Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

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Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:30 pm

The victim's son has also been reported as missing


The body of a woman has been found in her flat in Coventry, sparking a murder investigation.

Police have today confirmed that Julie Williams, 58, was found dead at her flat at Emily Smith House in Riley Square, Bell Green, yesterday (Sunday, October 25).

Officers from West Midlands Police are also keen to find her son, David Williams, who is missing. Mr Williams, who lived with his mother, is being treated as a missing person, and is not a suspect in his mother’s death.

Police are however trying to work out if there is any connection between Ms William's death and the disappearance.

Ms William's body was found shortly before 11pm after concerns were raised for her welfare.

At this time the cause of her death is not yet known, with a post-mortem examination set to take place tomorrow (October 27).

Mr Williams was last seen on Tuesday, October 20.

He was reported missing to police on Saturday evening (October 24).

Det Insp Jim Mahon, from West Midlands Police 's Homicide team, said: “We’re still trying to establish exactly what happened to Julie, and are working to understand if her son’s disappearance is in any way linked to her murder.

“We’d ask for anyone who has seen Mr Williams over the last week, or who saw anything suspicious at around Emily Smith House in recent days, to get in touch.”

Police can be contact via Live Chat at, or via 101.

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:40 pm

Manhunt launched for double killer as second body found in Coventry


Police have launched a double murder investigation after the body of a man believed missing after his mother was found dead has been discovered in a Coventry flat.

Julie Williams, 58, was found dead at her flat in Emily Smith House in Riley Square, Bell Green on Sunday, October 25.

Yesterday, police launched an appeal to find her son David Williams, who was reported missing. As reported, West Midlands Police said his disappearance was being treated as a missing person enquiry and that he was not a suspect in his mother’s death.

Last night, Monday, October 26, the body of Mr Williams, 32, was found in a flat in Riley Square, Coventry.

Police are now urgently trying to trace a man called Anthony Russell who they believe is responsible for the killings.

Russell, 28, is of no fixed abode but has links to Coventry.

It is thought he might have travelled to the south of the country, possibly to Plymouth, Devon or Cornwall.

Anyone who sees him is urged not to approach but to call police immediately on 999 as he is considered dangerous.

The cause of death of both Mrs and Mr Williams is yet to be established and post-mortems are due to take place.

A man aged 36 has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder and is currently in police custody.

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:58 pm

Third body found as Coventry murder investigation intensifies


Police hunting for a double murder suspect are now investigating the discovery of a third body.

A woman’s body was discovered on Newbold Comyn near Leamington Spa at around noon today (Thursday) and West Midlands Police says it has information which suggests Anthony Russell may be connected to the death.

Russell, 38, has been named as the prime suspect in the killings of a mother and son in Bell Green, Coventry, earlier this week and are desperately searching for him.

David Williams was last seen on Tuesday, October 20, and was reported as missing on Saturday evening (October 24).

His mother, Julie Williams, was found dead at her flat at Emily Smith House, in Riley Square, just before 11pm on Sunday, October 25, after concerns were raised for the 58-year-old's welfare.

And then around 24 hours later, police revealed the body of David, 32, had been found at a different flat in Riley Square at around 11.30pm on Monday, October 26.

The causes of their deaths are yet to be established and post-mortem examinations are due to take place.

Police say the exact circumstances around the death of the woman in Warwickshire are also still to be established. However the force said they had information connecting him to the death and were working to establish the link.

Assistant Chief Constable Jayne Meir said: “I can’t stress enough how important it is that we find and arrest Russell, and we really need the public’s help to do that.

“Anyone who knows where he is or sees him should not approach him, but call 999 immediately.

“We know he sometimes sleeps rough and is a drug user.

“It’s early in the investigation, but we have information to suggest that Russell may be linked to the death of the woman found near Leamington today.

“We are working hard to identify her and to find and arrest Russell.”

A 36-year-old man who was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder as part of the ongoing investigation has since been released on bail.

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Leamington man in his 70s attacked by doorstep robber...

Postby dutchman » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:51 am

Victim in his 70s attacked by doorstep robber

Warwickshire Police is appealing for information following the robbery yesterday (Wednesday) in which the victim’s car and wallet was stolen.

At around 2pm, a man knocked on the door of a property on Kelvin Road and asked the resident – who is in his 70s – for directions.

The resident started writing directions down when he was attacked and made to hand over his wallet and car keys.

The suspect fled in the victim’s car – a red Ford C Max. The car is believed to have a registration plate of BL15 OEO.

