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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:20 am

The author seems a very sensible person!

Why in God’s name subject our children to the risk of death from vaccination?

AS TCW reported yesterday, the regulator MHRA has approved the Pfizer Covid vaccine for children as young as 12. Originally, it was argued that vaccines were needed to protect children against severe Covid. However, even the most ardent pro-vaxxers now recognise that the illness poses only a tiny risk to children, so they’ve adopted a new strategy: they claim that we must vaccinate children to achieve herd immunity against SARS-CoV-2. This claim reveals a shocking ignorance about the virus.

Here’s the simple fact: we will never achieve full herd immunity against SARS-CoV-2.

The most important thing to remember is that none of the present vaccines confers sterilising immunity; in other words they do not prevent infection or the ability to transmit the virus; they only protect against severe cases. Both the regulatory agencies and the vaccine manufacturers admit this. This is because the vaccines do not produce mucosal antibody responses in the airways. Thus, we have a significant number of ‘breakthrough cases’ in double-vaxxed subjects, including seven members of the New York Yankees who recently tested positive after being fully vaccinated.

Thus, even if we vaccinated everyone on earth with the present Covid vaccines, we would not achieve full herd immunity. The virus would still spread between people, and those with weak immune systems, including the elderly and those with comorbidities, would continue to develop covid from time to time.

But let’s imagine that scientists developed a vaccine that did confer something like full sterilising immunity. We might be able to hunt down human clusters of Covid, but what are we going to do with the animal reservoirs of SARS-CoV-2? According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the following animals can be infected with the virus: cats, dogs, voles, ferrets, fruit bats, hamsters, mink, pigs, rabbits, raccoon dogs, tree shrews and white-tailed deer. So, are we going chase down all the domestic and wild animals around us and vaccinate them?

Smallpox is the only virus that humanity has fully eliminated from the world. We were able to do this because it infects only humans (i.e. it has no animal reservoir), and we have a smallpox vaccine that confers full sterilising immunity. We have not been able to eliminate any of the other viruses for which we receive regular vaccinations. Even polio still exists, despite a 32-year vaccination campaign, despite a nearly perfect vaccine, and despite the fact that polio does not infect other animals.

So let’s face it: complete herd immunity is a pipe dream. So is ‘zero Covid’ or full elimination of the virus. Any attempts to achieve these things will cause massive economic harm and involve severe violations of human rights and individual freedoms. And they will fail.

All non-corrupted scientific commentators have known from the very start that this pandemic only ends one way: SARS-CoV-2 is going to become an endemic virus. It will always be with us. The sooner most of us are exposed to it, ideally in childhood, the sooner it will cease to be a major problem. High-risk individuals can choose to take a vaccine. Ivermectin and vitamin D can be used to prevent infection and treat confirmed cases.

As we have seen, the argument that children must take vaccines so that we can achieve herd immunity is utterly false. Only those completely ignorant of virology and immunology would even attempt to make it. That brings us back to the original argument for vaccinating children against Covid: to protect them from the severe disease. If this is the only reason to vaccinate children, there is only one calculation that parents should make: Is the risk from Covid greater than the risk from the vaccine?

The present Covid vaccines being administered in the West are based on experimental technologies that are being used under emergency use authorisations (EUAs). Full safety studies will not be completed until 2023. The Covid vaccines were all created in the last year and we have no medium-term or long-term data on them. We don’t know if they will have an effect on children’s reproductive organs and fertility. We don’t know if they will produce auto-immune diseases. And we don’t know if they will lead to ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) upon re-exposure to the virus (causing more severe illness).

We do know that the vaccines produce a range of cardiovascular and neurological events including strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis and paralysis in a significant number of people. In the small US state of Connecticut at least 18 children and young adults have come down with myocarditis, an extremely serious and sometimes fatal condition involving inflammation of the heart muscle (and they’ve only just started vaccinating children there). The Israel Ministry of Health has reported that the incidence of myocarditis for vaccine recipients is between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 6,000 in young men.

In Canada (population 38million) only 11 children have died from Covid since the start of the pandemic. In the UK (pop 68million) 32 children have died. It is nearly certain that all of them had one or more severe comorbidities. The fact is, most children brush off Covid without even knowing they’ve had it. For all intents and purposes, Covid poses zero risk to healthy children.

It is clear that for children the risk of death or injury from the vaccine is at least an order of magnitude greater than the risk of death or injury from the virus. So since herd immunity or zero Covid is clearly an impossible goal, why in God’s name are we subjecting our children to the risk of death or life-changing injury? I’ll tell you why: Because this really isn’t about health at all. It’s being driven mostly by two things: the profit motives of Big Pharma and Big Tech, and a cult-like religious movement in which masking and vaccinations are the sacraments by which one demonstrates their virtue.

So, let’s get back to reality. If you’re an adult and you trust the safety of the vaccines, then you’ve taken yours, or you will soon, and you’re protected. You don’t need to worry about whether others are vaccinated. If you’ve got an umbrella, you don’t need to worry if others go out without them. If they get wet, that’s their problem, not yours.

If you’re a parent, like I am, I want to speak directly to you. I know you love your children. I know you worry when your children are ill. Just imagine if you made a decision – a completely optional decision, with no benefit to your child or the rest of society – that resulted in your child being injured, killed or rendered infertile. And you did it simply because you wanted to appear virtuous, or because it was the easy thing to do. How would you feel? How would you explain your decision to your child if they were injured or infertile?

