Civil Service full of trans activists sabotaged my leadership, claims Liz Truss

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Civil Service full of trans activists sabotaged my leadership, claims Liz Truss

Postby dutchman » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:18 am

Former PM appears at conservative conference in Washington and tells Republicans she faced ‘huge establishment backlash’


Liz Truss blamed the “administrative state” for sabotaging her premiership as she appeared at a major US political conference that will be headlined by Donald Trump.

The former prime minister said she had faced a “huge establishment backlash” during her short tenure, particularly “from the state itself”.

She singled out the Civil Service, claiming that “trans activists” and “environmental extremists” were filling its ranks.

Ms Truss flew to the Washington suburbs to speak alongside Mr Trump, Nigel Farage and prominent elected Republicans at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual jamboree of grassroots conservatives.

She joined Mr Farage and Steve Bannon, Mr Trump’s former chief White House strategist, on a panel on Wednesday to mark the opening night of the conference.

The four-day event features a host of Trump allies who have railed against what they term the “deep state” – career government staffers whom they suspect of attempting to thwart their agenda.

Mr Bannon predicted that a second term for Mr Trump would herald “a war to the knife” with whole swathes of Washington’s federal government.

However, the conservative firebrand said the ex-president’s allies were better prepared this time around and had already identified 3,000 potential political appointees who would be ready to step into government roles “immediately”.

Ms Truss picked up on the theme in her remarks on Wednesday night, arguing that in Britain, quangos “run everything”. She was forced to explain the term “a quasi non-governmental organisation” meant to the room of bemused Americans.

She said: “In America you call it the administrative state or the deep state – well, we have more than 500 of these quangos in Britain, and they run everything.

“We’ve got the Environment Agency, we’ve got the Office of Budget Responsibility, we’ve got the Bank of England, we’ve got the Judicial Appointments Commission.”

She went on to say that “we have a major problem with our administrative bureaucracy, and I think it’s got a lot worse”.

Ms Truss added: “Now people are joining the Civil Service who are essentially activists, they might be trans activists, they might be environmental extremists, but they are now having a voice within the Civil Service in a way I don’t think was true 30 or 40 years ago, so we just have a wholly new problem.”

Ahead of her arrival in the US, she wrote an op-ed for Fox News in which she also took a swipe at Joe Biden, warning that American values were “being undermined” by Left-wing ideas propagated “in the Biden White House”.

Ms Truss was hailed as a “new Margaret Thatcher” by KT McFarland, the CPAC panel moderator and Mr Trump’s former deputy national security adviser.

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Re: Civil Service full of trans activists sabotaged my leadership, claims Liz Truss

Postby rebbonk » Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:03 am

The woman is deranged. She failed because of her own stupidity.

Accept responsibility for your own actions, Truss! :fuming: :fuming: :fuming:
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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