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Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Thu May 20, 2021 10:02 pm

The government should acknowledge its failures over India variant – not blame low vaccine take-up

When Matt Hancock was challenged earlier this week about rise in cases of the Indian variant, he responded by emphasising that several of those in hospital with the disease were eligible for the vaccine but had chosen not to take it. This appears to have been a cynical ploy to deflect the blame from the government’s own failings.

Since then, we’ve seen a dangerous and divisive narrative emerging, in which instead of ministers being held to account, communities are being scapegoated around the UK. Mark Harper, the chair of the Covid Recovery Group, remarked that “wider society’s fate can’t be sealed by the actions of a small group of people,” whereas a hysterical Daily Mail front page talked about “vaccine refuseniks” threatening plans to lift Covid restrictions next month.

This is typical of the behaviour of this Conservative government and their allies. Each time it has found itself on the back foot during this pandemic, it has sought to pass the buck onto individuals instead of owning up to their own mistakes. We have a prime minister who tells the public to take personal responsibility for keeping coronavirus under control, while failing to do so himself.

Let us be clear here. This is not the fault of people in Bolton, Blackburn or Bedford. Nor is it right to say that vaccine hesitancy is the root cause of the rise of cases of the Indian variant. The rise in the number of cases is predominantly occurring in age groups that are not yet eligible for the jab: those aged between 10 and 44. And vaccine take-up in areas such as Bolton is broadly in line with the national average.

In any event, pointing the finger at hard-hit communities is not the answer. The reason that this new strain has seeded in certain communities is that the government delayed putting India on the red list until 23 April. This is despite the fact cases in India were sharply rising in March and April, with significant numbers of cases arriving from that country identified as being a variant of concern.

Ministers have struggled to explain this delay, but given that Boris Johnson was scheduled to visit India for trade talks, it does appear that he put the pursuit of a trade deal before public health. This means that a crucial opportunity to stop the Indian variant was missed. While we were locked up in our homes, the government let the virus in through the back door.

Clive Lewis MP, and vice chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus


Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri May 21, 2021 2:24 pm

There are many lies being told all round. The government has questions to answer for its absolute incompetence in many aspects of handling this. Not stopping all flights from India because Bozo was intending to visit was about as hypocritical as it comes. Vilifying people for not taking largely unproven vaccines (long-term effects anyone?) and attempting to create a multi-tiered society based on how you adhere to government diktats is beyond low.

Unfortunately, the likes of The Daily Mail will enjoy whipping up a frenzy without a second thought to the damage they will cause. - I'm actually barred from posting comments on their pages due to me holding (and being able to argue) views that differ from theirs.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri May 21, 2021 5:32 pm

You couldn't make this up. The stupidity is beyond belief...

Heathrow Airport will open a dedicated terminal for passengers arriving from countries with a high risk of Covid.

The decision follows criticism of the airport and the government after arrivals from red list countries were made to queue with other passengers.

But from 1 June, those travelling from red list countries will transit through Terminal Three, which has been closed for the past year.

They will then travel to a hotel where they will quarantine for 10 days.


Without adequate segregation in place they shouldn't have been allowed to reopen.

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Fri May 21, 2021 11:57 pm

Current coronavirus vaccines unlikely to protect against new variants in future, SAGE warns


Current COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to protect against new variants of the virus in the future, the government's scientific advisers have warned.

In a paper published on Friday, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) said coronavirus may continue to evolve for years to come and that "eradication is extremely unlikely".

The experts warn that eventually it is likely "current vaccines will fail to protect against transmission, infection, or even against disease caused by newer variants".

The document, which considers the long-term plan for COVID jabs, says that "loss of vaccine effectiveness will result in further economic and social costs" and "a solution is to update vaccines to keep pace with virus evolution".

The scientists add that "we should also consider whether future vaccination policy will aim to immunise the whole population or only those at risk from severe disease".

The document, which was produced by SAGE's vaccines update subgroup on 4 May, says current COVID jabs are based on the "Wuhan-like virus" that emerged in China in 2019.

Further doses of those vaccines might maintain protection into the winter of 2021/22 "but potentially less so for individuals with a less robust immune response", it states.

The scientists say "worryingly" there is increasing evidence that COVID vaccines are less effective at protecting against infections and mild disease caused by the South African variant of the virus, compared to the Kent variant.

Several manufacturers have already started to produce updated vaccines for trials based on the South African variant instead of the virus originally identified in Wuhan, according to SAGE.

