the reopening of non-essential shops. The speeding up of her reopening timetable comes after Mark Drakeford, the First Minister of Wales, brought forward indoor mixing by a week.

MPs urged Mr Johnson to also be driven by the positive data. Steve Baker, the deputy chairman of the Covid Research Group of Tory MPs sceptical about lockdown, told The Telegraph: "I know the Prime Minister is worried about case data in other countries. But we were promised the vaccine would break the link between cases, hospitalisations and deaths.

"We've been told repeatedly it has done. So of course we're looking to the Prime Minister to follow the data so that we can end the other harms that come with restrictions and lockdown. The sooner we're talking about the crisis in cancer care, the sooner we'll be solving it."

Covid deaths now make up just 4.9 per cent of deaths registered in England and Wales, compared with 45 per cent in mid-January, according to the ONS.

Prof Carl Heneghan, the director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University, said: "All the data is highly reassuring. There is becoming a case over the next couple of weeks to bring forward the reopening of hospitality, but that's offset with caution around big events.

"The issue is as we go about our daily lives there will be a slight increase in cases, but the key is not to panic. I think this over-cautiousness can be overcome by using a data-driven approach."

Experts also said it was clear that vaccination was having a "major" impact, with the death rate for over-60s now close to that of the under-60s despite being 43 times higher at the January peak.

Kevin McConway, emeritus professor of applied statistics at the Open University, said: "There's nothing in the death registration data that proves for certain that the differences in trends between older and younger people are caused by the vaccination, but vaccination must surely be playing a very major role.

"I'm not complacent, and we must still be careful now that restrictions on what we can do are being lifted. But the news so far is good."

More than 32 million people have now had a vaccine in the UK, with the Government announcing on Monday that the target of offering a jab to all those over 50, care home residents, those who are classed as vulnerable and those who work in health or social care had been reached.

However, a new analysis based on the fact that NHS England has said 19 out of 20 of those most at risk have had the jab suggests 1.3 million vulnerable people have not yet taken up the offer of a vaccine.

It is believed Mr Johnson's cautious message is being deliberately stressed now so that people will not be overly alarmed if Covid cases numbers begin to rise again throughout April.

He has said since first announcing his reopening roadmap in February that Covid cases would rise as restrictions eased. Downing Street believes the correct balance has been struck between limiting virus spread and helping businesses.

A well-placed senior government source downplayed any quickening of the reopening roadmap for England, stressing the current "earliest date" targets remained.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:40 pm

‘Slow’ UK response to AstraZeneca side-effects alarms experts


The UK decision to change the guidance for under-30s only was driven by the science that showed they were the only age group where the risks from the vaccine might exceed the chances of developing serious Covid-19.

The cumulative number of reports received by MHRA of blood clots with low platelet counts in recipients of the AstraZeneca jab rose from five by March 14 to 30 by March 21 and 79 by March 31, including 19 deaths. The latest figures to April 5, released on Thursday evening, show the number of clotting cases at 100 with 22 deaths, out of 20.6m people who have had the AstraZeneca jab.

The MHRA refused a request by the Financial Times to provide a timeline of when the adverse reactions occurred, rather than when they were reported, on grounds of patient confidentiality. “We cannot release details related to individual reports (such as individual reaction dates), as these risk identification (or misidentification) of individuals,” it said.

Because the MHRA is generally held in very high regard in UK medical circles — and praised for its speed in reviewing new Covid-19 therapies and vaccines for clinical trials and emergency use in the pandemic — experts have been unwilling publicly to criticise its response to AstraZeneca side-effects.

But several scientists have told the FT that the regulator was too slow both to pick up on the reports of the adverse reaction and communicate its findings to the medical profession, the public and the media.

Prof Stephan Lewandowsky, a psychologist at the University of Bristol studying the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, said other European countries had taken a far more cautious attitude to immunisation than the UK throughout the pandemic. This had led to greater vigilance in the search for side-effects and faster communication of risks to the public.

“The MHRA was slow in responding to the emergence of a specific constellation of symptoms associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine and slow to communicate what they were finding — and I am not the only one who thinks so,” he said.

Gillies O’Bryan-Tear of the UK Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine agreed the regulator might have acted a bit sooner. “I am a great fan of the MHRA. Their response [to vaccine side-effects] has been measured but, yes, a bit late. Deciding how and when to communicate this sort of information is very tricky indeed.”