The victim was left with serious head and face injuries, and was taken to hospital by ambulance. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Police describe the suspect as a white man, around between 20 and 30-years-old, of a slim build.

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:09 pm

Anthony Russell: Coventry murder suspect arrested

A murder suspect who was wanted in connection with three deaths has been arrested.

Anthony Russell, 38, was being sought after a mother and son were killed in Coventry and a woman was found dead on grassland in Leamington Spa.

Julie, 58, and David Williams, 32, were found at separate flats in the city on consecutive days earlier in the week.

The third victim, 31-year-old Nichola McGregor from Leamington, was found on Thursday.

Mr Russell was found in a car parked in Staffordshire at about 04:00 GMT, West Midlands Police said.

The red Ford C-Max car, which police said was stolen in a "car-jacking" in Leamington on Wednesday, was found in a lane in the village of Rolleston-on-Dove, near Burton upon Trent.

Mr Russell is also being held on suspicion of stealing the car.

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:47 am

Anthony Russell charged with Coventry and Leamington murders

A man wanted in connection with the deaths of three people has been charged with murder.

Julie Williams, 58, and her son David, 32, were found at separate flats in Coventry on consecutive days.

The body of Nicole McGregor, 31, was later discovered in woodland in Newbold Comyn, Leamington Spa.

Anthony Russell, 38, of Riley Square, Coventry, was arrested in Staffordshire on Friday and will appear before magistrates in Birmingham on Sunday.

He is further charged with offences related to an alleged car-jacking and a wounding which took place in Leamington on Wednesday, West Midlands Police said.

Post-mortem examinations for the three people were inconclusive, the force said, and further tests would be carried out.

The family of Ms McGregor said: "We wish to thank people for their well wishes. Nicole will be greatly missed. We request to be left alone to grieve at this difficult time."

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:59 pm

Murderer Anthony Russell to face retrial over rape charge


The jury has been discharged in the case of triple murderer Anthony Russell who is accused of raping his final victim and will now face a retrial next month.

Anthony Russell, 39, admitted murdering three people over six days in a 'campaign of crime' in October 2020, but denied raping Nicole McGregor, whose body was found in woodland near Leamington Spa.

Russell pleaded guilty to the murders of Miss McGregor, as well as mother and son Julie Williams and David Williams at two flats in Coventry.

Miss McGregor was found in woodland near the River Leam on October 29, 2020.

He pleaded guilty to her murder as well as the the murders of 58-year-old Julie Williams and her son, David Williams, 32, at separate flats in Bell Green on October 25 and October 21, 2020, respectively.

The jurors deliberated for six hours at Warwick Crown Court but informed the judge, Mr Justice Mark Wall, they would not be able to reach a verdict.

Russell will now face a retrial on the charge of raping Miss McGregor, which is set to begin at the same court on March 7.

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Re: Murder investigation launched as woman found dead in Bell Green...

Postby dutchman » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:44 pm

Triple killer given whole-life prison sentence


A triple killer who raped a pregnant woman moments before strangling her has been sentenced to a whole-life prison term.

Anthony Russell, 39, murdered Julie Williams, her son David Williams and Nicole McGregor, whose body was found in woodland near Leamington Spa.

Sentencing Russell in his absence, a judge described him as "exceptionally dangerous and manipulative".

He had admitted the murders during a week-long spree in October 2020.

A jury also found him guilty of rape on Thursday after a retrial at Warwick Crown Court.

The court heard he had assaulted Ms McGregor, who was five months pregnant, just hours after she showed him a picture of her baby scan.

Mr Justice Wall told the court whole-life orders were only for "exceptionally serious" cases.

"I have no doubt that this is a case which falls fairly and squarely within the description," he said.

"Each [of the deaths] was the result of a separate murderous act which was sustained and brutal."

"You will remain in custody for the rest or your life and will never be eligible to apply to the parole board for your release."

Sati Ruck, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said while the reasons behind Russell's killing spree may never be known, it was clear "all the attacks were deliberate, cold-hearted and designed to achieve his own ends".

She added Russell's decision to deny raping Ms McGregor, despite "the strength of the circumstantial evidence" against him, had forced her family to "relive the tragic circumstances around her death at trial".

The court heard Russell, described as a "rather sad and pathetic individual" by his own barrister, had refused to attend the sentencing hearing on Friday.

Attempts to get him in a prison van resulted in staff being put in "situations of danger", the court was told.

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