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Anthea Turner postpones 'Housewife' shows

Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:31 pm

Anthea Turner's spokesperson has denied that the TV star's postponement of her Perfect Housewife theatre tour is down to poor ticket sales.
According to the Daily Mail, the 49-year-old's show at the Preston Charter Theatre, which was scheduled for April, was suffering from lack of interest. The newspaper alleges that only two tickets were sold at the 780-seat theatre. It also claims that only 52 seats had been booked for a show at the 200-capacity Guildhall Theatre in Grantham.

The production was billed as a "fascinating and entertaining evening with TV's Anthea Turner", which promised to reveal "the secrets of being the perfect housewife".

However, Turner's manager Michael Joyce rubbished allegations that a lack of ticket sales was behind the postponement.

"The show has been postponed because Anthea has got involved with a North American TV show and had to fly out at short notice. It was not because of poor ticket sales," he said.

The show's producers Clive Conway Celebrity Productions added: "Unfortunately Anthea had to cancel this live show due to other commitments. I don't have any information regarding rescheduling the event at the moment."

Re: Anthea Turner postpones 'Housewife' shows

Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:56 am

Does any woman honestly want to be the 'perfect housewife' :shock: Is there such a thing even :?: I'm not surprised there was poor ticket sales.

She used to have a tv show on similar lines - and that was a load of old rubbish :roll:

Re: Anthea Turner postpones 'Housewife' shows

Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:06 pm

pollyanna wrote:She used to have a tv show on similar lines - and that was a load of old rubbish :roll:
What, you don't think knowing how to fold sheets the correct way is vitally important Polly? :lol:

I was always a bigger fan of her sister Wendy Turner. Used to watch Pet Rescue every day after getting home. pussy

Re: Anthea Turner postpones 'Housewife' shows

Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:22 pm

dutchman wrote:
pollyanna wrote:She used to have a tv show on similar lines - and that was a load of old rubbish :roll:
What, you don't think knowing how to fold sheets the correct way is vitally important Polly? :lol:

I was always a bigger fan of her sister Wendy Turner. Used to watch Pet Rescue every day after getting home. pussy

Fold sheets :?: I fold them to suit myself - and no other reason :D

I forgot she had a sister - never hear anything of her now :?
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