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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:56 am
by rebbonk
A man is walking down a beach, spots a lantern in the sand, picks it up and gives it a rub. Out pops a genie who grants him one wish.

"Ok," says the man, "I want to visit America bit I'm scared of flying and get violently seasick, can you build me a bridge so I can drive there?"

"Don't be ridiculous," says the genie, "do you realise how many millions of tons of steel and concrete that would take, not to mention the hazard to shipping and wildlife. Think of something else."

"Alright" says the man, "can you find me a woman who I can have an intelligent conversation about football with?"

The genie thinks for a second and says
"about this bridge, do you want it two lanes or three?"