Let’s all remember the injunction of the Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm.


Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:09 am

Global Britain is ‘shut for business’, warns Theresa May


Britain is “shut for business” because of travel restrictions that are “incomprehensible” in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, Theresa May has warned.

In a forthright attack on the Government’s Covid policy, the former prime minister said that if ministers blocked travel every time there was a new variant, “we will never be able to travel abroad ever again”.

She said Britain was “falling behind” the EU in reopening travel, despite being way ahead on vaccinations, and called on Boris Johnson to be “up front” with the British people about the fact that Covid deaths would continue, in the same way that 10,000 to 20,000 people die from flu each year.

Mrs May’s comments, timed to coincide with the beginning of the G7 meeting of world leaders in Cornwall, came as the aviation sector called for “immediate” action to reopen the skies, saying the industry had now reached a “critical point”.

Airlines UK has warned that carriers will not be able to recover if they continue to accrue yet more debt, and Mrs May said the Government had to decide whether it wanted a UK aviation sector in the future “because at the rate it's going, it won’t have one”.

It came as British Airways announced it has put thousands of staff back on furlough amid the delay to restarting international travel.

During a Parliamentary debate on the aviation sector, she said Britain had gone backwards, not forwards, in its travel policy despite the success of the vaccine programme.

She said that a year ago ministers promised they were “working hard” to get internationally agreed health standard measures in place but: “One year on we are no further forward, indeed what we have is a devastated industry, jobs lost and global Britain shut for business. More than not being any further forward, we’ve gone backwards.

“We now have over 50 per cent of the adult population vaccinated – a wonderful programme – yet we’re more restricted on travel than we were last year."

Ministers have expressed concerns about the rise in cases of the so-called Indian variant of Covid, but Mrs May said: “There will be new variants every year. If the Government’s position is that we cannot open up travel until there are no new variants elsewhere in the world then we will never be able to travel abroad ever again.”

“We will not eradicate Covid-19 from the UK. There will not be a time when we can say that there will never be another case of Covid-19 in this country … sadly people will die from Covid here in the UK in the future, as 10,000 to 20,000 people do every year from flu.”


Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:54 pm

I stumbled upon this...


I have yet to verify it fully, but it appears to be genuine. :shock:


It appears that the above is not entirely true. I pulled this from Snopes...

This call for the reduction of the world population is apocryphal. Only two sentences are authentic and indeed emanate from Jacques Attali: the one on the cost of the sixty-year-olds to the society cited above [“But as soon as we pass 60/65 years, man lives longer than he produces and then costs society more”], and another according to which “it is much better that the human machine stops suddenly rather than deteriorating. gradually”. They appear in a 1981 interview book, l’Avenir de la vie (Seghers editions) in which Jacques Attali is interviewed by journalist Michel Salomon.

However, the economist does not plead for generalized euthanasia. Rather, he speaks out against an infinite lengthening of the life, after having exposed some thoughts on the interest of the leaders and the companies in that people live long, according to their state of health.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:17 am

The most interesting revelation for me is that younger people are much worse affected by the Covid vaccine than older people which is the opposite of my personal experience with 'flu vaccine. So when older people tell younger people to get the vaccine because "It didn't do me any harm" (as many have been doing) they don't know what they're talking about.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:14 pm

I heard from an independent source that the vaccination take-up rate in London is only 29% which is a bit different from what the government is claiming.

Also that businesses which closed 'temporarily' during lockdown (and in some cases reopened again) have now closed permanently following Johnson's postponement announcement. Bill Wyman's restaurant is one of them.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:37 pm

On discussing vaccinations with people over the last few days I've noticed a definite negative vibe to them. A young lady I was talking to told me that she felt coerced into having the vaccine because she wanted to go on holiday, but now felt cheated as holidays weren't likely to happen. Almost every parent I've spoken to says that they will definitely not have their child(ren) vaccinated.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:50 pm

An interesting snippet from last night. The inventor of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine admits there will be side effects but they are 'justified during a pandemic'.

So, for the sake of a tiny percentage of fatalities among the frail and elderly little different to a bad winter season of 'flu they have subjected countless future generations to as yet unknown long-term side effects.

And before anyone says "But that's only in Russia" I doubt the situation is any different over here. :roll:

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:03 pm

Letting fully vaccinated skip quarantine in England ‘will cause resentment’


Allowing those who have received two doses of a Covid vaccine to skip quarantine could breed resentment and result in mass non-compliance, a scientific adviser has warned.

Downing Street has confirmed it is looking at whether to drop all legal self-isolation measures for fully vaccinated people who come into contact with someone who is infected “as part of the post-step 4 world”.

It comes after the Times reported that a meeting of the Covid operations committee would take place on Monday at which ministers are expected to sign off a plan that will mean those who have been double-jabbed will be “advised”, after 19 July, to take daily tests but not be required to do so.

Robert West, a professor in health psychology at University College London’s Institute of Epidemiology and Health, told Times Radio he could “see the rationale” for the policy, but that there were significant problems that “outweigh potential benefits”.

West, who is a member of the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours, which advises Sage, said: “The most serious problem is that if you have a situation where not everyone has been even offered the vaccine then you’ve already got clearly a huge unfairness.

“When you get unfairness in situations like this, you get resentment and when you get resentment you can get loss of compliance.”

West added that “the only possible scenario” where the policy might work was “a long way down the line” when everyone has been offered a double vaccine.


Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:08 pm

Oh dear...

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:53 am

This is worth a read...

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