Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby Melisandre » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:55 pm

Our thoughts exactly Rebbonk and make Birmingham our local city while our town goes to the University for the student s which was planned years ago..
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby dutchman » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:10 pm

The council is set to give itself permission to build almost 500 homes on an important piece of green land in the city


Coventry City Council identified a 42-acre site at Browns Lane in Coundon to build 475 homes on as part of its Local Plan - a document which sets out where regeneration can take place in the city in the future.

It says the move will support vital housing growth in the city, and ensure that local people have an appropriate choice of housing as 25 per cent of the homes will be affordable.

As the council plans to sell off the site to a developer, this would also give the authority extra cash to put into its coffers for future financial years.

But Cllr Gary Ridley - leader of the Conservative opposition - says the site is partly within the Coundon Wedge, an attractive stretch of countryside on the north-western outskirts of Coventry.

Cllr Ridley said: "John Mutton, when he became leader back in 2010, said 'We're not going to build on any greenbelt'.

"We've had this pledge from the Labour party time and time again.

"This council is planning a load of homes on this site which will then make money for the council. This is the decision they are making, and they are going to make a fortune despite their promises to residents."

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby Melisandre » Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:08 pm

This is madness keep building for whom I would like to know certainly is nt for us. The UK can't get rid of their nuclea waste now no county will take it then fracking in Lancashire to get more fuel which today was stopped causing a 0.8 earth quake last week they said every house hold will have to placed on a water metre as they can't keep up with demand then the towns and cities can't cope with the amount of traffic complaining about the infrastructure then the other day on the local news was a report on the toxic air we in Coventry are breathing in causing heart attacks and strokes caused by traffic fumes and four doctors surgeries are in the high toxic areas.
They won't be content until they destroy and poisoned the whole habitat of where we live. Or what's next taking under service water to supply us all like other areas are doing around the world and now huge cracks in the earth miles long have developed and is splitting continents Africa for one let alone all the others around the world appearing.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby rebbonk » Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:41 pm

it is madness Melisandre. We can't support/look after what we currently have, to continue increasing our population (by whatever means) is total insanity.

However, if you listen to what the politicians are saying (Rees-Mogg most recently) we are being softened up to let our grip on the green belt go.
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby Melisandre » Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:16 pm

Well I hope Robbonk when illness epidemics that are uncurable and spread like wild fire through out I hope and pray our government councilors etc and their children are the first to be the demise of it. Oh I forgot those in government that order this don't live here do they live most of their time in homes they own in EU countries mainly France. .

They don't learn by history do they. So where will our fresh air come from and where will all the wild life live when they ve turn their habitat into concrete bricks and tarmac ? Seems they have a big plan afoot and keeping it hush hush like really remaining in the EU or they will be taking in vast amounts of others then we will have no say in our country we will be out numbered as is rapidly happening now.

So it OK for the lying scumbags of this city to build on green belt tearing up trees and wooded areas where people enjoy walking and get fresh air yet the same scum bags tell my neighbour and me two trees twice the height of our houses that over hang the gardens from The House of Empowerment the old Salum Church trees that continually through out the year have bits also bees that fall down inside the flowers the branch's that have poisonous thorns off a Black Loctus tree which fall on me and my great grand kids and thousands of sycamore seeds growing in my small garden also all the leaves and birds feaces that fall from them fall on me and my path and washing which also get stuck and tangled in my wheels and all blown in my house if I open a door s or have windows pen but these trees can not be cut down because it on land that is in a conservation area :censored: HYPOCRITS :fuming: :fuming: :fuming:

J. R. Mog has moved his business out of this country into Ireland so he knows what is going to happen.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby dutchman » Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:07 pm

Plans to build nearly 500 houses on green space in Coventry move step closer


PLANS to build nearly 500 houses on green space in Coventry have moved a step closer sparking criticism from opposition councillors.

Coventry City Council rubberstamped initial proposals for 475 homes on the council-owned land next to Browns Lane, Coundon, at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday (October 30).

A final decision will be made at a full council meeting in December.

The council has argued the Brown’s Lane site has not been greenbelt land for over a decade after being allocated for a proposed 40,000 square metre storage and distribution warehouse at the southern end of the former Jaguar Browns Lane site.

Opposition Conservative councillors follow a brownfield first approach to housebuilding in Coventry.