"If another variant (e.g., B.1.617 from India) predominated or co-circulated with B.1.1.7 (Kent variant) in the UK, it is not obvious at the moment which variant based vaccine would most effectively cross protect," SAGE said.


Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Sat May 22, 2021 10:00 pm

Yet more shenanigans and obscuration...

Downing Street leaned on Public Health England not to publish crucial data on the spread of the new Covid variant in schools...

Source and full story:

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Sun May 23, 2021 9:45 pm

We may be in for an interesting week...

"If we'd had the right preparations + competent people in charge, we wd probably have avoided lockdown1, *definitely* no need for lockdowns 2&3," Cummings wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

"Given the plan was AWOL/disaster + awful decisions delayed everything, lockdown1 became necessary."

Source and full story:

We might even start seeing some of the truth!

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Tue May 25, 2021 1:58 am

What Boris really needs right now is some sort of distraction from the news, something like Russia hijacking an airliner. :roll:

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Tue May 25, 2021 5:32 pm

Vaccination won’t mean an end to self-isolating


Fully vaccinated people face still having to self-isolate for 10 days if they come into contact with someone infected with Covid after June 21, The Telegraph understands.

The continued imposition of quarantine for those who have been vaccinated is likely to undermine plans for "normality" to return next month because people may be deterred from going to crowded places if they face the threat of enforced self-isolation.

Workplaces may also be loath to mix vaccinated and unvaccinated staff if a case of Covid could see dozens of staff being forced into quarantine.

It means millions of people who have had two doses of the vaccine could still be made to spend 10 days at home if the NHS alerts them that they have been in close contact with an infected person.

Close contact is defined as having a face-to-face conversation, being within one metre for one minute or within two metres for 15 minutes. Not even a subsequent negative test would be enough to allow them to end their quarantine.

Continuing the self-isolation rule will prompt questions about the Government's faith in the vaccines and whether it is maximising the benefits of its successful jab rollout.



Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Tue May 25, 2021 6:20 pm

So you've played Russian roulette with your natural immunity and you've got exactly what out of it?

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Re: All these big wigs telling us how great the new vaccine is...

Wed May 26, 2021 1:59 am

William Shakespeare: First man to get Covid jab dies of unrelated illness

Former parish councillor was proud to be second person to receive Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, says wife

The first man to receive a coronavirus vaccine has died of an unrelated illness.

William “Bill” Shakespeare, 81, made headlines after becoming the second person in the world to get the Pfizer-BioNTech jab at Coventry’s University Hospital last December, shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan.

The former parish councillor, who died after suffering a stroke, was proud of being one of the first to receive the vaccine, his wife Joy said in a statement released through University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.

She said: “Bill was so grateful for being offered the opportunity to become one of the first people in the world to be given the vaccine.

“It was something he was hugely proud of – he loved seeing the media coverage and the positive difference he was able to make to the lives of so many.

“He often talked to people about it and would always encourage everyone to get their vaccine whenever he could.”

Mr Shakespeare, a father of two and grandfather of four who lived in Brownshill Green, Coventry, died peacefully last Thursday at University Hospital.

Praising the care her husband received, his widow added: “All of the staff were so caring, compassionate and respectful and we couldn't be more grateful. They are an absolute credit to their profession and the NHS.”

Born in Coventry, Mr Shakespeare served on Allesley Parish Council for more than 30 years, and as a school governor for over two decades.

The retired aero engineer was also involved in planting hundreds of trees in Coundon Wedge, Allesley, and in the creation of Coundon Wood.

His wife added: “Bill loved meeting people and helping them in any way possible. Most of all he was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather, nicknamed Pop Pops by the grandchildren. He left a huge imprint on everyone who knew him and will be greatly missed.”

Mr Shakespeare was an inpatient on a frailty ward when he received the vaccination.

In a tweet paying tribute to him, the West Midlands Labour Party said: “We're sorry to hear of the death of Coventry Labour stalwart Bill Shakespeare. Bill made global headlines as 1st first man to have Covid vaccine.

“His decades of service to the party were recently recognised by Keir Starmer. Our thoughts are with Joy and Bill's family & friends.”

Coventry city councillor Jayne Innes said she was saddened and upset to hear of her friend's passing.

The Labour councillor, who represents the Whoberley ward, offered her condolences to Mr Shakespeare's family on Facebook, adding: “Bill will be remembered for many things, including a taste for mischief.”


The discussion on the page is quite interesting. It appears to me that many more than we are hearing about are unconvinced over these vaccinations.
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