Meet Reggie the cake-loving Peacock who has made a Bedworth neighbourhood his home

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Meet Reggie the cake-loving Peacock who has made a Bedworth neighbourhood his home

Postby dutchman » Sun Jun 12, 2022 12:56 am

The cheeky beautiful bird has become part of the Collycroft community


It's not often you seek peacocks wandering around a neighbourhood - but then not every Peacock is like Reggie. He has made a Bedworth cul-de-sac his home and become a much-loved member of the community in Glenwood Gardens.

So much so, that the residents have literally taken him under their wing. Every day the proud peacock stands looking into householders' windows and stands at their doorways waiting to be fed.

He can also regularly be seen and heard on people's roofs with a loud call at dawn and has also made his home in some of their back gardens.

"Reggie is a real character. Every day he visits the houses that feed him peanuts, raisins, seed and his personal favourite - cake" said Sue Brannan, one of the residents. "He usually comes to our house in the morning and the evening, he either looks through our window as if to say 'where's my dinner?' or he sits waiting on the wall.

"He also goes into another neighbour Colin's garden - and he has even walked into his house before. He is a beautiful bird, but he is very cheeky."

But behind his flamboyant celebrity status is a lonely peacock, mourning the loss of his brother, Ronnie.

"They both used to live on the farm near here and just wander around together. But then Ronnie stopped wanting to wander and he now lives somewhere else."

So distraught, Reggie even went missing last year - and was found five miles away in Coventry. They were all in a flap until he was found.


"He misses his brother," Sue said. "Last year he went missing and everyone was worried, so I put a few call outs and we actually found him at an Indian Temple in Coventry.

"We managed to get him back and bring him home."

Since he has been back at the cul-de-sac, he has been pining for a friend.

"He calls out all of the time," she said. "I got to reading about peacocks and found out how lonely they get on their own."


So concerned about their feathered friend that some of the residents have chipped in to buy him a new friend - a peahen - but they need help. They have all of the materials to build Reggie's soon-to-be new friend an enclosure - but lack the expertise to make it.

"The pen is in place, it just needs building up," she said.

A Facebook page was set up especially for Reggie and it has followers from as far away as America. Sue made an appeal on the page for help to build the pen.

"Some guy said he was going to help out, but he let us down," she said. "I have put a few call-outs on there (the Facebook page) but no-one has come forward yet.

"Everything is ready, I have even found a place where we can get a peahen from, we just need help to build the pen so that we can bring them here."

Anyone who can help build the enclosure is being urged to contact the residents via the Reggie the peacock and friends page on Facebook.

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