Huge new double yellow lines plans approved across Coventry

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Huge new double yellow lines plans approved across Coventry

Postby dutchman » Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:58 pm

A raft of new double yellow lines are to be installed on residential streets in Coventry – but not everyone is happy with the changes


Coventry council’s cabinet member for city services Cllr Pat Hetherton agreed to implement the measures at a meeting on Monday, August 12.

Measures have been made in response to road safety concerns raised by residents. Those concerns include poor visibility on junctions due to “dangerous” parking, and parents causing problems by dropping off children outside schools.

But whilst some gained support, 18 of the 20 proposals led to objections, with the council forced to alter some or withdraw others altogether.

The most controversial proposal saw 12 objections lodged against plans for double yellow lines on the eastern side of Station Avenue, in Westwood.

The proposal attempted to tackle parking on the street which residents complained caused visibility issues and led to driveways being blocked.

But some residents feared the proposal would shift the problem to the side where double yellow lines had been omitted.

Business owners – backed by the Federation of Small Businesses – also said it would also impact trade by limiting places for customers to park.

Another proposal to introduce yellow lines on the junction of Browns Lane and Lyons Drive in Bablake to improve visibility also led to objections.

One resident claimed it would leave them with nowhere to park, prompting the council to defer a decision on the measures until September.

Other measures include alterations to existing residents’ parking zones and new school time no stopping restrictions.

Agreed changes, which will be installed by the end of September, include:

  1. Double yellow lines at both ends of Beaudesert Road, Whoberley, on the junctions of Broomfield Road and Kensington Road. The council will also review if the existing double yellow lines on Broomfield Road can be reduced to enable parking for residents.
  2. Extension of Cheylesmore East Residents’ Parking Zone to include the whole length of Benedictine Road, Cheylesmore.
  3. Double yellow lines in the Beresford Avenue area of Foleshill, including junctions: Beresford Avenue/Victory Road, Churchill Avenue/Mansel Street, Fisher Road/Kitchener Road, Fisher Road/Churchill Avenue, Fisher Road/Beresford Avenue, Queen Mary’s Road/Durbar Avenue, Queen Marys Road/Mansel Street, Queen Marys Road/Victory Road, Ransom Road/Mansell Street, Victory Road/Curzon Avenue/Ransom Road, Victory Road/Churchill Avenue .
  4. Removal of 24m of double yellow lines at the northern end of Broomfield Road, Whoberley, to increase on-street parking provision.
  5. Installation of school time no stopping restrictions between Monday to Friday, 8am-9.30am and 2.45pm-4.30pm, on existing School Keep Clear marking on Cross Road, Foleshill, outside Edgewick Community Primary School.
  6. Give way markings at the junction of Leyland Road and Dulverton Avenue in Sherbourne. The council will also review proposed double yellow lines if further safety concerns are raised.
  7. Double yellow lines on the junction of Eastbourne Close and Shorncliffe Road, Sherbourne.
  8. Replacing an existing shared use bay on Fleet Street, St Michaels, with a 24-hour taxi-only bay.
  9. Double yellow lines in the Gaveston Road/Westhill Road area of Radford/Sherbourne, including junctions: Westhill Road, Hollyfast Road/Westhill Road, Gaveston ROad/Woodclose Avenue, Gaveston Road/Welgarth Avenue.
  10. Double yellow lines on the junction of Hockley Lane/Lyndhurst Croft, in Woodlands, to be extended 40m into Lyndhurst Croft. The council will consider extending the double yellow lines to cover the whole length of Lyndhurst Croft if parking transference occurs.
  11. Double yellow lines on the junction of Barbican Rise and Margeson Close, Wyken.
  12. Double yellow lines on the junctions of Stratford Road, Milton Street, and William Arnold Close in Upper Stoke.
  13. Double yellow lines on the junction of Thornhill Road and Leicester Causeway, Foleshill.
  14. Double yellow lines on the junction of Wilsons Lane and Old Farm Lane in Longford. ‘No Waiting’ sights from Monday to Friday 8am-6pm from the junction to the existing double yellow lines will be installed. The council will add a request for an extension of the existing double yellow lines to its next review.
  15. Double yellow lines on the junction of Princethorpe Way and Woodhouse Close, in Binley and Willenhall, extending 70m into Woodhouse Close.
  16. Double yellow lines at both ends of Beaudesert Road, in Earlsdon, and a reduction of double yellow lines on Westwood Road.
  17. Double yellow lines on junction of Marie Brock Close and Tile Hill Lane, Westwood.
  18. Double yellow lines on the junction of St Nicholas Street and St Nicholas Close in Radford, extending 30m on the southern side of St Nicholas Close.

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Re: Huge new double yellow lines plans approved across Coventry

Postby rebbonk » Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:22 pm

One of those is close to me and is as a direct result of inconsiderate parking by employees of an office block. Sadly, all it will do will be to push the problem further into the nearby housing estates.

The silly thing here is, that there is actually plenty of room to park without any disturbance if said employees used their brains.
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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