Mike Ashley's Frasers Group serve stadium eviction notice

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Mike Ashley's Frasers Group serve stadium eviction notice

Postby dutchman » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:14 pm

Coventry City have been issued with an eviction notice by the new owners of the Coventry Building Society Arena


Former Newcastle owner Mike Ashley's Frasers Group took over the stadium last month after buying its three former operating companies.

They say the Championship club has no continuing right to use the ground unless a new licence is agreed.

The club's existing licence runs until 2031, but they say the proposed new one would expire in May 2023.

Frasers do not believe they are bound by the previous agreement with the stadium's former owners, Wasps rugby club, who went into administration on 18 October.

However, Coventry said that discussions with Frasers Group prior to their purchase of the ground led them "to understand the existing terms would continue unchanged".

A club statement said: "Frasers Group have now presented to Coventry City a new agreement with new commercial terms, which have been presented to us without any dialogue or negotiations, and are less favourable to the football club.

"Frasers Group have said they would negotiate for beyond May 2023, but this leaves us without the security and certainty that our current deal provides to us and our fans."

Club officials were informed on Friday they must return keys and access cards and an FA Youth Cup game on Saturday was switched to Leamington Town FC.

Coventry are away to Reading when their Championship campaign resumes on Saturday and their next scheduled home fixture is against Swansea on 17 December.

But they hope Frasers will change tack and agree to let the existing licence remain.

"Following Frasers Group's purchase of the Arena, one of the great assets of the city of Coventry, they stated they were 'looking forward to working with Coventry City Football Club'," the club statement added.

"Coventry City hope that they will act on those words for the good of the Arena, the football club, our fans and the city and community that they are now part of."

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Re: Mike Ashley's Frasers Group serve stadium eviction notice

Postby rebbonk » Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:19 pm

Once again the media are whipping up a storm over nothing. Ashley has simply refused to honour an agreement negotiated by his predecessors. It was a poor deal, negotiated when they were under distress. Frankly, I don't blame him.

A new deal will be struck, and that will be the end of it. - Unless the new owners of CCFC are as stupid as the previous owners!
Of course it'll fit; you just need a bigger hammer.
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