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Longford gardener's tomato plant breaks world record!

Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:16 pm

An avid gardener has had his name officially added to the history books after his incredible tomato plant made him a world record holder.


Surjit Kainth watched in awe as a single seed planted last year in his garden in Foxford Crescent, Longford, grew to massive proportions – and produced more than 1,000 ripe red tomatoes.

Convinced that it could be a world record, Surjit contacted the Guinness World Records offices who sanctioned an official count in the Coventry garden.

It was watched over by Mick Poultney, chair of the Midlands branch of the National Vegetable Society.

The count revealed the plant had yielded a whopping 1,355 tomatoes – thrashing the previous record of 488 from a single plant, held by Graham Tranter from Shropshire.

The official count was filmed and the recording and all the documents were sent to bosses at the Guinness World Records who have now authenticated the record and sent Surjit his official world record certificate.

A beaming Surjit said: “The world record has been long waited for and we were delighted when they confirmed that it was indeed a record.

“The plant itself just grew and grew and it was so big we just couldn’t contain it at times.

“We had a longer summer last year which helped and we were loving and caring with it – it was a full-time job.”

The never-ending supply of tomatoes was put to good use with Surjit handing them out to neighbours and friends, as well as adding a few to homemade recipes in the kitchen.

He is now selling seeds from the record-breaking plant.

Anyone wanting to get their hands on some can email surjit.kainth@hotmail.com


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