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Re: Best Buy opens first US-style store in the UK...

Wed May 05, 2010 8:44 am

martin wrote:I hope Best Buy follow their US model and open an online store. Coventrians are going to have to settle for e-commerce instead of real-commerce, just as we have for Waitrose (thanks to Ocado).

Martin - I'm sure they'll open an on-line store in time - they won't pass up an opportunity like that.
Thankfully we have a Waitrose just opened and it's my nearest supermarket.

StevieG wrote:Pollyanna, never a truer statement , as this country is getting more like the USA ie watch when you are going through the checkout in a supermarket, how much plastic is used by customers :?: :?:
Talking to a bus driver in L'Pool and he said , that if he had not got credit cards, he would not be able furnish the basics for the family as the wages he gets is a pittance :shock:

Stevie - this is where people go wrong - although earning a pittance - he still has a credit card - they're much too freely available - and a lump of his wages is probably going to pay them off. Debit cards are OK as that's the same as cash. C/Cards are ok if used sensibly.
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