"Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Coop

Postby dutchman » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:41 pm

University of Warwick to provide 20 student scholarships to refugees

THE UNIVERSITY of Warwick has pledged to provide 20 scholarships to refugees seeking a place to study or research.

The Canley-based university has promised the funding to some of the world’s most desperate men and women after staff and students pressured the university to do its bit in helping those affected by the crisis.

The university will immediately offer 10 student scholarships for refugees this academic year (2015-16) and a further 10 student scholarships for the following academic year (2016-17).

The scholarships will be a mix of postgraduate and undergraduate studentships, though in the first year the majority are likely to be postgraduate opportunities as recruitment will run beyond the imminent start of the new academic year.

The announcement follows last week’s joint statement from Student’s Union President, Isaac Leigh, and University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Nigel Thrift, in which the pair praised the ‘global university’ for its international community of staff and students.

They added: “The images and stories which we have all seen have been heartbreaking.

“The University and Students’ Union are both absolutely committed to playing a role in welcoming refugees.

“Indeed, some of our friends in the Warwick community are here because this country welcomed them when they needed support.

“We must continue this tradition, for refugees can – and do – become leaders, be it in medicine, academia, politics and more.

“We strongly believe that we have an inherent responsibility to try to shape a more accepting society, and will never neglect that responsibility.”

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Coop

Postby dutchman » Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:51 pm

Rural mansion could become reception centre for hundreds of Syrian refugees


A rural Warwickshire mansion could be turned into a reception centre for hundreds of Syrian refugees.

On October 20, the Diocese of Coventry submitted a planning application to turn the Grade II-listed Offa House in Village Street, Leamington, into temporary, short term accommodation for refugees.

The proposal to Warwick District Council’s planning committee read: “Change of use from Diocesan retreat house to short term residential accommodation for refugees for a temporary period of up to five years.”

The property has 27 bedrooms and kitchen space.

Only minor repairs are required to make it inhabitable.

A spokesperson for the diocese said: “The Diocese of Coventry is also exploring other ways of providing practical help and support for Syrian refugees.

“The suitability of Offa House as short-term welcome accommodation for Syrian refugees is currently being investigated with Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council, and Warwick District Council.

“As part of this investigation, the Diocese of Coventry has applied for planning permission to change the use of Offa House.”

The decision to try and accommodate refugees, while their paperwork is being processed and permanent accommodation is being found, came after the Diocese held a reception for refugees in Coventry.

At the reception in July, the Bishop of Coventry paid tribute to political leaders in the city who had “extended the hand of friendship” and told refugees: “We are so glad that you are in here in Coventry, and that you are safe. We know that you and your people have suffered in terrible, terrible ways.”

At present the old Georgian rectory stands unused.

The building which is still owned and run by the Diocese was formerly a conference venue and the Retreat Centre for the Diocese of Coventry until it closed in 2013.

It was partially reopened again in 2014 for daily prayers.

A small team is developing the long-term vision for Offa House, and an alternative use during an interim period is also being considered.

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Coop

Postby rebbonk » Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:46 pm

They could have used that building to help our own homeless. :fuming:

FWIW, I'm totally against us taking any 'refugees'. When it all goes Pete Tong (and it will) I just hope I'm still here to say, "I told you so"!
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Coop

Postby dutchman » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:57 pm

One in ten people living in Warwickshire parish will be Syrian refugees

More than one in ten residents of a Warwickshire parish will be Syrian refugees if plans to convert a disused church building into a refugee reception centre go ahead.

The move to use Grade II listed Offa House, in Offchurch , as short-term accommodation for refugees is set to be rubber stamped by the Home Office before the end of the year after Warwick District Council granted planning permission for the change of use in November.

Once fully up and running, a total of 35 refugees would be housed there - which represents more than 14 per cent of the 250 people registered as living in Offchurch according to the 2011 census.

Each refugee would stay for up to two weeks before being moved to permanent accommodation elsewhere in the country, likely to be in the Midlands.

Five objections were received to the scheme at the Coventry Diocese-owned building, which will be operated by Coventry City Council in partnership with Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council. The Diocese of Coventry would be responsible for welcoming refugees and providing hospitality.

Graham Ford, who lives in Offchurch, wrote to Warwick District Council: “I object to the temporary housing of Syrian refugees in Offa House.

'Their plight is desperate however, the way they treat their own kind is far from our ideals and will clash with our values.'

“An example being the way they treat their women which will be on show here in Offchurch as they wait their time to be re-homed.”

Julie Ford, who also lives in the village, wrote: “I think the greater community of Leamington and the local area needs to be aware of this practice and welcome them into a wider community not a small village which isn’t very friendly.”

The property has 23 bedrooms and kitchen space. It was formerly a conference venue until it closed in 2013 and was partially reopened again in 2014 for daily prayers.

The move to use Offa House as a refugee processing centre comes after the UK government committed to receiving 20,000 refugees fleeing war-torn Syria by summer of 2020.

