New railway stations planned in bid to re-open lost Leicestershire line that shut 50 years ago

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New railway stations planned in bid to re-open lost Leicestershire line that shut 50 years ago

Postby dutchman » Fri Jun 03, 2022 3:55 am

The Rugby to Leicester line was scrapped during the 1960s cuts


Rail campaigners are pushing for the reopening of a passenger line that was shut down more than 50 years ago.

The old Rugby to Leicester line was a victim of the Beeching cuts in the 1960s when whole stretches of track were decommissioned across the country.

Now however sustainable Transport Northamptonshire would seek to reconnect the old railway line and include two new passenger stations at Lutterworth, Cosby and possibly another at Broughton Astley.

The route could also operate services between Northampton and Nottingham with a plan to link up the Magna Park logistics hub near Lutterworth.

The project would see the railway line following its original position on the Great Central railway adjacent to the M1 motorway before linking up with the Birmingham to Leicester line near the existing Narborough station.

The plans have been put forward to the Government’s ‘Restore Your Railway Fund’, which seeks to restore lost rail connections.

The proposals have been submitted to the first stage of the fund which would allocate further resources under an ‘Ideas Fund’ to explore the feasibility of the route – the idea was formally submitted in the latest round of applications which closed last Friday (5th March).

South Leicestershire MP Alberto Costa has endorsed the plan.

He said: “These are hugely exciting plans to restore the historical Lutterworth Line between Leicester and Rugby and I am really delighted to be supporting them.

“The proposals put forward by Sustainable Transport Northamptonshire would revolutionise the regional transport system we have in South Leicestershire and would meet one of the Government’s core objectives in moving HGV haulage to the much more sustainable rail freight network.”

He added: “The Lutterworth Line would bring huge economic and social benefits by linking Rugby, Northampton and Leicester together, and with a good-sized station in Lutterworth and a village station for Cosby, this would allow my constituents to more easily travel around parts of the country.

“Also, this project would undoubtedly bring a significant amount of positive commerce into this part of the county”.

Sustainable Transport Northamptonshire spokesman Harry Burr said: “We'd like to connect as many people as possible in the most environmentally sustainable way we can, which is why we are supporting this project.

“It connects a town of 10,000, Lutterworth, without an existing rail link, back to the rail network, while connecting three large communities together; Northampton, Rugby, and Leicester."

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Re: New railway stations planned in bid to re-open lost Leicestershire line that shut 50 years ago

Postby dutchman » Fri Jun 03, 2022 3:56 am

It would be awesome to have a proper railway running so close to Coventry again! :thumbsup:
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