Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Sat Dec 01, 2018 1:45 pm

The UK's interests "will be repeatedly and permanently hammered by the EU27 for many years to come"

Anyone thinking anything else has a screw loose. The EU will punish us for as long and as hard as they possibly can: they are sore losers. The only glimmer of hope would be that without the UK's massive financial contribution and steadying hand, the whole corrupt experiment will fall apart.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:21 pm

Funny you should mention a screw loose Rebbonk as in public news replies the past few weeks they have said Treason May has one loose one bloke even quoted from a book people who are diabetics have insanity in their family and Treason May is a diabetic.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:00 pm

Irish Brexit backstop goes on indefinitely, says attorney general


The UK is “indefinitely committed” to the Irish backstop if it comes into force, the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, has told MPs as he explained to them the legal advice he gave the government on the planned Brexit deal.

Answering questions from MPs in what Downing Street said was the first such appearance by an attorney general in the Commons in decades, Cox also said there was no unilateral right for the UK to pull out of the backstop, which would come into force to prevent a hard Irish border if no permanent trade deal was reached.

“Let me make no bones about the Northern Ireland protocol. It will subsist, we are indefinitely committed to it if it came into force,” Cox said. “There is no point in my trying or the government trying to disguise that fact.”

Explaining the basics of the legal advice, released as a document earlier in the day, Cox went through contentious areas such as the continued role of the European court of justice, and the role of the backstop.

On the latter, he said: “There is, therefore, no unilateral right for either party to terminate this arrangement,” prompting one Conservative MP to yell: “So it’s a trap!”

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:13 pm

We are being Royally shafted. May must go, and the sooner the better.

Surely there has been the required number of letters posted from within the Tory party calling for a vote of no confidence? If there hasn't then they really deserve the wrath of the electorate that will be coming their way.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:40 pm

Brexit vote called off by Theresa May after massive opposition from Tory rebels over EU deal

Theresa May has called off the Commons vote on her Brexit deal after huge opposition from her own MPs made a devastating defeat all but inevitable.

The ‘meaningful vote’ was dramatically pulled just minutes after Downing Street insisted it was going ahead – after an apparent cabinet revolt.

Cabinet ministers had been summoned to urgent talks in a conference call, amid pressure from several ministers for the government to pull back from the brink of a crushing defeat.

The pulling of the vote is certain to prompt speculation that Ms May will head back to Brussels immediately, to try to secure better exit terms and win a later Commons vote.

However, more than 100 Tory MPs have spoken out against the deal – pointing to an unwindable task – and both the EU and the UK have insisted the terms of the Irish backstop, in the withdrawal agreement, cannot be rewritten.

Andrea Leadsom, the Commons Leader, announced the prime minister would make an oral statement to MPs this afternoon on the way forward.

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:10 pm

I hope a few more letters of no confidence are being written!

The woman is worse than useless. :fuming:
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:58 pm

Wetherspoons boss says Theresa May could have a job buying peanuts


The boss of the JD Wetherspoon pub chain visited Coventry as part of a UK tour calling for a no-deal Brexit.

Tim Martin made a planned visit to the Flying Standard in Trinity Street to talk to punters about Brexit but also made impromptu visits to two other JD Wetherspoon pubs in the city centre - the Spon Gate and the Earl of Mercia.

The JD Wetherspoon founder has been a vocal Brexiteer and believes Britain would actually benefit from crashing out of the European Union without a deal.

During his Coventry visit Mr Martin joked he would consider giving Prime Minister Theresa May a job for the pub chain as a trainee peanut buyer.

Mr Martin joked that he would consider giving Theresa May a job, but she would have to start at the bottom.

He said: “It would be on a training basis.

“I would start her buying peanuts, then after a year move her on to crisps.”

Asked if had any concerns over the damage a no-deal scenario could cause, Mr Martin said: “I see potential for short-term risks and messing about by people who thought we shouldn’t have left in the first place.”

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby dutchman » Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:01 pm

Theresa May to face vote of no confidence from Tory MPs

UK Prime Minister Theresa May faces a vote of confidence in her leadership later after 48 of her Conservative MPs called for one to be held.

But a defiant Mrs May vowed to contest the vote "with everything I have got".

She warned that a new prime minister would be faced with the choice of "delaying or even stopping Brexit".

A majority of Tory MPs have publicly said they will back the PM in the vote, which runs for two hours from 18:00 GMT, but it is a secret ballot.

A result is expected fairly quickly after the voting finishes.

Mrs May is expected to address a meeting of backbench Conservative MPs just before voting begins - and a party spokesman suggested part of her message would be that the vote was not "about who leads the party into the next election", but about whether now was the right time for a change.

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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby rebbonk » Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:22 pm

...May vowed to contest the vote "with everything I have got"
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Having watched her over the years that isn't going to be much is it? The woman has achieved exactly the square root of f*ck all during her tenure in Parliament.
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Re: Brexiteers tear apart 'sell out' free trade area plan

Postby Melisandre » Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:56 pm

What job has she ever been good in none that I know off.

A lot of public news replies say she is holding out so she can sign the UN immigration plan Rebbonk but there is well over the number of signiture s needed already on a petition against this to parliament.
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