Sex offender allowed to stay in UK

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Sex offender allowed to stay in UK

Postby dutchman » Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:29 am

Two-thirds of applicants who were refused asylum were not recorded as having left the UK


Home Office asylum decisions are being overturned by more than half of applicants, as Sky News reveals a convicted sex offender was awarded refugee status after a judge ruled he would be at risk of "mob violence" in Afghanistan.

The man, who was convicted of "outraging public decency and exposure" in 2017, was placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register but was given permission to remain in the country.

The evidence of several doctors at his asylum appeal hearings stated that he "continues to act inappropriately towards females".

In June 2020, an immigration tribunal judge agreed with lawyers that his "risky behaviours" would expose him to "ill-treatment" in Afghanistan and awarded him refugee status.

Immigration tribunal courts, where judges can overturn the Home Office, have ruled in favour of asylum seekers 51% of the time since 2021.

And the majority of those who are unsuccessful do not return home, staying in Britain illegally.

On average, more than £34m of legal aid per year has been spent on asylum cases since 2017, according to figures from the Ministry of Justice.

The Sky News investigation comes on the same day a watchdog revealed aid spending on asylum seekers in the UK rose to £4.3bn in 2023.

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact said the figure was driven up by the Home Office paying out £2.5bn on hotel accommodation for the year, saying it had "continuing value for money concerns" over the department's spending.

Analysis of Home Office data by the Migration Observatory shows almost two-thirds, or 55,273 people, who were refused asylum were not recorded as having left the UK in the decade from 2011.

That figure - which represents 61% of all failed asylum seekers - could be even higher as it does not include partners or children.

Home Office minister Laura Farris told Sky News the government wanted to "end this merry-go-round" of illegal arrivals to the UK, and said it was "absolutely right that the public expects that foreign national offenders will be deported when their sentence is concluded".

Meanwhile, Labour's shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper, blasted the "chaos in the asylum system" and "complete lack of enforcement" when someone has committed a serious offence.

She told Sky News it was right the UK gives "sanctuary to those who have fled persecution and conflict", but added that "standards need to be maintained" so those without the right to stay are removed.

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Re: Sex offender allowed to stay in UK

Postby rebbonk » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am

The blue-rinsed, yellow-bellied, lily-livered, liberals have allowed and encouraged this state of affairs. It's a shame I won't be around to see them receiving their 'reward' when they are a minority.
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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