Hundreds of supporters turn out for open day at historic allotments

Hundreds of supporters turn out for open day at historic allotments

Postby dutchman » Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:50 am

Supporters turned out in their hundreds to when the gates were opened at historic allotments in Wellesbourne


More than 330 people attended the National Garden Scheme Open Day at the Kineton Road allotments, which have been earmarked for development.

The day raised money for a number of local charities through plant sales, refreshments and other donations – bringing the total collected by the Wellesbourne Allotment Association to more than £7,000 over the past seven years.

Music from the U3A Rock Choir and duo David and Carole Sampson from St Peter’s Church kept visitors entertained along with the scariest scarecrow competition – won by Sharon Underhill – and an allotment trail.

Leamington mayor Coun Heather Calver planted the first tree on the allotment’s dementia-friendly plot, and pledged her full support to save the site from development.

The seven acre site is owned by Diocese of Coventry and has been used for plots for over 170 years.

Chair Ian Hope said: “This was a fantastic day for the allotment community and for charities. The huge support shown by all those who attended is testament to how central the allotments are to our community.

“We would like to express a huge thank you to all those who attended and to the many local businesses who supported this event. We still have no written proposals from Coventry Diocese about plans that threaten our existence but plotholders remain determined that we should continue to grow on this site for generations to come.”

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