Residents asked to maintain floral displays for cash-strapped council

Residents asked to maintain floral displays for cash-strapped council

Postby dutchman » Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:57 pm

The Town Hall says it is an innovative solution to the lack of floral displays across the two towns


Cash-strapped council bosses are asking residents to provide floral displays to brighten up Nuneaton and Bedworth.

Following calls for a better standard of flower beds, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council has turned to its own residents to take charge of flower beds across the two towns.

In what is being billed as an "innovative" solution to the lack of displays, the council is to launch a competition asking community groups, schools and businesses to take over a flower bed and submit proposals for bed and wild flower planting.

Funding will be provided but the groups or individuals will be responsible for the maintenance of the flower beds and planters.

Councillor Ian Lloyd, deputy leader and cabinet member for arts, leisure and economic development at the Town Hall , said: “Residents are calling for more town centre floral displays, but unfortunately there just isn’t the money, so we’ve had to be innovative.

“This competition gives us the opportunity to provide displays with the support of the community. We all want our towns to look beautiful and working together we can make that happen!

“This is a chance for community groups, schools and businesses to get creative and really make a statement during this special anniversary year and as part of the build up to Coventry’s City of Culture celebrations.

“The competition gives school children the opportunity to learn all about wildflowers and the wildlife they support; for community groups and local businesses it is the chance to produce their own floral displays in our town centres.

"I’m sure that allotment associations flower clubs and sporting and resident groups will all be keen to get involved. This is the opportunity for groups to contribute to the beauty of our towns at this very special time of celebration.”

Training will be provided from Glendale , the council's grounds maintenance contractor, and people will take charge of beds and planters from the end of the spring season 2019, with the display and competition taking place in August 2019.

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