Legend of Blitzkid

Pictures, maps, memories and stories

Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Wed May 11, 2022 11:42 am


Great memories Blitzkid. Please keep sharing, I really enjoy reading them.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri May 13, 2022 10:34 am

i don't think ZIG-ZAG altered the flight of the Doodle- bug or the V2 Rocket, their flights were more about the fuel they could carry, it lasted to the South of London, again I was in the right place at the right time to witness both, and so was my elder sister, on a gun sight in Raynes -park London, right in the thick of it.

If you or REBBONK wish to see the training I went through, then try and see the old Film "The Day of The Jackal" this was the Nearest you can get to our methods.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 13, 2022 2:38 pm

Blitzkid wrote: If you or REBBONK wish to see the training I went through, then try and see the old Film "The Day of The Jackal" this was the Nearest you can get to our methods.

Great film. Wasn't the author (Frederick Forsyth) involved in the intelligence services?
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri May 13, 2022 3:19 pm

Yes he was, as was Graham Green. H.G.Wells and many more, these authors helped to invent a lot of tricks and means to the deception game. And I just loved dodging, police, army, and all who sort me.
No one in my family Knew where I lived, I used many names, this way the race gangs could not trace me, if they should try, the only danger was if I should become ill, I thought I was unbeatable, until years later Arthur Ash died, that shook me.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri May 13, 2022 4:06 pm

IN the early fifties with the connection of old Comrades meetings I was offered a private HIT job for five thousand pounds, a job on a railway hoist by ex-military, this was done by amateur crooks in 1963,and a host of jobs that I turned down,, because I found gambling could do the same without any risk, the war was over, and without the Army to cover tracks ?

It was three miles Exactly from rear Hampton Court Palace to Kingston Bridge, three miles there three miles back, a fearsome discipline event, I drove my legs harder against the pain, made the bridge, sucking in oxygen to heaving lungs, and still hit the time as in Army days, this five years after I Left the army, I was in Kingston to attend Hurst Park Races, just along the river, a beautiful spot. But there was a lot more I could add to this story.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 13, 2022 7:00 pm

Blitzkid wrote:But there was a lot more I could add to this story.

You can't offer us a horse like that and not let us ride it! :lol:

Please share what you can without compromising anyone.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Fri May 20, 2022 10:49 am

The fireball of the blitz destroyed every library, bookshop, document of Coventry History, I don't believe Coventry archives as anything written before the blitz. all Coventry keeps showing are destroyed buildings, not the history. ----Coventry was built on ten smalls hills in the middle of the forest of ARDEN after King Canute (Knut) had fired the priory. But Canute was Norwegian, and Pagan. Now pagan Gods are your days of the week Tuesday-- the pagan God of war tew-- wed- the pagan god of Woden---thur the pagan god of thor - thunder-- Fri -- the pagan Godess frig--etc.----Now they also believed in Witches-- more than one Witch and you have --Coven put that in the forest and you have tre put them together Coventre and this was in Canutes time. Now the Romans had turned to Christianity, there fortress up north was Chester. "Leofric" was a rich land owner, went to school in Chester under Roman guidance, read and wrote Latin of the day and was a great diplomat, one of the four top men in England. sent to rebuild Coventry by the Popes of Rome also to teach Canute Christianty. Now in 1952 I had the money, the background, and a certificate signed by the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, that opened many doors, to visit Rome an the Vatican to confirm this. Yes I loved the old Coventry that I knew and read about in 1930's. Hope this helps. Blitz-kid.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby rebbonk » Fri May 20, 2022 1:13 pm


Blitzkid, this is great. I really look forward to reading your memories and knowledge. Please do keep things coming.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Mon May 23, 2022 11:03 am

Rebbonk, there were no Cov archives in 1950, so the archives of today no nothing of Coventry before the blitz, it's mainly there assumption. but people like me they banned. ask the archive where did the name Coventry come from.? and they are lost.
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Re: Legend of Blitz-kid

Postby Blitzkid » Mon May 23, 2022 12:41 pm

The wonderful narrow cobbled streets of Coventry that led from the Market place to Smithford street. the houses with there squat toilets at the bottom of the Garden which were emptied by pumping into Horse drawn wagons at night. the tank wagons were painted brown and the odour in the summertime was very strong. the sadness of the city came with the cold rains of dark winter, and you could not see the tops of the houses. the closed doors of the shops. As a kid I wood chop small sticks of wood, bind them with wire, and sell them a tanner-a-bundle, these half pencilled length of sticks would start a fire easily, and warmth would flood the room , and steam the windows. The cold wind would strip the leaves from the trees in the Cathedral churchyard would tumble down the street. The old Trams on the winter street looked wonderful against the sculptured bare trees. walking along by the magnificent churches made me Happy. there were so many things you wanted to understand of the past, so much to know.
The old City, as a boy I never felt I was going to get molested or corrupted, and never did.
I always thought I was lucky to have lived in Coventry with it's ancient buildings and history. all my life it stayed with me.
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