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Peppa Pig introduces first ever LGBTQ+ couple

Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:21 pm

The long-running show has introduced a character with two mummies


Peppa Pig has introduced a character with same-sex parents.

The kids show, that has been running since 2004, aired an episode called 'Families' on September 6. In it, Penny Polar Bear drew a picture of her family, explaining she had two mummies.

"I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti," she said.

It's the first time a same-sex couple has appeared on the long-running children's programme, though, back in 2019, a petition was launched for the show to introduce a same-sex parent family. It received more than 23,800 signatures.

"Children watching Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex families will teach them that only families with either a single parent or two parents of different sexes are normal," it read.

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