Mum’s fury over ’24/7′ parcel distribution centre behind house

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Mum’s fury over ’24/7′ parcel distribution centre behind house

Postby dutchman » Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:38 pm

It has been branded "completely inappropriate"


A Coventry mum says she fears she won't be able to use her garden after the council approved a ’24/7′ parcel distribution centre at the bottom of her garden.

The city council approved plans earlier this year for a warehouse with 25 loading bays at Central City Industrial Estate on Red Lane.

But Cathrine Tickner said the giant 186,692 ft sq unit will be a “nightmare” as it has been passed without restrictions on its operating hours.

Mrs Tickner, 61, whose house on Smith Street overlooks it, said it should have had restrictions of 8am to 6pm like neighbouring builders yards.

She said: “It is going to be a nightmare if you have got 25 loading bays operating 24/7.

“It will have an impact not just at nighttime – you are not going to be able to use the garden.

“I want to be able to sit in the garden, I do not want to have to sit in the house with all the doors and windows shut worrying about what I am breathing in.

“It is completely inappropriate use.”

The site was historically a munitions factory during the war, but Mrs Tickner said it has been vacant in recent years.

She said: “Just to say the noise is within limits or not worse than before when before was 50 years prior, it’s not good enough.

“A lot has changed since when it was a munitions place.”

Officers also said the parcel distribution centre is “unlikely to have any adverse impact” on traffic.

But Mrs Tickner, citing a “busy” roundabout outside the access, added: “That is a load of rubbish. How can it be when they will open 24/7?”

Mrs Tickner said: “I was only told after it was passed that I would not be able to speak on it.

“It was so quick. It should have gone to a public committee. We tried to appeal through planning and was told emphatically no.

“The Ombudsman said the only option is to take it through the courts but we cannot afford that.

“I feel let down by the process. We cannot pack up and go. This is our home.

“It cannot always be about people’s profit, it needs to be about the people too.”

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Re: Mum’s fury over ’24/7′ parcel distribution centre behind house

Postby rebbonk » Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:53 pm

The Ombudsman said the only option is to take it through the courts but we cannot afford that

As many of us know, money can buy 'justice!'
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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