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River Sherbourne to be returned to historical route

Fri Sep 01, 2023 3:13 pm

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust said the work would make an area of wetland more resilient


Work is due to start to redirect a river to its historical route.

Led by the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, the latest stage of the Sherbourne Valley Project will focus on an area known as Coundon Wedge.

It will restore part of the River Sherbourne, where it meets the North Brook, to its state prior to human involvement.

The trust said the work would reduce flooding, improve water quality and make wetland more resilient.

Work is due to begin on Monday and the wildlife trust said redirecting the river would allow it to bypass a number of weirs and culverts "which interrupt the natural flow of the brook and act as a barrier to fish passage".

It also said, while the restoration work was carried out, access to the site around Coundon Wedge would be limited and visitors were encouraged to use alternative routes.


Re: River Sherbourne to be returned to historical route

Fri Sep 01, 2023 3:15 pm

I worry there could be unintended consequences downstream of where the changes are being made? :tinfoilhat:

Re: River Sherbourne to be returned to historical route

Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:33 pm

The law of unintended consequences will prevail!

Re: River Sherbourne to be returned to historical route

Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:05 pm

Hi, Dutchman. :wave:

Did you know the village, church, school and everything else of Sherbourne is in Dorsetshire, so how the river ended up in Coventry is a mystery? :roll:

Re: River Sherbourne to be returned to historical route

Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:08 pm

Didn't know that Blitzkid! Interesting, thanks. :thumbsup:
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