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Motoring history repeating...

Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:34 pm

When I first moved to Spon End the only cars I ever saw parked here were either Minis (BL Minis that is) or Cortinas.

All these years later and about half the cars are again Minis, only BMW Minis this time.

Which made me wonder, what will replace the Cortina as the other half?

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:12 pm

I'd guess the Ford Focus?

I was having a chat with my daughter yesterday, and I asked her if she knew where her BMW Mini was designed? She was rather taken aback when I told her that the majority of the work was done at the old Triumph factory in Canley. ;)

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:23 pm

rebbonk wrote:I'd guess the Ford Focus?

You might think so but I don't see a single example on the estate!

In fact I don't see a preponderance of any one large family car around here at present.

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:47 pm

I dont know if you have noticed but they have made all cars now to look sporty smaller back and front windows sloping lower roof at the rear the disabled car garage man said this is what people want now. Now people wanting to get a big car go for X Trails also mainly for the weather we are getting they are higher up off the road for flooding....

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:29 pm

With all the potholes, flooding and a Nissan dealer just around the corner I would expect to see more X-Trails around here. One reason I haven't might be that they hold their value quite well whereas large German cars depreciate rapidly so become more affordable after a few years.

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:09 pm

The X-Trail put the fear of God into Land Rover. It was reliable, the masses loved it and I believe the warranty costs were quite small.

I've looked at buying a 4X4 a couple of times, but really can't justify it.

I'll keep my rather large engined German car for now. :lol:

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:11 pm

X trails are a good vehicle a relation of mine has had one for 4 years Japanese they are good in snow and ice as well as the pot holes comfortable on long journeys .

They do 4x4s in them as well Rebbonk but I suppose better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:59 pm

They're shooting a period drama outside my house this afternoon so the car park has been filled with 1970s family cars: three Cortinas, a Dolomite and Corolla GL. No Minis though and The Corolla is the only one with period number plates.

Re: Motoring history repeating...

Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:43 pm

Its nice to know they are shooting the period cars there Dutchman your lucky to have it on your door step .
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