Legend of Blitzkid

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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:48 pm

Blitzkid wrote:... high in the sky were they worked and of all things they called them lodges, now we can see were we are heading.

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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:42 pm

Should read, the stone masons and carpenters, would high in the sky build safe like sentry boxes to store tools and shelter from bad weather they called them Lodges, when the steeple was finished then they dismantled them.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Thu Dec 08, 2022 11:31 am

Before 1950 80% of Longford people were either miners or boatmen, honest working people and humorous. On the corner of Grange Road and Hurst Road was the old Fox Inn and down in the field opposite was the Long ford over the river Sowe, that led into the old water mill, with little rustic bridge, the water of the Sowe came from off the north side of the Radford Hill, the south side water was the brook that led into the Burgess.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:43 pm

Many of the old boating families are still here, Blitzkid.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:01 pm

Thanks rebbonk, did you know they tried to do a second evacuation of kids from Longford station in nov 1941 a second failure. Are you interested in anything about the area of the thirties or the war, any questions you might want to ask? I don't have the knowhow of photo's on the computor so my sons visiting, does it when we see him,
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:55 pm

Blitzkid, Anything you have about the area I'm interested in. If you have pictures, so much the better.

I moved here 30-odd years ago when I got divorced. I'm still learning about the place. I have to say, I love the place.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:20 pm

Hackets funeral place was next to the Longford bridge and canal, when the hearse wanted to enter the main road
then they stuck a person on the bridge to stop the traffic from Bedworth while the hearse came out on to the main road.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:29 pm

They're still there, Blitzkid. I don't think they stop traffic as such these days, but it is a bad place to drive out from, especially turning right.

I often chat with the Hacketts, they're nice people.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby Blitzkid » Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:34 am

So is the field still there that housed old Jones bakery horses?

And old Dr Webster just in Hurst road was my Dr for the first 17 years of my life, and the canal was started at New Inn bridge and went north, then along the city boundary to Stoke, where the basin was intended, before they solved the problems and let it flow South to Bishops Gate.
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Re: Legend of Blitzkid

Postby rebbonk » Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:35 pm

I think there's still a field at the back of the old bakery (if we are talking about the same bakery). I have an idea that it might belong to the Hansons.

I'm not particularly conversant with that stretch of canal, but there is still a basin on Swan Lane (Stoke) almost opposite where the old dairy was. I had a mate moor up there for the winter a few years back.

I seem to remember that the canal is on artificial banking in places between Swan Lane and Bishopsgate. I lived in Freehold St for a while and remember it at the bottom of the road, and of course, it burst its banks in the 70s causing quite a lot of mess to the lower regions.
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