The days before the abrupt change in guidance became an information vacuum. The MHRA had issued its regular weekly bulletin on adverse reactions to vaccines on April 1 — the day before the four-day UK Easter holiday in which it reported 30 more cases of the blood disorder but provided no further analysis.

The new guidance was issued on April 7 after the MHRA held a joint news conference with the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. Haematologists and other experts associated with the two government bodies had been discouraged from speaking to the media ahead of the decision.

“In a crisis you want the best experts out there and speaking to journalists, not to be silenced,” said Fiona Fox, chief executive of London’s Science Media Centre.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby rebbonk » Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:33 pm

“In a crisis you want the best experts out there and speaking to journalists, not to be silenced,” said Fiona Fox, chief executive of London’s Science Media Centre.

Anyone going against the 'official' line is silenced. - I find that rather worrying when you look at this government's record. The thin end of a very nasty wedge is beginning to appear and those that refuse to think for themselves, (most of the population) are sleepwalking into an ever more totalitarian society.
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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:40 pm

Why Britain’s regulator missed the link between the AstraZeneca jab and rare blood clots


Early in March, some four weeks after the first AstraZeneca vaccine was administered in Europe, little signals - like flares - started to go off all over the continent.

First in Austria, on March 7, and days later in Denmark, Norway and Iceland, European healthcare regulators began to report small numbers of blood clots and deaths among people who had received the vaccination.

Then on 15 March, Germany announced seven cases and three deaths and, like others, suspended use of the vaccine. The AstraZeneca jab was associated with a “striking accumulation of a special form of very rare cerebral vein thrombosis in connection with a deficiency of blood platelets and bleeding,” said the Paul-Ehrlich Institut, Germany’s renowned medicines regulator.

But in Britain, where the AstraZeneca rollout had started a full month earlier and 11 million doses had already been administered, there was nothing. On March 11, the UK's newly sovereign Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) put out a statement saying it could see no evidence of a problem.

But the MHRA was, it appears, wrong. An investigation by The Telegraph has established that signals had been firing unnoticed in the UK’s Yellow Card database for at least a month, perhaps longer.

In January, a patient suffered a brain clot following their first dose of the AstraZeneca jab, The Telegraph has confirmed. Then in early February, two similar cases followed, including a death and a life-changing CVST clot in a young adult. All had low platelets and all were reported into the Yellow Card system.

So why was the MHRA slower than others to spot the early signals? The Telegraph’s investigation suggests the issue relates to the algorithms it had in place to interrogate the UK data and its limited access to early emerging data from Europe.

It is not known exactly what parameters the MHRA set but it is clear they were not as sensitive as those used by some regulators in Europe.

The MHRA says it got its first report of CVST with thrombocytopenia in the week of February 8, but the regulator did not tell the public about the issue until March 18 when it announced five cases. It did so just moments before the EMA opened a high profile press briefing on the issue, which by then was dominating world headlines.

Since then, the MHRA has made three further announcements regarding new cases identified in the UK. Late on Good Friday, after most people had tuned out for the bank holiday weekend, it said it had recorded a total of 30 cases, including seven deaths. Then on 7 April, again during a high profile EMA press conference, it revealed the count had grown to 79 and 19 deaths. The latest figures, quietly released on Thursday evening, show the number of UK clotting cases with thrombocytopenia to stand at 100 with 22 deaths.

Despite requests from several newspapers including The Telegraph, the MHRA has not released the dates on which the deaths occurred or were reported into the Yellow Card system, citing the need to preserve patient confidentiality.

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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Postby dutchman » Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:25 am

Risk of suffering serious blood clot after AstraZeneca jab doubles in fortnight


The risk of suffering a serious blood clot after the AstraZeneca jab has doubled in a fortnight, new figures show, but the British regulator said the benefits still outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people.

New data from the Medical Healthcare products and Regulatory Agency (MHRA) show cases have risen from 79 to 168 since April 8, and deaths from 19 to 32.

The risk of getting a blood clot has also gone up from one in 250,000 to around one in 126,600 – or a rise of four in a million to 7.9 in a million.

Earlier this month the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that under-30s should be offered an alternative to the Oxford jab, because the risk no longer outweighed the benefits for younger people.

A source close to JCVI said the committee would be reviewing the new data carefully this week, to assess whether the risk was also still worth the benefit for older groups now that the chance of getting a blood clot had risen.

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