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'Dangerous' Leamington Spa pool shut before refurbishment

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:37 am
by dutchman
Funding to upgrade the paddling pool in Victoria Park has been approved by councillors


A "leaking and dangerous" paddling pool will not open before work to refurbish it takes place in the autumn.

The facility in Victoria Park, Leamington Spa, will include fountains, jets, non-slip surfaces and benches nearby following the upgrade, after funding was approved.

Ongoing maintenance was not sufficient and a "thorough refurbishment" was needed, Warwick District Council said.

It is hoped St Nicholas Park's paddling pool in Warwick will be open in summer.

The Leamington pool would benefit from "improved pool surrounds", with the upgrade creating a "cleaner, safer environment for families to enjoy", the council said.

Issues with the facility were "so significant" that preparation work "needs to start now to ensure that the new pool will be ready to use next year", it added.

It was hoped the St Nicholas Park pool would "remain open this summer subject to remedial works and safety checks".

The council's cabinet asked officers to bring forward plans for upgrading it and to seek external funding to help pay for the renovation.

Portfolio holder for neighbourhood Will Roberts said each year the authority "carries out repairs and maintenance" to keep the paddling pools safe and avoid "having to close them for long periods".

But over the years repairs had become "more substantial and costly", he added.

"We have now reached a point where ongoing maintenance is not sufficient, and both paddling pools now require a thorough refurbishment and upgrade."