A statement on the Diocese of Coventry website s aid: “Offa House would provide Christian hospitality to those so dreadfully displaced from their homes and from a country engulfed in civil war.

“The house and gardens would provide a safe space for children to play and for everyone to start coming to terms with their traumatic past whilst being given assistance with starting their new lives in this country.”

It added: “A local liaison group would also be established. It is very important that Offa House feels like a home rather than an institution. For that to happen, help and support is needed from volunteers within the local community, the wider church and other faith groups.”

The scheme would be funded by central government and would initially be set up for five years.

Coventry currently has 152 Syrian refugees registered in the city while Stratford District Council voted this week to accept 12 Syrian refugee families.

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Coop

Postby rebbonk » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:20 pm

I stand by my previous comments, but add that 'adjusting' the local cultural make-up by 10% in such a short period of time is bound to have some nasty side effects. I wonder how the locals feel about things?
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby dutchman » Wed May 04, 2016 4:40 pm

Bishop of Coventry calls on the government to allow more refugees into the country


The Bishop of Coventry has called for the UK government to allow more refugees into the country.

Rev Christopher Cocksworth believes the country should provide a sanctuary for those fleeing the war in Syria.

He also pointed to Coventry as an example other cities should follow after it emerged almost 200 Syrian refugees have now been welcomed to the city.

Rev Cocksworth was speaking during the annual meeting of the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre (CRMC), the charity of which he is currently patron.

The charity, which is in line to receive a £775,000 grant over two years from Coventry taxpayers, offers advice and support to asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants.

It aims to prevent homelessness and destitution, help people make a positive contribution to the city, support access to employment opportunities and encourage integration.

Rev Cocksworth said: “I have been really impressed by the deep well of civic compassion in Coventry and an appetite to help. The CRMC is a shining example of that.

“I would like our government to increase the quantity of refugees it receives. At the same time, it’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality as well.

“The CRMC serves both those ends with its ongoing work on integration. Our commitment must be to long-term integration.”

CRMC officials said the civil war in Syria had claimed an estimated 400,000 lives and displaced millions of people.

It added that 190 Syrian refugees have been welcomed to Coventry under the government’s resettlement programme.

In addition, 30 Afghan interpreters who served with the UK armed forces in Afghanistan now live in Coventry with their families.

Nationally, the government has vowed to take 20,000 Syrian refugees over five years, but the Bishop pointed out that in Iraqi Kurdistan refugees had swollen the population by one-third.

He said: “We are making a very small contribution to a massive humanitarian need. Nevertheless, here in Coventry, it’s a contribution of which we can be proud and which can be an inspiration to other cities.

“Coventry has got a good story to tell. Our reputation for sanctuary is becoming known. We have something to say to the world about how our city is built on the values of peace, reconciliation, acceptance and welcome.”

Coun Michael Hammon, Coventry’s lord mayor, also praised the city’s response to the refugee crisis.

He said: “We should welcome refugees, but we should welcome them with a smile. Where we can help, we must do so.”

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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby rebbonk » Wed May 04, 2016 5:11 pm

I'll stand by my previous comments.

Whilst no doubt the Bishop has good intentions he doesn't have to live with what he creates. I'd be far more impressed if he told us that he'd personally take in a couple of these 'refugees' and would be personally responsible for them.
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby Melisandre » Wed May 04, 2016 8:37 pm

I fully agree with you Rebbonk. :two_thumbs:

Does any one know Yvette Coopers home address to send these so called refugees (NOT ) if they arrive here to her house for her to take them all in and they can live at her place I am sure she would have plenty of room as they the mps claim second homes and could well afford to keep them out of her own pocket and pay any private medical bills and tuition as not to cause any more chaos to our nhs hospital and schools when our own children cant get into their local school.
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Re: "Britain must take in 10,000 refugees", says Yvette Cooper

Postby Melisandre » Wed May 04, 2016 8:46 pm

I am sure his church could house quite a few they are big enough to covert into good size hostels Rebonk he could pay for their private tuition and private health care to after all the churchs are the most wealthist.
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Coventry City Council takes most Syrian refugees

Postby dutchman » Fri May 27, 2016 3:50 pm

Coventry has taken the highest number of Syrian refugees in the UK, according to Home Office figures.


The city accepted 105 people from October to March under the Government's expanded resettlement programme.

The 71 local authorities in England and Scotland involved in the scheme so far had shown a "tremendous amount of goodwill" the Home Office said.

UKIP MEP James Carver said it put an unfair amount of pressure on services in Coventry compared to other areas.

West Midlands UKIP MEP, James Carver said it was "unfair" for Coventry to take more refugees than other councils.

"If the UK is pledging its humanitarian passion then this should be spread across all the authorities fairly," he said.

"I would bet my bottom dollar that the pressures on things like housing, hospitals, GP waiting times and school classroom sizes will be far greater in Coventry than in Mid Sussex. It's an unfair position to put Coventry in."

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