They have long criticised the council’s ‘broken pledge’ to protect all greenbelt and green fields surrounding the city.

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby Melisandre » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:30 pm

Per usual they move the goal posts knowing what plans are ahead.
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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby dutchman » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:22 pm

Why villagers on the outskirts of Coventry oppose plans for nearly 500 houses


An outline planning application for up to 475 houses in rural Coventry will be drawn up by the council despite fierce opposition from residents.

Cabinet agreed to the preparation and submission of an outline planning application for the residential development on land at Browns Lane last week.

The site was used to form part of the green belt and was set aside for a potential Jaguar Land Rover development in 2001, which never materialised.

It was then set aside for development in the Coventry Local Plan last year.

The council says the development would deliver housing needs and provide revenue.

But residents fear Allesley would not cope with the size of the development due to lack of infrastructure, and claim the council is putting "money before residents".

At the meeting, Cllr Ken Taylor said: "We are very much against the development.

"The comments that we are getting back from the local residents and the reality is whether it has the capability for 475 houses.

"I understand this is an outline planning application, but the reality is there is a massive amount of concern and as we go to the planning approval we need to cover the ground as to what we are doing as at the moment people are very concerned."

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby dutchman » Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:52 pm

This is why residents in Allesley are angry about house building

More houses could be built on former green belt land in Coventry - but the proposals have sparked fears over road safety.

Bloor Homes' application to demolish Chestnut and Hawkesmill Nurseries and build a new 81-home development will be heard by the council on Thursday.

A site entrance will be made by demolishing two houses on Browns Lane, Allesley, but this has led to serious concerns over the impact on road safety.

Highways had previously lodged a dozen objections, citing poor visibility due to a nearby 'blind bend', as well as recent fatal accidents near the site - three in five years.

The developer has since agreed to pay Section 106 contributions for a mini roundabout.

But neighbours from the Chestnut and Hawkes Mill Redevelopment Residents Association still hold grave fears.

Danny Conway, committee chairman, said: "What I cannot get my head around is there is a list of issues that have suddenly disappeared just because this money has come up.

"There have been three deaths and that shows that the issue is there.

"As you come out of Burton Close it is on a real bend. Every time you turn left you do it on a bit of a wing and a prayer.

"What we would like is for the issues to be sorted out rather than having it pushed under the carpet with no going back.

"They are throwing money at the problem but it is still going to be a safety problem."

Mr Conway, whose house on Burton Close backs onto the new homes, said residents are also concerned they will be overlooked by the development.

Building on land which was part of the green belt until up 2016 is also a worry.

He added: "In 10 years time this will be forgotten, but then there could be another set of houses and another. Before you know it you're at Birmingham Airport. Where does it stop?"

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Re: Council clears the way for homes to be built on green belt

Postby dutchman » Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:25 pm

Decision made on new homes for former green belt land in Coventry

New homes have been granted approval on former green belt land in Coventry after last-minute haggling with the developer.

Bloor Homes proposed to demolish Chestnut and Hawkesmill Nurseries in Browns Lane, Allesley, and build a new 81-home development.

The item was presented to a planning committee on Thursday.

Concerns included a loss of privacy due to the distance between new houses and existing homes - although the meeting was told this was in line with policies.

Road safety and a £100,000 section 106 scheme for a roundabout at the entrance to the development off Browns Lane was also an issue.

Cllr Glenn Williams said: "That is a small amount of money and in addition nobody has seen the roundabout plans.

"Government guidelines say a roundabout should not be used at the junction of a new development and as a speed reduction method in isolation.

"There have been a number of fatalities on the site and the safety of residents must be a priority."

But a highways officer said while they too were initially concerned, those have now been addressed by the mini roundabout scheme.

Cllrs John McNicholas and Gary Crookes further indicated they would reject the plan as it did not provide spaces for children to play.

Cllr McNicholas said: "Where are they going to play? Climb the trees or go into the pond? We have got an excellent scheme but it does not go far enough."

But this was resolved after a break, with planning officer Mary-Ann Jones stating an agreement had been reached with Bloor Homes to provide an "informal play area".

The scheme, which develops on land formerly part of Coventry's green belt until 2016, was given unanimous approval.

But Cllr Williams said after the meeting: "I found it bizarre and concerning that developers could have a private meeting with planning officers during a short break, whilst still discussing the item.

"The residents think this looks awful and I have questioned it with the head of legal."

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