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Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:11 pm

rebbonk wrote:They haven't got a bl**dy clue, they're making it up as they go along. In the words of Terry Thomas, they're a right shower.

I agree Rebbonk it all about control. The joke on the net is its like taking your condom 4 months after to the baby shower.

Its already started a girl went to buy herself a birthday ring in a Coventry jewlers she was told she had to wear a mask to be served.

Today we went to Tesco cafe for a cuppa we were asked for our name and number least we cant get served for trace and tracking I asked whats this the ges..po or the Spanish inquisition turned about and left and we shall be boycotting any shop that does this also any shop that refuses to take cash and where your made to use antibacterial spray which kills your immune system our way of fightiing for our freedom like we had prior to this b/s

It looks like its going the way of Japan eg if you brake a rule on their trains or station etc your banned for life so you cant then get to work a cashless society plus the credit rating they will have complete control over life if you make a boo boo they will be able to stop you getting any thing even your money licence to drive any thing .

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:00 pm

I don't know about 'cashless society' but Britain is well on the way to becoming a 'jobless society'!

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:03 pm

Thought the same my self Dutchman especially when they said we will have to wear masks in shops because Scotland is doing it . It seems they want to distroy jobs yet nothing about wearing them in pubs barbers hair dressers etc so why shops after all this time it just does nt make sense .

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:11 pm

Hardly any customers wearing a face mask in Morrisons today and not a single member of staff.

Most the staff were hanging around in groups chatting among themselves and blocking customers from passing safely. :fuming:

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:43 pm

Mentioning pubs...

Since it's been allowed I've been back in. I've not been asked for any I/D, although I accept that I'm known and can be contacted if the need arises.

But what worries me is that the level of trade I'm seeing is nowhere near enough to sustain the business. I really fear for the pub trade. Of course, political parties of all colour would like to stop people from gathering and putting their actions under the spotlight! All part of a masterplan? :tinfoilhat:

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:40 pm

dutchman wrote:Hardly any customers wearing a face mask in Morrisons today and not a single member of staff.

Most the staff were hanging around in groups chatting among themselves and blocking customers from passing safely. :fuming:

Its only customers that have to wear face masks Dutchman not the staff.

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:43 pm

You'd think they'd lead by example? :roll:

I've had them speaking right into my face and shouting across me to colleagues some distance away. :fuming:

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:46 am

dutchman wrote:You'd think they'd lead by example? :roll:

I've had them speaking right into my face and shouting across me to colleagues some ..distance away. :fuming:

I would of thought so too as they mix with others out side their work.

Same here Dutchman . I just wonder has the government got a deal to sell so many masks as I dont understand why this is only in shops not pubs restaurants which also sell food etc this does nt sit right in my opinion.. Like every one else is saying its a control thing likely from the WHO.

The WHO I dont trust as the head man has nt any medical qualifications what so ever.
On a USA tv program Somethong is killing me a nurse collapsed also the specialist contacted the WHO describing her symptoms they said she was just being erratic . The specialist knew it was more so tests were done and it revealed she had a rare disease which was killing her.

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:04 pm

There are so many disjointed acts going on. The left hand really doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing.

Like you Melisandre, I'm no fan of WHO.

Re: Face coverings to become compulsory on public transport...

Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:40 pm

rebbonk wrote:There are so many disjointed acts going on. The left hand really doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing.

Like you Melisandre, I'm no fan of WHO.

"The left hand realky does n't know what the right hand is doing"
To right Rebbonk seems it must be a disease as it runs from local councils right up to the top of government.

Like the rest I feel they the WHO are corrupt just after the big money for doing nothing like other crooked organisations that have been found out.
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