Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:54 pm


I often feel that the only honesty in this world is at the bottom of the pile. It's a sad indictment on society. I'm getting so if a politician told me it was raining I'd go outside to check.

When this covid stuff started I had a chat with my daughter and shared a few thoughts. One thing I shared was that I didn't believe the death count. Daughter couldn't wait to email me to tell me that it looks like the government have been caught cooking the figures!
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:15 pm

rebbonk wrote:Melisandre,

I often feel that the only honesty in this world is at the bottom of the pile. It's a sad indictment on society. I'm getting so if a politician told me it was raining I'd go outside to check.

When this covid stuff started I had a chat with my daughter and shared a few thoughts. One thing I shared was that I didn't believe the death count. Daughter couldn't wait to email me to tell me that it looks like the government have been caught cooking the figures!

I always say listen to your elders who have years of experience on how we are belittled not to dare be any thing but honest as possible in certain eras on how some of us were bought up. They make sure you dont raise your head above the parapit in line with them through poverty keep you poor and put prices so high you cant afford to rise and enjoy what they do eg compare wages in America and the price of flying lessons there to our wages and flying lessons here to become a pilot. If your parents are nt rich enough your child no matter how brainy would not be accepted in Edingbourgh university this happened to a couples daughter on the garden site I visit she was accepted in Wales university they were happy to take her.
My parents always said they still have us bowing down to them even now after all these years my mum died in 2007 at 87 and she was still saying this

Yes by Matt Hancock :hysterical:

If you watched or went on http://www.vernoncoleman.com site or you tube he has said this a while back he is not the only doctor on you tube saying the same and he said he will be taking the NHS to court over faulsifing death cirtificates then said the NHS can say they were told to do this but they tried this not so long back and it did nt work then and it wont now I think he was on about the pathway to Liverpool . Vernon not only use worked for the press he was a doctor he resigned as a doctor because he
did nt agree with how they were going to treat us he also investigated vacinations for 40 years.
He recently said he is thinķing of re registering as a doctor so then he can certify all the ones to the asylum who are wearing masks which are causing deaths he mentions keep washing your hands all the time in alchol antibacterial soap is killing you as it destroys your immune system which I already knew my self.

I believe if this Covid 19 exists as bad as they say I believe we are being sprayed like back in 1940 to 79 and may be longer as that was respiratory. Why I think this when it first came about how could we be 2 weeks behind Italy for it to arrive in the UK when we have had people coming into this country from Italy and all other countrys prior should nt it of been here at the same time as none were tested coming here before at the time nor after they were still entering the county untested.

Bill Gates mimiced this out brake just before look up Event 201 he had the world and medical people agree to go along with it . To teach us a hard lesson
to climate change on when the ice melts it will create all the buried virus and black death to resurface as it will be exposed my self I believe its to benefit his vacinations check out what his vacinations have done to India and Africa who have recently have all come together in Africa and voted to refuse his vacinations . His prime aim is on depopulation by vacine. He and his wife are now here in a London pharma . Now most Americans are refusing to have vacinatioms and Kennedy junior
Is behind them .
https://www.bluesci.co.uk/posts/gates-f ... l-diseases
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 20, 2020 12:26 am

Death certificates are a moot point Melisandre and I'm not sure how much we can rely on them.

Very briefly...

My partner died earlier this year. The hospital really didn't know what had killed her and the only way to be certain was an autopsy, which to their relief, I refused. - She'd suffered enough at the hands of the medical profession and an autopsy would be the final indignity. We agreed on the cause of death that would appear on the certificate! It was a best guess and one (IMO) that left them least open to a claim for negligence.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jul 20, 2020 12:21 pm

rebbonk wrote:Death certificates are a moot point Melisandre and I'm not sure how much we can rely on them.

Very briefly...

My partner died earlier this year. The hospital really didn't know what had killed her and the only way to be certain was an autopsy, which to their relief, I refused. - She'd suffered enough at the hands of the medical profession and an autopsy would be the final indignity. We agreed on the cause of death that would appear on the certificate! It was a best guess and one (IMO) that left them least open to a claim for negligence.

I agree they are questionable as we are not qualified enough to know any different are we.

So sorry to hear your partner died Rebbonk and suffered at hands of medical proffession which seems to be on the increase . You made the right decision not to have an autopsy as my brother who worked at Walsgrave also Coventry & Warwick for decades had one done on my dad he said after seeing him after the autopsy what a mess he looked the way they left him and wished he had not had one done .

Watching on line they said its bad management now why the NHS is like it is as they altered it not to benefit the patients but to benefit the staff.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:35 pm

Melisandre, I think a lot of it's about playing safe and the fear of being sued. As a society, we're far too quick to blame and demand compensation. Possibly fair enough for the likes of the USA where everything is directly paid for, but not so clever here where we have the NHS which is free at the point of use.

Years ago I was at Walsgrave hospital and noticed the well equipped/furnished 'executive' suite, whilst those at the sharp end were struggling for the basics. We have our priorities wrong in so many instances.

When I managed staff I'd always see them equipped properly and go without myself. I had a battered old desk whilst they all had relatively new ones. Oddly enough, most of my staff would do almost anything for me.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:38 pm

After my operation Rebbonk my brother and eldest sister wanted me to sue the hospital I even have it in black and white from the hospital they made an error my old neighbour friend and husband who own a Coventry business here said for me to sue it would make them more careful next time if not me but on others . My sister sued the hospital and won but I dont agree with sueing as that is money taken out the system for the future for our kids and grandkids that in the future might need treatment and the money might not be there if every one kept sueing and won . Whats done is done money cant bring your health back nor trust I just would nt trust any of them ever again.
Yes I ve always said I dont agree with us going the way of America as my sister found out its only the lawyers win big so she then took them to court for their fee cost and asked for that money to be put back into the hospital funds.

Your so right on that they have their priorities wrong in this country I some times think we have either backward people in charge or selfish greedy people .
It was just the same with militarily which my daughter in laws father pointed out who was in the special forces and went on death march in Greece the soilders were sent into desert conditions in Iraq with heavy leather boots which should of been made of suede he was appauld how they were kitted out.

I am glad your staff appreciate your thoughtfulness and it provides the best results for the job from it some thing that is being lost rapidly in the UK since the industrial revolution where at least some factory owners built decent housing with gardens back then and parks for their workers to improve their lives and showed their appreciation for their hard work.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:20 am

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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby rebbonk » Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:38 pm

I just love the way he tells things.

Thanks for the share Melisandre :thumbsup:
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby Melisandre » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:09 pm

Your very welcome Eebbonk

I enjoy listening to him too he shows the true British sarcastic humour to a tee.
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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Postby dutchman » Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:05 am

In the 1980s doctors certified people as being 'unfit for work' even when they knew they weren't.

In the 2000's doctors certified people as being 'fit for work' even when they knew they weren't.

In the 2020's doctors are certifying people as 'having died of Covid-19'.

Go figure! :roll:
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