Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

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Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby Melisandre » Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:11 pm

Thank you Rebbonk are those presents in Father Christmas sack all for your dog :smile:
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Re: Merry Christmas to all

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:41 am

Sadly, I no longer have my dog. He was taken unexpectedly ill and I had to have him put to sleep just before his 4th birthday; a few weeks back now. We're just about over the shock and have decided that after Christmas we'll be getting another. He is missed though.
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Re: Merry Christmas to all

Postby Melisandre » Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:42 pm

Sorry to hear your dog has passed away Rebbonk I hope your new dog after Christmas brings you as many happy memories as the one who had that has just died.
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Re: Merry Christmas to all

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:22 pm


I've had dogs all my life (apart from when I was married), but the last one, although the shortest lived, was undoubtedly the best. He'll take some replacing.

The biggest issue we have though is that neither of us are youngsters. Big dogs take a lot of handling, but neither of us are small dog lovers. At present we're talking about Japanese Akitas (as Spencer was) or German Shepherds (we've had two of them together and several each before we got together). But put a big brown eyed puppy in front of her and anything might happen.
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Re: Merry Christmas to all

Postby Melisandre » Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:58 pm

Do you mean eyes like this. Rebbonk lol it is a smalish dog but can be bigger than this I ve seen them in Black needs just a little exercise a run in the garden will do it and does nt malt either I would sooner have a dog that suites my needs than have one I could nt cope or handle as that would be cruel to the dog. I ve always checked out the dogs needs first I use to exercise and train my dogs up Coundon park.


or if you like big https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyrenees

Or there is a Red Setter or my favourite the Golden Retriever I ve had German Sheperd s also a Springer Spaniel very lively dogs the springer also I ve had mungrels which are hard to come by now but they have the best temperaments and stronger in health.
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Re: Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby rebbonk » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:33 pm

I had this girl for almost 12 years, she was about 15 when I had to do the necessary...

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Re: Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby Melisandre » Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:10 pm

She was a beauty Rebbonk shame she has now gone normally its their back legs that go first. I ve always found they have a lovely nature having three of them over the years Shebba Sham only one Sally she loved children and woman did nt like men or any thing dressed in black bought from Nuneaton dog rescue she had biten one man Stuart that kept horses on the farm where I lived and had tourn the trousers off another man Jimmy after he was warned not to go near her we had to keep Sally in another room before letting any man in then bring her in she would nt let Shortie get up off the settee nor could he leave we had to take her out the room .first .
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Re: Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby rebbonk » Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:23 pm

Kidney failure got her. Not a day's illness whilst I had her until that struck.

She had a lovely temperament and everyone who met her found her a delight. I could leave her all day alone in the house and it didn't bother her, but if the two of us took her out and one of us went to the bar she'd get quite upset at being left. But by God did she moult.
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Re: Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby rebbonk » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:07 pm

Melisandre wrote:she would nt let Shortie get up off the settee nor could he leave ...

I didn't know you knew Shorty. I've not seen him for a very long time now. Is he still around?
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Re: Lost canine friends... [split from "Merry Christmas to all"]

Postby Melisandre » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:45 pm

I ve known Shorty since he lived in Bedlam Lane then he moved to Bennetts Rd Keresley he had the house set back off Bennetts Rd for milking the cows he use to milk the cows on Roger Knowles farm Councilor Hazel Noonan father the farm that belonged to Keresley pit which I lived on then the last known place of Shortie he had one of the cottages opposite Colliery Lane he owns the pond ground on Colliery Lane he also was in partnership with Monty with the scrapyard in the lane next door to where my son and his dad worked for Edwards Taxis repair shop my sons dad was a mate of Shortie. My son seen him a few years back up Bedworth. I also know Dave & Sue Wilson well Dave had the scrap yard on the roundabout bottom of Bayton Rd also Ajax the bangor racing team while his brother Roger drove the lorries.
Last edited by Melisandre on Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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