The staggering amount of money Coventrians are willing to pay to have their own garden

The staggering amount of money Coventrians are willing to pay to have their own garden

Postby dutchman » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:51 pm

Coventrians are gardening mad, according to a new study


William Blake wrote about it, the Womens' Institute made it their anthem and it appears us Brits are still in love with England’s green and pleasant land because Coventry residents would happily pay a whopping £17,000 for their very own slice of it.

A new survey by garden fence and railing specialists Colourfence has revealed that we just can’t get enough of our gardens.

Interviewing 2,000 men and women up and down the country has revealed that us gardening mad Coventrians would be prepared to pay an average of £17,300 on top of a property value if it had a garden or outdoor space.

City dwelling Londoners hanker for their own outside greenery and are prepared to pay the most for it – a whopping average of £82,700 on top of a property value, far higher than those in the East of England who would hand over the second highest amount of hard-earned cash for some outside space, (£49,600).

With beautiful valleys on their doorstep, the Welsh are least concerned about their own outdoor space and are only willing to part with £13,200.

The survey also found that while one in four of us love our gardens to socialise with friends, we are a nation of self-sufficient foodies too. Over 1 in 10 of us use our gardens to grow our own food, with people from the East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber and the East of England most likely to be found in the vegetable patch.

A keen 12 per cent of Londoners use their own patch of land to grow their own.

Just under one in five of us like to flex our green fingers and garden as a hobby.

The East Midlands are gardening mad and spend on average 4.7 hours a week tending to their rose bushes, closely followed by the East of England, spending 4.5 hours and Londoners spending 4.2 hours to take care of their marigolds.

Those living in Northern Ireland are least bothered about the state of their hydrangeas, reporting that they spend only an average of 1 hour per week tending to their gardens.

So in love with our gardens, it appears we’d rather have one over a spare bedroom too, with well over half (62%) of people revealing they’d rather have the additional outdoor than indoor space.

Graham Bowers from Colourfence says: “It’s no secret the British are mad about their gardens and gardening but just how much our obsession with having our own slice of it is worth to us hasn’t been revealed until now.

"No matter where you live, we can all agree that our gardens give us lots of pleasure whether that’s giving your child or pet the space to run around, living the ‘good life’ or eating al fresco with friends.”

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Re: The staggering amount of money Coventrians are willing to pay to have their own garden

Postby Melisandre » Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:57 pm

I always knew I was mad :lol:

Most gardeners would prefer the garden than their house. I ve even known them down size so their children cant return in exchange for a bigger garden.

Not sure where they got the idea the Welsh not liking their own out door space as there are more Welsh on garden sites than most areas around the country.
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Re: The staggering amount of money Coventrians are willing to pay to have their own garden

Postby FairMay » Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:35 am

I love having a nice garden but its lots of work. In our neighbourhood they seem to like competing with one another who has the best garden, neatly manicured with various colourful plants. My passion for beautiful roses can be expensive trying to keep blackspot at bay and I'm still a novice at keeping them tidy, dead heading them etc.
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Re: The staggering amount of money Coventrians are willing to pay to have their own garden

Postby Melisandre » Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:35 pm

Black Spot Fair May 1 part milk to 10 parts water and spray. Try not to water the leaves when pruning prune in a shape of a bowl to let the air get around them mulching tgrough winter helps to feed blood and bone and banana skin in spring.
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