Ivana gets mosquito net for bedroom

Ivana gets mosquito net for bedroom

Postby dutchman » Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:19 pm

New arrival Ivana Trump has been given a mosquito net to go over her bed.
According to The Sun, Ivana demanded the net from Big Brother producers, claiming that it is to protect her from flies.

But the tabloid claims that the real reason is because she is afraid of appearing on television without her make-up on.

A source is reported as saying: "We told her this is Elstree in January, not the Caribbean.

"She wants some time in the mornings to put her make-up on before she faces the cameras."

As Ivana unpacked her suitcase last night, Vinnie and Dane helped her set up the white net, which drapes over her bed, covering her as she sleeps.

Heidi laughed as the boys tried to make Ivana comfortable.

When the socialite left the bedroom, Vinnie joked to Dane: "You should move [the net] to Heidi's bed."

"Yeah, I'd be like 'Ivana, do you like my net?'" mocked Heidi.

Ivana became the 12th contestant to enter the compound last night, after appearing during the group's variety show performance.
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