Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 15, 2020 4:28 pm

She was a good old stick Melisandre. Once, to the amusement of all in the 'Horse', she attacked me with her brolly, just as you'd see in comedies or Saturday afternoon wrestling. She's been gone a few years now, I still miss the laughs we used to have.
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby Melisandre » Fri May 15, 2020 11:24 pm

:lol: she sounded a great laugh.

Its ashame the government with all this pc no drinking no smoking etc has and is still distroying communities have you ever wondered WHY ? as it reminds me of an evil man with a funny moustache plan then we ve got it seems to me they want the perfect human as its now a war on fat people what next I wonder . I was always taught beware of any one especially governments who promises the land of milk and honey the last time this was promised to people they ended up in gas chambers.

Remember altering lilttle by little people dont notice until its to late.
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby rebbonk » Sat May 16, 2020 1:42 am

Melisandre wrote:Remember altering lilttle by little people dont notice until its to late.

I think the people of the country surrendered an awful lot of their rights on very flimsy evidence. I wonder just how long it will be before those rights are ever fully restored? My bet is that we'll accept yet more state intervention and monitoring in our lives because it's to 'our benefit'!
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby Melisandre » Sat May 16, 2020 12:45 pm

I ve said all along Rebbonk it took roughly 3 years for them with Britex messing the people about setting families and friends against each other like now they are doing the same with this virus and the people put up with it so they knew then they can do what they like and most people will follow so I doubt if it will ever be like it was .
I believe we will become like the eastern block was before the Berlin wall was knocked down but worse. They have brain wash our kids and grand kids with fear as most have been bought up in a nanny state .

Watching a documentary reinactment the other week on Dominic Cummings top adviser to Boris you should check him out and what his parents were especially his mother what she trained in.

They want a cashless UK what better way of starting the process by a so called virus now big stores are only accepting cashless now .
Plans are in place how you will have to give up your car for driverless cars they are going to make it that expensive to run a normal car you will be forced to buy a driverless car.
Years ago electric cars were made by General Motors because this was a threat to the oil industry they were forced to scrap the lot they had made so it forced people on to public tansport does this ring a bell then took away public transport to make them buy petrol cars. Hybrids and electric cars are not new they date back to the early 1800s . Petrol cars distroy the enviroment with their emmissions which you know already so they are returning back to electric. ... -timeline/
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby rebbonk » Sat May 16, 2020 1:48 pm

Money runs a country, and indeed, the world Melisandre.

The motor industry is littered with examples of things being bought up and suppressed by the oil industry. Internal combustion engines are incredibly inefficient users of fuel, but those with the money/power do not want to see this improved.

Do a search around the internet about engines running on fuel vapour and you'll likely be surprised. Maybe Basil Wainright, the guy convicted for ripping off Noel Edmonds, was onto something? I remember his vehicle being examined at MIRA and the complicated set-up of valves and pipes he employed to get his alleged MPG. Unfortunately, I can't remember the outcome of the tests but Wainright was (I believe) convicted for making fraudulent claims and not just about fuel. Was he persecuted? Who knows.
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby Melisandre » Sat May 16, 2020 4:06 pm

You call it money I call it greed that runs the world Rebbonk :smile:

Yes back in the day the fastest racing car was steam. Yes I recall a man invented an engine that ran on water not sure if it was a fuel company who bought that up I always thought it was Shell that was never heard of again.

I can recall a few years back two men discovered when it rained car engines preformed far better as it mixes moisture with petrol through the carburetor they said they were going to try and develop a carburetor that more moisture could go through with out any damage but I ve never heard any more off those two men in the news. Yes the web is full of good inventions never to come to light because of greed just like cancer cures that work with no bad side effects.

As of Basil Wainright never heard of him but he sounds like the boy who cried wolf he has other patents even one for virus s lol
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby rebbonk » Sat May 16, 2020 6:24 pm

Melisandre wrote:Yes I recall a man invented an engine that ran on water not sure if it was a fuel company who bought that up I always thought it was Shell that was never heard of again.
I worked with a guy who swore he'd seen an engine in Longbridge's basement that would run off water. Fact or fiction, I cannot say. Though water is a mix of hydrogen and oxygen so if you could efficiently decompose it, who knows? If that engine existed, I wonder where it is now? China?

Melisandre wrote:I can recall a few years back two men discovered when it rained car engines preformed far better as it mixes moisture with petrol through the carburetor they said they were going to try and develop a carburetor that more moisture could go through with out any damage but I ve never heard any more off those two men in the news.
I believe Volvo undertook a lengthy study into this. I'm afraid I don't know the results, but I do remember a 'water injection' system being trialled.
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Re: Government publishes guidance on how to make face coverings using old T-shirts

Postby Melisandre » Sat May 16, 2020 11:46 pm

rebbonk wrote:I think the people of the country surrendered an awful lot of their rights on very flimsy evidence. I wonder just how long it will be before those rights are ever fully restored? My bet is that we'll accept yet more state intervention and monitoring in our lives because it's to 'our benefit'!

Told you so it will get worse its all to control us like the Eastern block. Says a lot when Corbyns brother says it.

Arrests in Hyde Park as lockdown protesters denounce 'fake' virus
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